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Realities and Challenges of Being a Single Missionary:  A minority in a couples’ world  Missing out the “best” in terms of living in a couple-dominated.

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Presentation on theme: "Realities and Challenges of Being a Single Missionary:  A minority in a couples’ world  Missing out the “best” in terms of living in a couple-dominated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realities and Challenges of Being a Single Missionary:  A minority in a couples’ world  Missing out the “best” in terms of living in a couple-dominated world  More prone to loneliness  Being looked down or undervalued  Doing ministries “alone” most of the time  Insecurities and dangers Going by Myself, But Never Alone

2 Blessings of Being A Single Missionary: 1.Independence/Freedom 2.Undivided Devotion/single-mindedness in service - More time in ministering to people - Fully-attentive, yielded & dependent on the Lord 3. Knowing God in a specially deep way 3.A better chance for self development & in learning new things, skills, abilities (knowing you can’t always depend on others) 4.Opportunities to make lots of friends/ enjoying the joys of friendship 5. No family to worry about or mind 6. Living a fulfilled life (Mark 8:35)

3 Biblical Perspectives on Singleness 1. The Gospels on singleness -Jesus Himself was single - Matt. 19: 10-12 2. People in the Bible who stayed unmarried were mightily used by the Lord: - Paul ( I Cor. 7:1,2,6,-9) - Stephen (Acts 7-8) - John Mark (Acts 15: 36-40) - Timothy (I & !! Timothy)

4 1. COMPLETE in Christ - I Cor. 7: 25-28 Paul’s recommendation - Prov. 18:22 “finds”- to discover along the way” Important to realize : a. you are a complete person right now in the Kingdom of God b. you’ll be able to begin serving Christ – right now Some Biblical Understanding of this special season in your life*

5 2. A gift for SERVICE – an undivided devotion to the Lord -I Cor. 7:32-33 Paul on singleness & marriage. --Living a fulfilled life – Mark 8:35 -Mark 12:41-44 – the widow who gave all her offering to Jesus

6 3. It doesn’t mean REJECTION- -Not a stigma or social disease -A matter of choice: a) If you wanted to be married today, you could be if you have no criteria, no real guideline or no moral standard. Anybody who doesn’t have any standards can get married anytime. b) It isn’t because you’ve failed. It’s could be because you’ve chosen to serve Jesus as your Lord & Savior- a fantastic choice!

7 3. A special opportunity to discover your PURPOSE in Christ. -A time to serve the Lord fully in the purpose He has created for you. -Jer. 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you – set apart; appointed as prophet -Psalm 139: 13-16 - You created my inmost being…. -our talents, abilities, looks, gifts, training & experiences were given by God to fulfill His purpose for our lives

8 4. Being in the ARMY of God As a single adult: - you are a part of a mighty plan, a special tool -A finely crafted instrument, who mobilized by His Spirit, is capable of doing great things for the furtherance of His Kingdom Testimonies:  A single guy in the field  A single lady missionary – - To Date or Not to Date article - Personal Testimony

9 Some Practical Tips: 1.Exercise wisdom & prudence in relating with co-workers & nationals. 2.Good understanding of the culture where you are serving. 3.Go with some trusted friends or with a small group whenever you go out to visit or do ministry. 3.When you need help or being asked to help, tag along a friend or a companion (carpentry work, repairs, driving, etc.) 4.Find an accountability partner/prayer partner in your mission team or from among co-workers you can openly share & pray with. 5.Seek some friends you can socialize with. 6.Bring with you some favorite music or movies to watch in a drive or CD, books to read, a musical instrument to play and/or some table games to play with others. 7.Dependence on God at all times through Bible reading, time of devotion, prayer & journaling.

10  What do you see are the benefits or blessings of singleness as you go by yourself to the field? Make a list of these benefits & blessings & share with the group.  On another paper or at the back, write down what you think are the dangers, temptations & challenges you perceive you will encounter in living a single life while serving cross-culturally.  Where & how do you think you find help in times of difficulties & needs? Group Discussion:

11 In your small group, write down on a piece of paper your fears, concerns, heart’s dreams, your needs and what you are praying for in a “missionary mate” if God so wills it. Spend time in silent prayer together. Encouragement/Closing Prayer: Phil. 4:12-13 - contentment Hebrews 13:5b – God is faithful Jer. 29:11 – His plans are good A Silent Time with the Lord:

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