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Monitoring Aid for Trade U.S. and USAID Experience Bhavani Pathak Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade Bureau.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Aid for Trade U.S. and USAID Experience Bhavani Pathak Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade Bureau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Aid for Trade U.S. and USAID Experience Bhavani Pathak Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade Bureau

2 Progression of US Aid For Trade Historic: Targeted annual survey Recent changes: Reorganization of U.S. foreign assistance

3 Framework for Monitoring Aid for Trade Programs Foreign Assistance Framework – key features –Comprehensive framework –Partner demands incorporated –Trade Capacity Building Direct Indirect

4 Evaluation of Trade Capacity Building Programs Challenges: Umbrella of programs – trade capacity building, physical infrastructure, improved communications networks, improved energy services Developing effective and efficient ways to look across range of program activities

5 Evaluation of Trade Capacity Building Programs Phase I: Opening Analysis Phase II: Collect Additional Project Information Phase III: Focused Data Collection on Evaluation Questions Phase IV: Selected Field Visits Phase V: Report Writing and Vetting

6 Lessons Learned From Our Experience Shared effort of donors and partners critical for success Mainstreaming trade into national development programs Monitoring & Evaluation –joint effort –integrated across range of activities

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