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Acid/Bases Review NiIAaY&feature=related.

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Presentation on theme: "Acid/Bases Review NiIAaY&feature=related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acid/Bases Review NiIAaY&feature=related

2 Section 2.3 Carbon Compounds The branch of science that studies compounds that contain carbon atoms is known a organic chemistry (Inorganic chemistry is the study of all of the other types of compounds) FYI- Biochemistry is the study of the molecules within living things!

3 The Chemistry of Carbon Carbon is unique because it has 4 valence electrons which means it has 4 electrons that want to share 4 electrons from other atoms Which type of bonds would these atoms form? COVALENT BONDS – Share electrons!

4 Carbon’s Bonds Carbon can bond with many elements To form the molecules of life, carbon can bond with  Hydrogen  Oxygen  Phosphorus  Sulfur  Nitrogen Carbon can also bond to other carbons Can form chains, rings Single, double, and triple bonds

5 Macromolecules Macromolecules “giant molecules” are large organic compounds made from thousands of smaller molecules They are formed by the process of polymerization Monomers (smaller units) that join together to form polymers

6 Macromolecules Macromolecules are classified into 4 main groups: Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

7 Carbohydrates Composed of Carbon Hydrogen & Oxygen atoms ( in a1:2:1 ratio)

8 Carbohydrates Function Used by living things as their main source of energy When the bonds are broken between the sugar molecules, energy is released & used for cell activities Extra sugars are stored as starches (long chains of sugars)  Potatoes, carrots, corn Some organisms use carbohydrates for structural purposes (i.e. plants, invertebrates)

9 Carbohydrates Simple sugars Single sugar molecules (monosaccharides) Glucose Galactose (milk) Fructose (fruit) 2 simple sugars (disaccharides) Sucrose (table sugar)  Made from glucose and fructose

10 Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates Polysaccharides – formed by many monosaccharides Many animals store their extra sugar as glycogen Stored in your muscles to supply them with energy to function 2 simple sugars (disaccharides) Sucrose (table sugar)  Made from glucose and fructose

11 Carbohydrates Plants and Polysaccharides Plants store their extra sugar as starches They also make cellulose These fibers are tough and flexible  They give plants their strength and rigidity

12 Lipids Large molecules that are generally not soluble in water Composed of Mostly carbon and hydrogen atoms Fats, oils, waxes

13 Lipids Functions Used to store energy in the body Parts of biological membranes Waterproof coverings Steroids (hormones)

14 Lipids Made from a glycerol molecule combined with fatty acids The fatty acids are chains of carbon joined to each other If all the carbons are joined together with a single bond – they are called “saturated”  They are saturated because they have the highest amount of hydrogen atoms bonded to their carbons  Saturated fats are unhealthy because their straight chains make it easier for them to layer up in arteries to form plaque  They tend to be solids at room temperature

15 Lipids Made from a glycerol molecule combined with fatty acids The fatty acids are chains of carbon joined to each other If at least 2 carbons are joined together with a double bond – they are called “unsaturated”  They are unsaturated because they do not have the most hydrogen atoms bonded to their carbons  Unsaturated fats are healthier fats because their “kinked” chains make it difficult for them to layer up in arteries to form plaque  They tend to be liquids at room temperature

16 Nucleic Acids Consist of Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus Contain a 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base Nucleic acids are polymers made from nucleotides (monomers) that are joined by covalent bonds

17 Nucleic Acids Function Store and transmit hereditary (genetic) information of your cells DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid: sugar- deoxyribose) RNA (ribonucleic acid: sugar- ribose)

18 Proteins Consist of Nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen Polymer made of amino acids (monomers) Amino acids- contain an amino group (-NH 2 ) and carboxyl group (-COOH) Amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds (covalent bonds) Polypeptide- more than 2 amino acids bonded together

19 Proteins Functions Control the rate of reactions Regulate cell processes Form cellular structures Transport substance in or out of cells Fight disease

20 Proteins More than 20 amino acids are found in nature All amino acids can join to other amino acids by bonding their amino group to their carboxyl group The “R” groups differ between amino acids

21 Protein Organization Instructions for how amino acids are assembled are “coded” in each cell’s DNA Proteins have 4 levels of structure Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary

22 Proteins Structure Primary The sequence of a protein’s amino acids

23 Proteins Structure Secondary The folding or coiling of a polypeptide chain Alpha helix (curly) Beta-pleated sheets (crimpy)

24 Proteins Structure Tertiary The 3D arrangement of the polypeptide chain

25 Proteins Structure Quaternary Proteins with more than one chain Describes how the chains are arranged relative to each other

26 Protein Structure The shape of a protein is the result of… Ionic bonds Covalent bonds van der Waals forces & Hydrogen bonds …between the amino acids that make up the polypeptide chains **The specific structure of hemoglobin allows it to carry oxygen within red blood cells

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