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Manage personal work priorities and professional development

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1 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

2 “Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgments sounder and your life closer to your heart’s desire” Isabel Briggs Myers

3 Overview of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator comes from Jungian psychology and was developed by a mother and daughter team during World War II in England.

4 Overview of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
According to Jung’s typology, all people can be classified using three criteria, these criteria are: Extroversion - Introversion Sensing - Intuition Thinking – Feeling Isabel Briggs Myers added the fourth criterion: Judging – Perceiving

5 Individual Preferences
Part of our “filters” – the way people see the world is different. No right or wrong type - another form of diversity. Type has nothing to do with ability or competence. Everyone uses every preference. However, we favor one preference over the other on each of the four scales

6 Individual Preference Criterion
Where people prefer to focus their attention and get their energy E The outer world of people and activity Their inner world of ideas and experiences I How people prefer to take in information S Focused on what is real and actual Focused on patterns and meanings in data N How people prefer to make decisions T Logical analysis Concern for their impact on others F How people prefer to deal with the outer world J In a planned orderly way In a flexible spontaneous way P

7 E or I (Attitude) It’s where you get your energy and where you direct your energy: outside or inside Extravert Introvert Act and (maybe) reflect “talk it out” Lots of “friends” Breadth Like working in groups Reflect and (maybe) act “think it through” A few close friends Depth Prefer solitary activities

8 E or I (Key Words) Extravert Introvert Active Outward Sociable People
Many Expressive Breadth Live it, then understand it Reflective Inward Reserved Privacy Few Quiet Depth Understand it, before live it

9 S or N (Function) It’s how you prefer to input - the perceiving mental function Sensing Intuition Directly via the senses - specific parts - present - practical Step by step Structured 6th sense or hunch - relationships - future - imagine Jump in anywhere Skip steps

10 S or N (Key Words) Sensing Intuition Details Present Practical Facts
Sequential Directions Repetition Enjoyment Perspiration Conserve Literal Patterns Future Imaginative Innovations Random Hunches Variety Anticipation Inspiration Change Figurative

11 T or F (Function) It’s how you prefer to process information
Rational, judging mental function Thinking Feeling Objective Head Principles (truth, justice) Decisions based in logic Subjective Heart Value (relationship, harmony) Decisions based in emotion

12 T or F (Key Words) Thinking Feeling Head Objective Justice Cool
Impersonal Critique Analyze Precise Principles Heart Subjective Harmony Caring Personal Appreciate Empathize Persuasive Values

13 J or P (Lifestyle) What does the outside world see? Ordered Planned
Judging Perceiving Ordered Planned Decisive Organizes all his or her life events and acts strictly according to this plan Spontaneous Flexible Curious Inclined to improvise and seek alternatives

14 J or P (Key Words) Judging Perceiving Organized Structure Control
Decisive Deliberate Closure Plan Deadlines Productive Flexible Flow Experience Curious Spontaneous Openness Wait Discoveries Receptive

15 Contributions of Preferences
Extraverted types Remain aware of the environment, maintain their networks, and take action. Introverted types Pay attention to the infrastructure, conceptualize the problem, and look deeply into issues.

16 Contributions of Preferences
Sensing types Know the facts, understand the planning stages, and work out implementation details. Intuitive types See the big picture, forge into new areas, and develop new possibilities

17 Contributions of Preferences
Thinking types Discuss the issues in a logical way, consider the pros and cons of various alternatives, and spot the inconsistencies in a plan. Feeling types Understand what is important to people, acknowledge the human side of decision making, and help others accept decisions

18 Contributions of Preferences
Judging types Generate systems, provide organization, and act with decisiveness. Perceiving types Are open to new ideas, provide insight, and react with flexibility if the system breaks down.


20 MBTI - 4 Temperaments SJ – Guardians NT – Rationals NF – Idealists
SP – Artisans

21 SJ – Guardians Administrators Inspector (iStJ) Supervisor (eStJ)
Conservators Protector (iSfJ) Provider (eSfJ)

22 SJ – Guardians CONCRETE communication COOPERATIVE in achieving goals
Skilled in logistics 40% - 45% of the population Security seeking Enculturating as parents, helpmates as spouses, conformity oriented as children

23 SJ – Guardians at work Need to belong, to serve, and to do the right thing Value stability, orderliness, cooperation, consistency, and reliability Tend to be serious and hardworking Demand a great deal of themselves and others

24 SJ – Potential Strengths
Practical, organized, thorough, systematic Pay attention to regulations and policies Take satisfaction in doing a job right the first time and every time Prefer to deal with proven facts, and use them to further the goals of the organization Good at seeing what needs attention and taking care of it Solid, trustworthy, dependable

25 SJ – Potential Weaknesses
Not interested in theories or abstractions Tend to be weak in the area of long range planning Sometimes make decisions too quickly Tend to see things in black and white Run the risk of being unable to adapt quickly Tend to resist trying new approaches Inflexible, dogmatic, unimaginative

26 Stabilizer – the maintainers of tradition
SJ – Work best with A relatively high level of responsibility A clear chain of command Rules and standard ways of doing things Regulations and rewards are certain Colleagues who share their dedication and respect for authority Colleagues who pull their weight Stabilizer – the maintainers of tradition

