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Note key, please leave in binder. Our Sun

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1 Note key, please leave in binder. Our Sun
1/24/11 Understanding Stars Our Sun Shooting stars movie opener.

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1/24/11 Our Sun What is the structure of our sun? What makes the sun shine? How do we know? What tools do we use to study our nearest star?

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1/24/11 What tools do we use? Refracting telescopes- light passes through a lens to the eye Good clarity, good power, good magnification, High quality lenses needed, chromatic aberration Reflecting telescopes- uses a mirror to focus light Good clarity, good power, good magnification, glass not as high quality Secondary mirror blocks some light Radio Telescopes-focus incoming radio waves on an antenna, can be arranged in arrays X-Ray telescopes- detect incoming X-rays, space telescopes, focus on learning about black holes Gamma Ray telescopes - space telescopes to study visible light and gamma rays. And others. . .

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1/24/11 How do we know? Spectroscopy - the study of the properties of light Detailed study of this in physics Depends on the wavelength Think a rainbow = continuous spectrum

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1/24/11 How do we know? Absorption spectrum - when light is passed through cool gas under low pressure the gas will absorb some light and leave dark bands on the spectrum.

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1/24/11 How do we know? Emission Spectrum - when light is passed through HOT gas under low pressure the gas will emit some light and these appear as bright bands on a dark spectrum. These act as finger prints to stars and tell us the chemical composition of stars.

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1/24/11 Structure of the Sun Photosphere = visible surface Interior Atmospheric layers (2) Chromosphere Corona

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1/24/11 Photosphere Visible surface of the sun Appears to have a grainy texture. Called granules size of TX last min Due to convection within the sun Composed of 90% hydrogen, and <10% helium.

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1/24/11 Sunspots Dark areas on surface (photosphere) Dark due to lower temperature Show sun activity and rotation of sun More spots = higher solar activity, 11 year cycle

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1/24/11 Chromosphere Layer of atmosphere, thin (few thousand km) Visible during an eclipse Magnetic field evidence of the sun present in this layer. Dark webbed lines = magnetic fields Image courtesy University of Michigan

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1/24/11 Prominences Arches or loops of chromospheric gases Extend into corona Ionized gases that are trapped by magnetic fields. Show areas of intense activity

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1/24/11 Corona Outermost portion of solar atmosphere Origin of solar wind, aka space weather Energy travels at speeds up to 800km/sec. Solar flares Image by SOHO

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1/24/11 Solar Flares Explosive solar events Release enormous amounts of energy in form of UV, radio, and X-rays Cause an increase in intensity of solar wind due to atomic particles that are ejected

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1/24/11 NASA SDO example SDO = Solar Dynamics Observatory; Recorded in extreme UV range (gives purple/green color); X-class flares are big; they are major events that can trigger planet-wide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms. M-class flares are medium-sized; they can cause brief radio blackouts that affect Earth's polar regions. Minor radiation storms sometimes follow an M-class flare. Compared to X- and M-class events, C-class flares are small with few noticeable consequences here on Earth. SDO = Solar Dynamics Observatory M5.6 class solar flare (Almost X class) 7/2/2012

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1/24/11 Why does the sun shine? Nuclear fusion (opposite of fission) in the interior or core. Stars use nuclear fusion to combine light/low mass elements into heavier/higher mass elements. Matter is converted to energy 4 hydrogen combine to form one helium. One proton in each hydrogen atom, atomic mass = atomic mass units One helium atom, atomic mass = atomic mass units

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1/24/11 Why does the sun shine? Stars use nuclear fusion to combine light/low mass elements into heavier/higher mass elements. Results in a small loss of mass as the mass is converted into energy Difference in atomic masses = atomic mass units. Energy! E = mc2

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