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Principles of Management Core Principles

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1 Principles of Management Core Principles
Business Ethics Principles of Management Core Principles This set of PowerPoint slides is provided as a starting point. It does not contain clip art or anything special. It follows the Instructor’s Notes. It may be more wordy than you prefer. Please modify and use the slides as you find helpful.

2 Individual v. Business Ethics
Each of us has a view of what is right or wrong. A manager takes his/her personal ethics with them in to the organization. That company also has an organizational view of what is right or wrong in terms of the business decisions it makes.

3 Learning Objectives Be able to explain what business ethics is.
Be able to recognize an ethical problem. Be able to identify the stakeholders impacted by an ethical problem. Evaluate solutions to the ethical problem using the different ethical philosophies. Make a decision and support your decision explaining the impact on different stakeholders. Identify steps for preventing the ethical problem from occurring again.

4 Defining Business Ethics
Ethics Generally (definitions) Focus on what is right and wrong Inquiry into morality Standards governing how we behave Business Ethics Comprises moral principles and standards that guide behavior in business situations What is right and wrong in a business setting?

5 Ethical Decision Making
How a manager handles the situation depends on: Person Individual Characteristics Personal ethics Stage of Moral Development Organization Culture Values What is rewarded/punished Dilemma Itself Importance to person Importance to organization Importance to society Company ABC Ethical Dilemma Is perceived Manager Smith

6 Role of Stakeholders Stakeholders are people who have a stake or interest in the success of the organization. Examples of Stakeholders: Employees, customers, investors, suppliers, the community Also may include competitors, government, media, interest groups Stakeholders may have different views on whether a company’s actions are right or wrong. Difficult to satisfy the goals and needs of all stakeholders but managers should consider them prior to making decisions. Ethical Dilemma - When stakeholder needs and goals are in conflict and the manager must make a decision

7 Utilitarianism Philosophers John Stuart Mill ( ) and Jeremy Bentham ( ) Good consequences for society Decision maker seeks alternative actions and evaluates the costs/benefits of each action on all persons in the foreseeable future The right decision is the one that provides the greatest total benefit Critics say can’t consider all alternatives and ignoring individual rights and justice

8 Deontology (Rights View)
Philosopher Immanual Kant ( ) Decision maker must focus on the individual rights of people impacted by the decision It also focuses on how people are treated in the decision making process Equal respect must be given to all persons Some decisions are wrong regardless of the social utility that may result Critics argue that this theory fails to take what is best for society into account.

9 Ethical Decision Making
There are different moral philosophies to guide decision making These are lenses through which a person looks at a situation for guidance of what is right or wrong Often the decision will be the same, but different reasoning is used to get to that decision -- but that is not always the case. Two Most Common Moral Philosophies Utilitarianism (greatest good for the most people) Deontology (Rights View)

10 Which Business Decision is Ethical?
Evaluate the decision through the lenses of the utilitarian view as well as the deontological view Also consider – TV Rule Professional Ethics Virtue Ethics

11 Legal v. Ethical What is legal is ethical? What is ethical is legal?
What is illegal is unethical? What is unethical is illegal?

12 Making Ethics Part of Day-to-Day Operations
Build an ethical culture Mission and values of organization must support ethical culture Managers must lead by example and walk the walk Train, expect, reward ethical behavior Make ethics a job qualification Develop ethical policies and codes of behavior Monitor and control activities to encourage ethical behavior Hold regular ethical audits Designate staff and resources to foster and support the ethical culture

13 Keys to Effective Ethics Training
Teach employees how to identify the ethical dimensions of a decision Help employees understand the ambiguity involved when making ethical decisions Give employees the tools and authority to address ethical issues Make employees aware that their individual actions form the ethical behavior of the company Make managers and support available to assist in ethical conflict resolution Eliminate the belief that unethical behavior is ever justified

14 Code of Ethics Code of Ethics is a set of formal statements of what an organization expects as “right” business behavior May be found within a Business Code of Conduct Code of Ethics may contain values such as: Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship

15 Office of Social Responsibility & Ethics
Separate office and personnel Manage organization’s ethics and legal compliance programs Dedicated to fostering ethical behavior Usually does not report directly to the board of directors May hire outside support or hire within

16 Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility is a type of ethics It addresses to what degree a company views its obligation to the community or society. Traditionally, business was believed to only be responsible to its owners and shareholders, and its primary goal was to make a profit. Some businesses take a broader view that their purpose is also to have a positive impact on society. Most businesses fall somewhere in between the extremes and have some component of their business that tries to make the community or world a better place.

17 Examples of Social Responsibility
Green Management or recycling programs Support for community programs Contributions to local schools Programs to encourage healthy lifestyle Researching for alternative fuels Commit to reduce pollution or construct “eco-friendly” buildings Provide aid or supplies in times of disasters

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