27 NT - Rational Engineers Architect (iNTp) Inventor (eNTp) Coordinators
Mastermind (iNTj) Fieldmarshal (eNTj)

28 NT - Rational ABSTRACT communication Utilitarian in achieving goals
Strong in STRATEGIC ANALYSIS 5% - 7% of the population Knowledge seeking Individualizing as parents, mindmates as spouses, learning oriented as children

29 NT – Rationals at work Place a high value on independence
Driven to acquire knowledge Set very high standards for themselves and others Naturally curious Can see many sides to the same argument or issue Excellent at seeing possibilities, understanding complexities, and designing solutions to real or hypothetical problems

30 NT – Potential Strengths
Have great vision and can be great innovators Ability to see possibilities as well as the big picture Excel at, and enjoy strategizing, planning, and building systems to accomplish their goals Understand complex theoretical ideas and are good at deducing principles or trends Enjoy being challenged Can accept constructive criticism without taking it personally Confident, witty, and imaginative

31 NT - Potential Weaknesses
Can be too complex for others to understand Tendency to overlook necessary details Can be deeply skeptical and often challenge rules, assumptions, or customs Sometimes have trouble with authority and can be seen as elitist Often fail to see how they affect others Can be fiercely competitive Arrogant, remote, and in a world of their own.

32 NT – Work best with Be excellent in all things
Provides autonomy and variety Is intellectually stimulating, and provides the opportunity to generate ideas Provides opportunity to tackle complex problems Provides opportunity to apply vision and logic to long range strategic plans Surrounded by very capable colleagues Provides opportunity to move toward “powerful” positions Provides opportunity to use leadership skills Be excellent in all things

33 NF - Idealists Advocates Healer (iNFp) Champion (eNFp) Mentors
Counselor (iNFj) Teacher (eNFj

34 NF - Idealists ABSTRACT communication COOPERATIVE in achieving goals
Diplomatic Integration 8% - 10% of the population Encourage imagination & fantasy in their children, spiritual intimacy with spouse, strive for consensus, and continual self renewal for themselves

35 NF – Idealists at work Place a high value on the authenticity and integrity in people and relationships Focus on human potential Gifted at helping others grow and develop Natural ability to understand and connect with other people Naturally empathic and focus on the needs of others Excellent communicators and catalysts for positive change

36 NF – Potential Strengths
Know how to bring out the best in others Understand how to motivate others to do their best Excellent at resolving conflicts Ability to help others feel good about themselves Good at identifying creative solutions Communicate well in speech and writing Able to generate enthusiasm for their ideas Charismatic, receptive and accepting

37 NF - Potential Weaknesses
Tendency to make decisions based exclusively on their own likes and dislikes Have trouble staying detached – can become too involved and become overwhelmed Sometimes too idealistic and not practical enough Sometimes are too self-critical Will sometimes sacrifice their own opinion for harmony Moody, unpredictable, and overemotional

38 “To thine own self be true.
NF – Work best with Is personally meaningful Harmony is valued and there is little competition An organization that is democratic and encourages participation from all levels An organization that promotes humanistic values Allows them to help others find fulfillment “To thine own self be true.

39 Artisans (sp) Entertainers Composer (iSfP) Performer (eSfP) Operators
Crafter (iStP) Promoter (eStP)

40 Artisans (sp) CONCRETE communication UTILITARIAN in achieving goals
Skilled in tactical variation 35% - 40% of the population Sensation Seeking They tend to be permissive as parents, playmates as spouses, and play oriented as children

41 SP – Artisans at work Like to stay open to all possibilities
Live for action, impulse and the present moment Focus on the immediate situation Ability to access what needs to be done now Seldom choose situations with structure Risk taking, adaptable, easy going, and pragmatic

42 SP – Potential Strengths
Can see clearly what is happening Excellent at recognizing practical problems Approach problems with flexibility, courage and resourcefulness Prefer to deal with facts and real problems rather than theories Many are skillful with tools and instruments – precision Keen observers of human behavior Resourceful, exciting and fun

43 SP - Potential Weaknesses
Sometimes fail to think things through carefully before acting Not interested in the theoretical or abstract and may fail to see important connections Tend to lose enthusiasm once the crisis phase is over Don’t always follow established rules Sometimes avoid commitments and plans Irresponsible, unreliable, childish and impulsive

44 “Fire-fighter” - Notices and responds to crisis
SP – Work best with Provides autonomy, variety and action Provides immediate results Allows tasks to be executed skillfully and successfully Opportunity to use acquired skills, independently and spontaneously Must give a high degree of pleasure (fun) “Fire-fighter” - Notices and responds to crisis

45 Using Different “Lenses”
Quadrants Lens: Change Temperament Lens: Leadership Dynamics Lens: Problem-solving or decision-making


47 Quadrants and Change IS Thoughtful Realists
IN Thoughtful and Innovative Like to test their ideas to see whether they are supported by the facts; they want to deal with practical, concrete information in a careful and unhurried way. “Let’s keep it!” Introspective and do their best work in theoretical fields where ideas and depth of understanding are important. They value knowledge for its own sake. “Let’s think about it differently!” ES Action-oriented Realists EN Action-oriented and Innovative Want to see that practical tasks are carried out. They prefer a work environment where realistic, down-to-earth tasks and problems are managed. Prefer a culture that focuses on results relating to people, data, or things. “Let’s do it!” Value change, see possibilities as a key aspect of their work, and like to be challenged and to challenge others. They tend to have a wide range of interests and are willing to work with systems or relationships. “Let’s change it!”

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