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Metropolitan State College of Denver Metropolitan State College of Denver 2010 Campus Climate Survey Presented by: Richard Boyer Partner, ModernThink LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolitan State College of Denver Metropolitan State College of Denver 2010 Campus Climate Survey Presented by: Richard Boyer Partner, ModernThink LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolitan State College of Denver Metropolitan State College of Denver 2010 Campus Climate Survey Presented by: Richard Boyer Partner, ModernThink LLC June 2, 2010

2 Program Background 2008 – The Chronicle and ModernThink launched Great Colleges program Includes climate survey (faculty and staff) and audit of policies, practices and demographics 89 participants and 45,000+ faculty and staff initially surveyed Findings published annually in The Chronicle’s Academic Workplace Supplement 2009 Participation - 247 institutions 2010 Participation - 274 institutions Metropolitan State College of Denver

3 Surveys as Strategic Tool "It isn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see the problem.“ - G. K. Chesterton Strategic Planning Board Mandate Change in Leadership Accreditation Campus Climate Goals Metropolitan State College of Denver

4 15 Core Survey Dimensions  Policies, Resources & Efficiency – assesses the perceived effectiveness of various systems, policies and infrastructure  Shared Governance – captures information about the perception of inclusion and cooperation as related to shared governance  Professional Development – provides insight into the reported satisfaction with career/professional development opportunities; and for faculty, support for research and clarity of the tenure process  Supervisors/Department Chairs – provides insight into the relationship faculty/employees report with their department chair or supervisor and assesses critical managerial competencies  Senior Leadership – measures the confidence faculty and employees report in the capabilities and credibility of senior leadership; senior leadership was defined as the most senior members of the institution

5 Metropolitan State College of Denver Survey Overview Survey Instrument  60 core Belief Statements  20 Additional Statements  18 Item Benefit Satisfaction component  26 Demographic Questions  4 Open-ended Questions Methodology  Online survey administered February 1 – 17, 2010 Response Rate (All Faculty & Staff): 41%...793/1924 Response Rate (Full-time Staff & Faculty): 63%...651/1041  Audit of institution policies, benefits, practices and demographics Benchmarks  2009 & 2010 Great Colleges Best in Category Benchmark - Enrollment: >10,000 (Large-size Category) Carnegie Classification: Bac/A&S

6 Metropolitan State College of Denver Guidelines for Positive Responses Guideline ScoreDescription 75%+Exceptional 65% - 74%Good – Very Good 55% - 64%Fair 45% - 54%Yellow Flag < 45%Red Flag Response Scale: Strongly Agree; Agree; Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; Not Applicable Positive Response - Strongly Agree & Agree

7 Metropolitan State College of Denver 60All things considered, this is a great place to work.

8 Metropolitan State College of Denver Overarching Themes  On the continuum of workplace quality, today, Metro State is a fair to good place to work.  Faculty and staff report a strong sense of pride in the organization. The commitment to the mission, the impact on students and the positive influence in the community are particular points of pride.  For many, there is a strong sense of community. There are many close relationships and “family-like” camaraderie within many departments.  Faculty and staff are appreciative of the stability of the organization in the current economic climate; the autonomy and flexibility they are afforded; and the support for work/life balance.  On the whole, faculty and staff report good rapport with and respect for their supervisors. “Metro State really is a family of individuals, dedicated to the betterment of our community and students. Although I must say that at times the family seems rather dysfunctional.”

9 Metropolitan State College of Denver Overarching Themes  While employees value the mission of the institution, there are varying degrees of understanding regarding Preeminence and the role/connection of some of the strategic initiatives.  Administration, faculty and staff express a need for improved communications. There is a desire for greater transparency, more inclusive processes and improved cross-functional communication.  Faculty experience of shared governance warrants attention. While there are mechanisms/processes in place to facilitate shared governance, there remains a sense that faculty (and staff) input is not fully considered/heard.  There are concerns regarding fairness, specifically related to consistent/equitable treatment, performance management and compensation.  Many report feeling unappreciated…that their contributions are not valued and that they are not sufficiently recognized/respected.  Faculty and staff report varying degrees of alignment across departments…and varying degrees of skill/effectiveness across different levels of leadership.

