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Scaling Jena in a commercial environment The Ingenta MetaStore Project Purpose ● Give an example of a big, commercial app using Jena. ● Share experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Scaling Jena in a commercial environment The Ingenta MetaStore Project Purpose ● Give an example of a big, commercial app using Jena. ● Share experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaling Jena in a commercial environment The Ingenta MetaStore Project Purpose ● Give an example of a big, commercial app using Jena. ● Share experiences and problems

2 What is the metastore? An RDF triple store which is : Holds Ingenta's bibliographic metadata Centralised System Flexible Format Scalable Distributable Easily Integratable

3 Existing Systems 4.3 million Article Headers 8 million References Publishers/Titles Database IngentaConnect Website Preprints 20 million External Holdings Publishers Other Aggregators Article Headers, live system

4 What is the metastore? An RDF triple store which is: Holds Ingenta's bibliographic metadata Centralised System Flexible Format Scalable Distributable Easily Integratable

5 What is the metastore? An RDF triple store which is: Holds Ingenta's bibliographic metadata Centralised System Flexible Format Scalable Distributable Easily Integratable

6 Architecture of new system RDF Triplestore (PostgreSQL) Master Slave XML API (read only) (Jena) Primary Loader (Jena) JMS Queue IngentaConnect Other Clients JMS Queue Other Systems Customer Data Other loaders / enhancers

7 RDFS Modelling – What was the data anyway? Standard Vocabularies Dublin Core PRISM FOAF Custom Vocabularies Identifiers Structure Branding Some stats about schemas 28 Classes 72 Properties 4/18 th from Standard Vocabs


9 Journal XML, with highlights

10 Hosting description XML, with highlights

11 OK, enough about your project, tell me something about Jena! OK.... ● How did we choose an RDF Engine? ● Why did we choose Jena? ● What problems did we have? ● Did we solve any of them? ● How did it scale?

12 How did we choose an RDF Engine? Experimented with Java APIS Jena + PostGreSQL Sesame + PostGreSQL Kowari + native Method of testing

13 Why did we choose Jena Relational Database backend Usability, Support Easy to debug Schemagen Scalablity

14 What problems did we have? 1. Insertion - performance 2. Ontologies – memory 3. Encapsulation – limiting flexibility (most problems due to scale..)

15 The Project - Scale Number of triples = ~200 million and keeps growing Size on disk = 65 Gb Result of loading 4.3 million articles and references Some details of database tables jena_long_lit – ~4.5 million records jena_long_uri - ~0.14 million records

16 Prob 1. Insertion performance * Task - load backdata * What does that actually involve? For each article: –Get metadata from database 1. –Add metadata from database 2. –Reform into new RDFS model –Query the store – look for relevant resources – * Problem * Possible Solutions? - Turn off index rebuild - Turn off duplicate checking - Batching

17 Our solution - Batching * What is batching? * Quantitative effect? * Costs

18 Prob 2. Ontologies – memory problems * Advantages of ontologies for us? * How did we start? * What was the problem? * Solutions?

19 Prob 3. Encapsulation – limiting flexibility * Not really a problem with Jena – an experience * Why are we encapsulating the Jena code? * What is the problem with that? * Solutions?

20 Performance Testing SPARQL Standard query – TITLE TYPE QUERY SELECT ?title ?issue ?article WHERE { ?title rdf:type struct:Journal. ?title dc:identifier. ?issue prism:isPartOf ?title. ?issue prism:volume ?volumeLiteral. ?issue prism:number ?issueLiteral. ?article prism:isPartOf ?issue. ?article prism:startingPage ?firstPageLiteral. FILTER ( ?volumeLiteral = "20" ) FILTER ( ?issueLiteral = "4" ) FILTER ( ?firstPageLiteral = "539" ) }

21 Performance Testing SPARQL SELECT ?title ?issue ?article WHERE { ?title dc:identifier. ?issue prism:isPartOf ?title. ?issue prism:volume ?volumeLiteral. ?issue prism:number ?issueLiteral. ?article prism:isPartOf ?issue. ?article prism:startingPage ?firstPageLiteral. FILTER ( ?volumeLiteral = "20" ) FILTER ( ?issueLiteral = "4" ) FILTER ( ?firstPageLiteral = "539" ) } NO TYPES QUERY

22 Performance Testing SPARQL SELECT ?title ?issue ?article WHERE { ?title dc:identifier. ?issue prism:isPartOf ?title. ?issue prism:volume ?volumeLiteral. ?issue prism:number ?issueLiteral. ?article prism:isPartOf ?issue. ?article prism:startingPage ?firstPageLiteral. FILTER ( ?volumeLiteral = "20" ) FILTER ( ?issueLiteral = "4" ) FILTER ( ?firstPageLiteral = "539" ) } ?title rdf:type struct:Journal. TITLE TYPE QUERY

23 Performance Testing SPARQL SELECT ?title ?issue ?article WHERE { ?title dc:identifier. ?issue prism:isPartOf ?title. ?issue prism:volume ?volumeLiteral. ?issue prism:number ?issueLiteral. ?article prism:isPartOf ?issue. ?article prism:startingPage ?firstPageLiteral. FILTER ( ?volumeLiteral = "20" ) FILTER ( ?issueLiteral = "4" ) FILTER ( ?firstPageLiteral = "539" ) } ?title rdf:type struct:Journal. ?issue rdf:type struct:Issue. ?article rdf:type struct:Article. ALL TYPES QUERY

24 Performance Testing SPARQL Title type only - <1.5 secs for 150 million triples TEST CONDITIONS Jena 2.3 PostgreSQL 7 Debian Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz 6 SCSI Drives 4G RAM

25 Where are we now with the project? Recent Work * Loaded 4.3 million through batching process, ongoing in place * Non-journal content modelled * REST API Current Work * Replication * SPARQL merging * Phase out batching and use queues instead

26 Conclusions With a very large triple store: * Loading performance is a challenge * Inferencing is a challenge * SPARQL queries need TLC * Jena scales to 200 million triples * Jena is a good choice for a commercial triplestore

27 The End

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