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 Jan 2011 1.

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1  Jan 2011 1

2  Outline o Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources o Finding materials from different sources: Library catalogue Electronic databases Internet resources o Demonstrations o Citation Management / Bibliography Generation Tools 2

3 Primary Sources vs Secondary Sources  Primary Sources: A first-hand or eye witness account of an event o Newspaper stories, speeches and other papers that individuals describe events in which they were participants or observers. o Statistical data. o Materials that document the attitudes and popular thought of a historical time period. e.g. public opinion surveys. o Records of organizations. e.g. minutes, correspondences, annual reports, etc. o Personal letters, diary, etc.  Secondary Sources are ones that interpret or analyzes primary sources o Examples: dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, books and articles. 3

4  Primary Sources o Labour Union documents o Speeches o Personal letters  Secondary Sources o Research papers on evaluating and analyzing the relationship between feminist movement and labor movement in turn-of-the-century England 4

5 Search Strategies (1)  Use appropriate resources  Library catalogue – various books, journals, video programs, etc. available at the Library Library catalogue  Electronic databases – e-books, book chapters, academic journal articles, news articles, statistics, glossaries and definitions, etc. Electronic databases Full-text Databases - contain the partial or complete text of works, such as articles, books, etc. Bibliographic Databases - contain descriptive information (citation and subject headings) for publications, such as books, and periodical articles, etc.  Internet resources – facts, news, organizational information, statistics … Internet resources 5

6  Search Strategies (2) o Identify main concepts 6 E.g. I want to study about the Arabs being portrayed as bad guys in the movies. 1. Arabs, Arabians, Muslims, etc. 2. Stereotypes 3. Movies, films, media, etc. Choice of search words (related key terms/synonyms)

7 Search Strategies (3)  Use appropriate operators (AND / OR / NOT) and wildcards (e.g. *, !)  AND: searches records that mention both search terms, this narrows the search e.g. Arabs and stereotypes ( 必須同時出現 )  OR: finds records in which one or both search terms appear, this broadens the search e.g. movies or films or media ( 只要任何一個出現 ) 7

8  Search Strategies (4) o Wildcards / Truncation: retrieves all variant endings of that word EBSCOhost: * ProQuest: * Factiva: * LexisNexis Academic: ! OPAC: * e.g. citizen* -- retrieves all words that start with CITIZEN such as citizen, citizens, citizenship etc. 8

9 Search Strategies (5)  ( )Parentheses: gives priority and order in the search statement e.g. (Arabs or Arabians or Muslims) and stereotypes  Be prepared to narrow / expand your search results by using database- specific features / changing your keywords 9

10  Demonstrations (1) o 1-Search 1-Search hong kong and education reform “hong kong” and “education reform” o ProQuest / EbscoHost ProQuest EbscoHost muslims and stereotypes and media (arab* or muslim* or islam*) and stereotype* and (media or journali* or movie*) o Sociological Abstract, AgeLine (CSA) Sociological Abstract, AgeLine (arab* or muslim* or islam*) and stereotype* and (media or journali* or movie*) older adults and voting ((older adult* or older people) or elderly) and vot* 10

11  Demonstrations (2) o WiseNews WiseNews 網上欺凌 or 網路霸凌 or (“cyber bullying” or cyberbullying or ”online bullying”) o LexisNexis Academic LexisNexis Academic (“cyber bullying” or cyberbullying or “online bullying”) and facebook o Factiva Factiva 網上欺凌 or 網路霸凌 or (“cyber bullying” or cyberbullying or ”online bullying”) o Old HK Newspaper Collection Old HK Newspaper Collection 日本侵華 11

12 12 Research Guides o Economics  subject/Economics subject/Economics o Sociology & Social Policy  subject/Sociology+&+Social+Policy subject/Sociology+&+Social+Policy o Political Sciences  subject/Political+Science subject/Political+Science

13 Statistics o HK Census & Statistics Dept publications (print version or electronic version: e.g. HK Annual Digest of Statistics, census reports, etc.), Datastream, IMF International Financial Statistics, UN Statistical Yearbook, China InfoBank … o ation_at_Lingnan:_Finding_Statistics ation_at_Lingnan:_Finding_Statistics 13

14 Citation Management / Bibliography Generation Tools  RefWorks RefWorks o  Citation Builder o  Citation and Style o ch_Methods/Citation_and_Style/ ch_Methods/Citation_and_Style/ 14

15 Need Helps?  Ivy Kan o / 2616-8570  Ask A Librarian o  Integrated Helpdesk o o 2616-8571 15

16 Q&A Thank You 16

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