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Classroom Teachers as Parent Educators Joyce Epstein Johns Hopkins Univ.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Teachers as Parent Educators Joyce Epstein Johns Hopkins Univ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Teachers as Parent Educators Joyce Epstein Johns Hopkins Univ

2 Epstein's Six Types of Parent Involvement Type 1 - Parenting Type 2 - Communicating Type 3 – Volunteering Type 4 - Learning at Home Type 5 - Decision Making Type 6 - Collaborating With The Community

3 Epstein's Type 1 - Parenting: Support families in their role as parents and assist with child-rearing skills. Help parents to understand stages of child and adolescent development. Promote a home environment that supports children at each age and grade level. Help schools to appreciate all families.

4 Type 2 - Communicating: Use effective communication tools to relate school events, policy and student progress, thus strengthen school and home partnerships.

5 Type 3 - Volunteering Develop recruitment and training activities, and provide flexible schedules that engage families as volunteers, and as audiences at school and community events.

6 Type 4 - Learning at Home: Help parents to be involved in learning activities with their children at home, including homework and other related activities.

7 Type 5 - Decision Making: Encourage families to participate in school decisions, and in advocacy through PTA/PTO, school councils, committees, and other parent organizations.

8 Type 6 - Collaborating With The Community: Coordinate resources and services for families, students, and the school with businesses, agencies, and other groups, and provide services to the community.

9 Epstein's Six Types of Parent Involvement Type 1 - Parenting Type 2 - Communicating Type 3 – Volunteering Type 4 - Learning at Home Type 5 - Decision Making Type 6 - Collaborating With The Community

10 Classroom Teachers as Parent Educators

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