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Frequency and predictors of consistent condom use in HIV/AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Western Ethiopia Zewdneh Shewamene Sabe (B.Pharm,

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Presentation on theme: "Frequency and predictors of consistent condom use in HIV/AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Western Ethiopia Zewdneh Shewamene Sabe (B.Pharm,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frequency and predictors of consistent condom use in HIV/AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Western Ethiopia Zewdneh Shewamene Sabe (B.Pharm, MSc) College of Medicine and Health Sciences University of Gondar, Ethiopia November 26, 2014

2 Outline  Introduction  Objectives  Materials and methods  Results and Discussion  Conclusion 2

3 Introduction o HIV/AIDS is one of the greatest public health problems of sub-Saharan Africa countries o Consistent condom use among others remains the most effective barrier method against HIV transmission 3

4 Introduction…  Rationale of the study o So far, facilitators and barriers to consistent condom use among the public has been addressed o However, frequency and predictors of consistent condom use in HIV/AIDS patients was not studied adequately o This scenario deserved to be investigated 4

5 Objectives o To investigate the frequency and predictors of consistent condom use in HIV/AIDS patients 5

6 Materials and Methods  Study setting and design o The study was conducted at university of Gondar referral Hospital anti-retroviral treatment (ART) clinic o A total of 330 randomly selected patients were interviewed using structured interview guide o Cross sectional study design was adapted from April to May, 2013 6

7 Materials and Methods…  Statistical analysis and ethical issues o The data were coded, entered, cleaned, and analyzed using SPSS Statistics, version 20 for Windows o Descriptive statistics were conducted using frequencies and proportions o Bivariate and multivariate analyses were carried out using logistic regression to examine associations 7

8 Result and Discussion VariablesFrequency (No = 317)Percent (%) SexMale15849.8 Female15950.2 Age(years)18-3010533.1 31-4514846.7 46-655015.8 >65144.4 ReligionOrthodox21266.9 Muslim8225.9 Protestant237.2 Marital statusMarried14044.2 Single6721.1 Divorced5718.0 Widowed5316.7 Residence Urban23473.8 Rural8326.2 Educational statusPrimary school10533.1 Secondary school11837.3 Higher education4012.6 Illiterate5417.0 8 Table 1: Socio-demographic Characteristics

9 Result... 9 Table 2: General awareness regarding condom use VariablesFrequency (n=317) Percentage (%) Have u ever heard of condom?Yes30596.2 No123.8 Have you ever attend any condom session?Yes18257.4 No13542.6 Correct use of condom will prevent HIV/AIDS transmission? Yes27586.8 No4213.2 Correct use of condom will prevent STIs?Yes26784.2 No5015.8 Correct use of condom will prevent pregnancy?Yes29593.1 No226.9 The HIV virus cannot pass` through the condomYes23875.1 No7924.9 I always use condom during sex in the last six months yes25078.9 No6721.1

10 Result... 10 Table 3: Facilitators of consistent condom use Variables Consistent condom useBivariate Analysis COR (95% CI) Multivariate analysis AOR (95% CI) P- value Yes No SexMale140(88.6%)18(11.4%)8.38 (4.83-13.99) 1.00 6.87 (3.84-11.22) 1.00 0.001 Female110(69.1%)49(30.9%) Residenti al area Urban188(80.3%)46(19.7%)6.40 (3.44-11.80) 1.00 4.65 (3.09-9.11)0.001 Rural62(74.6%)21(25.4%)1.00 Educatio nal status Primary84(80%)21(20%)1.98 (1.43-2.48) 2.00 (1.43-3.87) 12.38 (7.70-20.84) 1.00 1.45 (1.03-2.23)0.023 Secondary99(83.9%)19(16.1%)1.74 (1.23-2.98)0.011 Higher37(92.5%)3(7.5%)8.98 (5.06-14.45)0.001 Illiterate30(55.6%)24(44.4%)1.00

11 Result... 11  Consistent condom use was reported by 250 (78.9%) participants; 140 (88.6%) males and 110 (69.1%) of females o Men were more exposed for dialogues with friends and colleagues (Yalew et al, 2012) o Females unable to negotiate condom use during sexual intercourse (Kennedy et al 2007) (OR 6.87; 95% CI 3.84-11.22)

12 Result... 12  Participants aged between 31-45 years (OR 1.98; 95%CI 1.51-2.29) were more likely to practice consistent condom use compared to other age groups o Participants at sexually active age were more likely to have better information concerning condom (Dia et al, 2010, Hurtado et al, 2011)

13 Result... 13  Consistent use of condom was significantly different between urban (OR 4.65; 95% CI 3.09-9.11) and rural participants o Information gap would exist between these areas (Dessie et al, 2011)

14 Result... 14  Respondents with an advanced level of education were more likely to report regular use of condoms (OR 8.98; 95% CI 5.06-14.45) compared to those without the education o This result is quite similar with a study in Addis Ababa public hospitals (Dessie et al, 2011) which could possibly be due to behavioral changes acquainted through education

15 Result... 15  Duration since ART initiated was significant predictor of consistent condom use (OR 3.91, 95%CI 2.07-6.25)  This could be due to the more robust counseling among ART experienced patients compared to those who were new for ART

16 Conclusion  Significant portion of the following HIV/AIDS patients were not using condom consistently  Females  Rural dwellers  Uneducated groups and  New ART users  In light of this, increasing awareness about the importance of consistent condom use among HIV/AIDS patients will be critical to reduce the transmission as well as infection by multiple viral strains 16

17 Acknowledgement o University of Gondar o Amref Health Africa 17

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