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CSCI 1301 Principles of Computer Science I

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Presentation on theme: "CSCI 1301 Principles of Computer Science I"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCI 1301 Principles of Computer Science I

2 Instructor Information
Instructor: Rasanjalee DM Website:

3 Goals of the course Foundations of programming with an emphasis on the design, construction, and analysis of media. Introduce students to the study of computer science. Recognize that all media are published in digital formats that can be manipulated by computer programs. Explore machine representation of data. Read, understand, and make alterations to small computer programs that manipulate data and communicate tasks. Design and write small computer programs that manipulate media files. Process simple data structures using iteration and decision statements. Process strings and text files. Understand imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming paradigms. Appreciate the complexity of algorithms and the limits of computing.

4 Text(s): Online resources:
Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python, A Multimedia Approach, 3rd Edition, Author(s): Guzdial & Ericson; ISBN: ; Press: Prentice-Hall, 2012. Online resources:

5 Course Grading Labs and Assignments 30% Attendance and Quizzes 10%
Midterm Exams(2) 30% Final Exam 30% Letter Grade Distribution: A B C D Below 60 F

6 Attendance Policy Attendance is required. One point is taken off from final numerical grade of each absence. Students are responsible for material covered in each days class including in-class exercises, as well as for assignments made and schedule changes announced in class.

7 Make-Up Policy If, for sufficient reason, a student must miss a scheduled test or exam, it is the students responsibility to contact the instructor at least 24 hours before the test or exam. The instructor may schedule a makeup test or exam. Quizzes, in-class exercises, and homework assignments may not be made up. Each assignment has a due date, and points may be deducted for material turned in late. 20% credit will be taken off per day late. Assignments more than 5 academic days late will not be graded. Quizzes may be given on any class day, and will cover reading assignments, lectures, programming assignments, and other materials.

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