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Chalkboard Space Challenge Jessica Runyan 4 th grade Blueprint: Identify and order the planets in the solar system by their distance Determine the order.

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Presentation on theme: "Chalkboard Space Challenge Jessica Runyan 4 th grade Blueprint: Identify and order the planets in the solar system by their distance Determine the order."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chalkboard Space Challenge Jessica Runyan 4 th grade Blueprint: Identify and order the planets in the solar system by their distance Determine the order of the planets according to their distance Recognize that the length and position of a shadow are related Demonstrate how the earth rotates and revolves. Simulate the changing shape of the moon. Identify the phases of the moon in the correct sequence.

3 StudentsTeachers Game Board Order of Planets Identify that Planet Shadows The Earth The Moon 100 200 300 400 500 Let’s Play Final Challenge

4 StudentsTeachers Game Board Which planet is closest to the sun? 100 Mercury Order of Planets for 100

5 StudentsTeachers Game Board Which planet is farthest from the sun? 200 Pluto Order of Planets for 200

6 StudentsTeachers Game Board What is the sixth planet from the sun? 300 Saturn Order of Planets for 300

7 StudentsTeachers Game Board Name all the planets in order from the sun. 400 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Order of Planets for 400

8 StudentsTeachers Game Board What two planets are on either side of the earth. 500 Venus and Mars Order of Planets for 500

9 StudentsTeachers Game Board What was the first planet that was discovered to have rings? 100 Saturn Identify that Planet for 100

10 StudentsTeachers Game Board What planet is known as the “Blue Planet?” 200 Neptune Identify that Planet for 200

11 StudentsTeachers Game Board What planet is the coldest? 300 Pluto Identify that Planet for 300

12 StudentsTeachers Game Board Which planet is known as the “Red Planet.” 400 Mars Identify that Planet for 400

13 StudentsTeachers Game Board What is the brightest planet 500 Venus Identify that Planet for 500

14 StudentsTeachers Game Board True or False: Shadows are formed when light traveling from a source is blocked 100 True Shadows for 100

15 StudentsTeachers Game Board When the sun is behind you, where would your shadow be? 200 in front of you Shadows for 200

16 StudentsTeachers Game Board True or False: Shadows cannot be used to tell what time of the day it is. 300 False Many years ago, and still today, people use sundials to tell what time of day it is. Shadows for 300

17 StudentsTeachers Game Board True or False: Opaque objects/materials allow light through and transparent objects/materials do not allow light through them. 400 False Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through them. Transparent objects do allow light to pass. Shadows for 400

18 StudentsTeachers Game Board The Moon's orbit about the Earth causes the Moon to shadow the Sun's light as viewed from the Earth. What is this called? 500 A solar eclipse Shadows for 500

19 StudentsTeachers Game Board What does the earth spin on? This is an imaginary line passing through the North and South Poles. 100 It’s axis The Earth for 100

20 StudentsTeachers Game Board The Earth takes how long to make a complete turn. 200 An entire day, 24 hours The Earth for 200

21 StudentsTeachers Game Board True or False: At any time half of the Earth faces the sun. This part has day. The other half of the Earth faces away from the Sun. It receives no light. It is dark and has night. 300 True The Earth for 300

22 StudentsTeachers Game Board The earth is in the shape a ______? 400 Sphere The Earth for 400

23 StudentsTeachers Game Board The earth has how many moon(s)? 500 1 The Earth for 500

24 StudentsTeachers Game Board During the time it takes the moon to travel around the earth, the moon will change from a crescent shape to a full moon. The stages in between are called ____________? 100 Phases The Moon for 100

25 StudentsTeachers Game Board Why does the moon shine? 200 Light from the Sun bounces off the Moon. The Sun is always shining on the Moon, during the day and during the night. Even when we can't see the Moon. Sometimes we can only see some of the Moon's surface which is lit up by the Sun. The Moon for 200

26 StudentsTeachers Game Board Which phase of the moon is shown? 300 The first quarter The Moon for 300

27 StudentsTeachers Game Board It takes the moon how many days to orbit the earth? 400 28 days The Moon for 400

28 StudentsTeachers Game Board True or False: The Moon is not a light source, it has no light of its own. We can only see the moon because it reflects light from the sun. 500 True The Moon for 500

29 StudentsTeachers Game Board Write Your Final Challenge Wager How many earths would it take to fill the sun? Final Challenge End Game TIME’S UP! TIME’S UP! 1 million

30 Game Over Teacher’s Name

31 Double Score DOUBLE SCORE!

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