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Packaging Packaging is one of the most important elements of the PRODUCT “P”. There are four (4) purposes to packaging. Protect and Preserve  Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Packaging Packaging is one of the most important elements of the PRODUCT “P”. There are four (4) purposes to packaging. Protect and Preserve  Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Packaging Packaging is one of the most important elements of the PRODUCT “P”. There are four (4) purposes to packaging. Protect and Preserve  Materials available include glass, paper, plastic, cardboard and materials e.g. air tight containers to preserve freshness and prevent spoilage, large packages to deter (shoplifting) theft, packing material (Styrofoam, bubble packs, etc) Convenience  Makes the product easier to use  Makes the product easier to transport/display e.g. toothpaste in cardboard boxes, so they can be stacked on shelves, squeezable ketchup containers.

2 Packaging Safety   Ensure that the product is safe for use e.g. sealed medicine/food containers, child proof, package also provides a place for labeling (product use instructions, warnings and safety information, etc.). Promotion   “Silent salesperson”   Must stand out against competitors

3 Examples



6 Sec. 6.7 Packaging Criticisms of Packaging Depletes natural resources in its production Expensive May result in health hazards from some plastics and aerosols Deceptive packaging (may look larger than they are) Package disposal


8 Packaging Packaging Strategies Revitalize a product by using packaging strategically: Revitalize a product by using packaging strategically: Change the package appearance (size, shape, color, etc..) Package a product line in similar way Create a reusable package multiple packaging Package several items together (multiple packaging)

9 Packaging THE MEANING OF COLOURS COLOURMEANING Reddanger/speed--heat, stop, assertive, exciting Yellowwarmth, happiness, welcoming, optimistic, weakness Greenfreshness, environment, natural, clean Bluecool, tranquil, calm, stable, reserved Purpleroyalty, mysterious, quality, elite, discerning Orangefriendly, youthful, social, accessible, affordable, playful Silver/Platinum/Goldexpensive, high quality, exclusive Whitepurity, clean Blackexotic, mysterious, exclusive

10 Packaging Assignments 1. Packaging Handout assignment due ______. 1. Packaging “Show and Tell” assignment due ______. Select a product (packaging). Bring it to class and provide a brief 1-2 minute presentation. Using your product package example, discuss the packaging criteria studied in class. Is your product packaging good marketing? Why? Evaluation Communication1 234 Delivery including voice, eye contact, appropriate use of terms and vocabulary Thinking Inquiring1 234 Using an appropriate example. Carry out insightful and critical analysis of packaging sample.

11 Packaging Assignments – Option 1 1. The Package Design assignment due ______. You will construct a package for a small but very fragile product. The product can be anything you wish as long as it is fragile. Your package will be a good example of all the packaging criteria studied in class. Refer to your notes. For the purposes of testing your package for product protection, we will place a small raw egg into it. The package egg will be dropped from a height of 1.5 meter to see if it protects the egg from breakage. You will display your package to the class. You will describe your package and the relevant/applicable packaging criteria before it is tested. Evaluation Application1 234 Demonstrate correct use of packaging criteria. Appealing and practical package. Protects egg from breakage.

12 Packaging Assignments – Option 2 1. The Package Design assignment due ______. You will construct a package for a cereal brand that targets physically active teens and young adults. Your package will be a good example of all the packaging criteria studied in class. Refer to your notes. Your packaging design will need to follow the rules of typical Canadian box (minus the language laws), so there must be ingredients and health information. The colour of the packaging is important to the message. You will display your package to the class. You will describe your package and the relevant/applicable packaging criteria. Evaluation Application1 234 Demonstrate correct use of packaging criteria. Appealing and practical package.

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