10 Metropolitan State College of Denver In their own words… I appreciate the College's mission and its outreach to the community. The College does not seek to only producing outstanding graduates, but it teaches those students, by example, how to go into the community and work to make it a better place. I appreciate the hard working, caring, selfless employees who see working here as the 'service profession' that it is. I appreciate that we are helping students attain goals and that we can have such a profound positive effect on their lives. I enjoy the campus itself. I love the location, and I enjoy perks such as concerts, the library, inexpensive rtd pass, etc. i also very much appreciate my coworkers as I think we work well together and sincerely care about each other's happiness. Despite some of the low scores I gave, I am very happy at my job on a day to day basis. I enjoy the students and my colleagues tremendously.

11 Metropolitan State College of Denver Job Category (Overall % Positive)

12 Metropolitan State College of Denver School (Overall % Positive)

13 Metropolitan State College of Denver Divisions (Overall % Positive)

14 Metropolitan State College of Denver Job Satisfaction Supervisor Relationship Pride Diversity & Community Strengths by Theme “The mission of this institution is completely inline with my personal and professional missions. I believe in Metro and the impact we have on our surrounding communities. We have the ability and responsibility to positively shape what metro Denver is to become by providing access to, and success in, quality educational opportunities for our diverse, urban student.”

15 Metropolitan State College of Denver Job Satisfaction Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 1 My job makes good use of my skills and abilities. 737 2 I am given the responsibility and freedom to do my job. 759 5 I understand how my job contributes to this institution’s mission. 843 25 Overall, my department is a good place to work. 767

16 Metropolitan State College of Denver Supervisor Relationship Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 24 I have a good relationship with my supervisor/department chair. 807 3 My supervisor/department chair makes his/her expectations clear. 6813 15 My supervisor/department chair regularly models this institution’s values. 6811 12 I believe what I am told by my supervisor/department chair. 7011

17 Metropolitan State College of Denver Pride Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 36 I am proud to be part of this institution. 735 49 This institution actively contributes to the community. 773 29 The institution takes reasonable steps to provide a safe and secure environment for the campus. 757 72 The overall appearance of the campus is pleasing. 6611

18 Metropolitan State College of Denver Diversity & Community Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 45 At this institution, people are supportive of their colleagues regardless of their heritage or background. 719 50 This institution places sufficient emphasis on having diverse faculty, administration and staff. 796 54 This institution has clear and effective procedures for dealing with discrimination. 6810 73 This institution makes a genuine effort to involve a diverse group of faculty/staff on college initiatives. 688 74 Overall, I am satisfied with the institution’s efforts to support and encourage the valuing of differences. 679

19 Metropolitan State College of Denver Opportunities by Theme Resources Communication & Collaboration Shared Governance Compensation, Benefits & Recognition Fairness Senior Leadership

20 Metropolitan State College of Denver Resources Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 4 I am provided the resources I need to be effective in my job. 4023 31 The facilities (e.g., classrooms, offices, laboratories) adequately meet my needs. 3534 78 This institution commits appropriate resources to having sufficient technology. 3735 28 My department has adequate faculty/staff to achieve our goals. 2651 77 My workload is reasonable. 4031

21 Metropolitan State College of Denver Communication Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 8 When I offer a new idea, I believe it will be fully considered. 5116 21 In my department, we communicate openly about issues that impact each other’s work. 5718 13 We have opportunities to contribute to important decisions in my department. 5617 14 I can speak up or challenge a traditional way of doing something without fear of harming my career. 4825

22 Metropolitan State College of Denver Communication Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 22 Changes that affect me are discussed prior to being implemented. 4225 43 At this institution, we discuss and debate issues respectfully to get better results. 3720 55 There is regular and open communication among faculty, administration and staff. 3722 26 I can count on people to cooperate across departments. 4317

23 Metropolitan State College of Denver Shared Governance Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 39 Faculty are appropriately involved in decisions related to the education program (e.g., curriculum development, evaluation). 5516 80 The role of staff in shared governance is clearly stated and publicized. 3433 46 Faculty, administration and staff work together to ensure the success of institution programs and initiatives. 5013 “More organization and clarity of institution and departmental policies. Metro would be a better place to work if there was a 'we're in this together' team spirit engendered in staff and faculty. I feel that Metro operates in silos and it can be very, very difficult to accomplish anything across departments (particularly between administrators and faculty).”

