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…. Winning Souls, Changing Lives CACVL CACVL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Thursday, October 15 th, 2009 MENTORING PROGRAM Topic: Success.

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Presentation on theme: "…. Winning Souls, Changing Lives CACVL CACVL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Thursday, October 15 th, 2009 MENTORING PROGRAM Topic: Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives CACVL CACVL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Thursday, October 15 th, 2009 MENTORING PROGRAM Topic: Success

2 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Success – Group Exercise Group Exercise: Define Success Mention a few attributes of a successful person based on your definition Name a few successful people you know, could be world figures; why do you think they are successful? Is success made or some people are born lucky or meant to be successful no matter what they do? In order words, is success or failure a matter of destiny?

3 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Success Defined Dictionary Definition: The fact that you have achieved that which you want and have been trying to do or get. To have the result or effect that was intended or planned Success therefore entails defining ahead of time, what you want to achieve in life. What does success mean to you? How will you measure success and know when you are truly successful?

4 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Living Examples of Successful People Bill Clinton In college worked as an intern for Senator William Fullbright – understudying him At Oxford University – Joined the Vietnam War Protest movement At Yale Law School – Campaigned on the grassroots level for Democratic candidates Back in Hope Arkansas ran for Congress, Attorney General and governor He had exceptional passion and resolve to improve the life of his fellow citizens and an unfaltering commitment to civil rights Acquired an exceptional understanding of the practicalities of political life

5 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Living Examples of Successful People Nelson Mandela Born in a small village named Mvezo, in the district of Umtata, the capital of Transkei – 550 miles south of Johannesburg Apart from life, a strong constitution and abiding connection to the Thembu royal family, the only thing his father bestowed upon him at birth was a name – Rolihlahla-Colloquially means trouble Grew up in the village and started school very late Ran away from home when his uncle with whom he grew up attempted to force a woman on him for marriage From then on took charge of his life and trained himself as a lawyer His uncle whom he grew up with had dealings with the white South African and he resented how the blacks were treated Joined the ANC after school and became a force to be reckoned with

6 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Other Examples of Successful People Jesus Christ, Mother Theresa, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola Their successes are notable, even though they are NOT classified as rich during their lifetime They left enduring legacies and have won millions of souls to Christ Common Attributes of their Success Knew their calling and accepted it Allowed God to determine their every move Purposed in their hearts to positively impact humanity Worked at their calling despite all odds; they were resolute

7 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Stages In Life “Moving from survival to stability From stability to success From success to significance”..........Zig Ziglar What do people desire most in life? To be happy Healthy Reasonably Prosperous Secure Have friends Peace of mind Good family relationships Most importantly Hope Success is a total package

8 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Tips For Spiritual Success Seek the will of God for your life – Matt 6:10, Heb 10: 7 - 9 Obey the holy spirit – Roman 8:14 Remain separated from the world – Rom 12: 1 - 2 Live the word of God – 1Peter 2:2 Give to the poor – Philanthropy Claim success / confess positively in prayers Develop spiritual maturity Support the work of God – Pay your tithe, be useful in the house of God Pray ceaselessly – 1 Thess 5:17 Live by the principle of “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” – Mat 6:33

9 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Tips For Professional / Job Success Punctuality and Regularity Expectation is to arrive work on time and leave late when necessary Be punctual at meetings Attend company functions, albeit irregularly Be committed to Excellence Do not gloss over a job and leave your supervisor to complete Demonstrate excellence Believe you are the best and give your best always If you are not sure, ask, research: the answer is available somewhere; dig it out Take responsibility for your work, even when it turns out wrong Accept responsibility for your work When you are wrong, gracefully accept and be ready to make correction Give credit to others and recognize superior performance Be willing to always accept more responsibility Dare to be different Give what others consider too much to give the company Deviate from widely acceptable norms; hanging out in groups during; always in a particular group Alignment with certain clique

10 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Tips For Professional / Job Success Its dangerous to be identified as someone’s “boy”, even if he is the MD. Attend company functions, albeit irregularly Appear responsible always Dress for the job you want, not the one you have Maintain your integrity Uphold company policy e.g. use of I.T. resources, keeping company secrets, etc If you are not sure, ask, research: the answer is available somewhere; dig it out Get knowledge i.e. empower yourself Read up on your job, update your knowledge, changing technology Be an engineer, NOT a company “X” shell engineer, but an engineer any where in the world Give credit to others and recognize superior performance Be willing to always accept more responsibility Deliver results the right way Follow company compliance policy on all things – Safety, Contracting, employment, etc Exhume confidence Walk with your head up Believe in yourself and in your abilities

11 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Parable of the Pencil The pencil maker took the pencil aside just putting it into the box and told it that there five things it must always remember You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hands You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time; but you will need it to become a better pencil You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make The most important part of you will always be what’s inside On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter the condition, you must continue to write

12 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives Parable of the Pencil Applied Now apply the parable to yourself You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hands. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time by going through various problems, but you will need it to become a stronger person You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make – there is room for remission The most important part of you will always be what’s inside – Hold on to your dream; let your motivation come from within On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation the condition, you must continue to do your duties

13 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives God Gives the Increase 1Corinthians 3 : 6 “I HAVE PLANTED, APOLLOS WATERED, BUT GOD GAVE THE INCREASE”

14 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives THANK YOU Comments, Q & A

15 …. Winning Souls, Changing Lives THANK YOU Comments, Q & A

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