24 Metropolitan State College of Denver Compensation, Benefits & Recognition Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 11 I am paid fairly for my work. 3050 65 Individual performance is adequately factored into merit increases. 2350 34 This institution’s benefits meet my needs. 4826 9 I am regularly recognized for my contributions. 4821 “There are days when it really feels like I am a Roadrunner about to become road kill. I know there are some who are trying very hard to prevent layoffs and furloughs. But there are others who seem to underestimate the importance of the work done…”

25 Metropolitan State College of Denver Fairness Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 44 This institution’s policies and practices ensure fair treatment for faculty, administration and staff. 3925 18 Issues of low performance are addressed in my department. 4127 17 Our review process accurately measures my job performance. 3632 64 I can make an official complaint without having to worry about losing my job or harming my career. 4131 “Making sure everyone is treated fairly, no matter what division they work in. Some divisions appear to have more leeway with how things are handled in regards to institutional practices/policies.”

26 Metropolitan State College of Denver Senior Leadership Survey Statement Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Positive %) Metropolitan State College Of Denver (Negative %) 32 Our senior leadership has the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for institutional success. 5514 79 I trust senior leadership enough to follow them, even when I disagree with their decisions. 4820 27 Senior leadership provides a clear direction for this institution’s future. 4624 48 Senior leadership regularly models this institution’s values. 5517 41 Senior leadership communicates openly about important matters. 4820

27 Metropolitan State College of Denver Senior Leadership Seeing senior leadership visit our offices to support our efforts and demonstrate (at our level) that we're appreciated for what we do. If the VPs were required and held accountable for working as a team and setting that example for the entire staff, it would be a much better place to work. Senior level administration has improved. However, chairs and deans have declined in their honesty and inclusion of faculty in decision making. Additionally, the aforementioned leaders do little to provide the message accurately from the top level administrators leaving a feeling of distrust. Many quality people have left the institution over the past two years which should be a concern for the institution. While I am sure many would state that they left for a "better opportunity," the truth is that studies show most people leave supervisors and cultures, not jobs. We need good leadership at the division and department levels now more than ever.

28 Metropolitan State College of Denver On Preeminence… In many cases the College needs to focus on core-competencies to obtain preeminence. It seems that numerous initiatives are continually being added when basic services, such as IT, Human Resources, and the enrollment services are less than adequate. At times it seems we are focused on picking the apple at the very top of the tree instead of focusing on the low-hanging fruit first. Metro State's mission makes the College unique, and by executing this mission to its fullest, we can obtain preeminence. Many of the initiatives the institution is embracing are good ones. However, a systematic implementation seems to be missing. A little more focus on setting the goals, objectives and timelines and communicating them to the institution would get everyone on the same page. Also, given the economic and budget challenges, initiatives need to be prioritized so that departments can appropriately allocate their resources. To be preeminent, we must treat the people who work here as preeminent - pay, benefits, respect. No amount of initiatives will change the way this college is perceived if those people who make up this college are underpaid and overworked. We, the faculty and staff, ARE the face of this institution.

29 Metropolitan State College of Denver Recommendations 1.Communicate a high level summary of the survey results to faculty, staff and appropriate leadership groups. 2.Ensure leaders across the university have the necessary training to provide day- to-day leadership…especially as related to coaching behaviors and creating a culture of appreciation and accountability. 3.Focus on quality communications…with an emphasis on interactive processes and “cross-functional” dialogue. 4.Create opportunities to reinforce confidence in the credibility and alignment of senior leadership…and to create greater alignment across all levels of leadership. 5.Address fairness concerns regarding compensation, performance management processes and consistency/equity. 6.Consider more specifically defining the Metro State “employee value proposition” (employment brand) to better capitalize on current strengths and differentiating qualities and to proactively manage employee expectations.

30 Metropolitan State College of Denver Alignment “You’ve got to think about the big things while you’re doing the small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” Alvin Toffler

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