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Side 1 Can Computer Supported Collaborative Learning help to fulfil the VirClass goal? Grete Oline Hole, HiB.

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Presentation on theme: "Side 1 Can Computer Supported Collaborative Learning help to fulfil the VirClass goal? Grete Oline Hole, HiB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Side 1 Can Computer Supported Collaborative Learning help to fulfil the VirClass goal? Grete Oline Hole, HiB

2 Side 2 Pedagogical view Constructivist and socio-cultural and understanding of knowledge. Task oriented and problem solving methods of teaching and learning Learner centred, Learning object and task/assignments structured to activate students in their learning process. Interaction, discussion and cooperation

3 Side 3 The two metaphors: The two metaphors of learning, and the danger of choosing only one Learning seen as Acquisition or Participation

4 Side 4 Goal Assessment The participants basis k l Externals conditions Methods Contents Didactical Model (the diamond) Bjørndal & Lieberg, 1978

5 Side 5 All influence each other: Object/aim of course Learning materials Methods Students’ goals Type of assignment Type of assessment Knowledge in beforehand….

6 Side 6

7 Side 7 Virtual Learning Environment: Provides the “online” interactions of various kinds which can take place between learners and tutors Secure, due to password protection Control access to a curriculum, mapped to elements that can be separately assessed and recorded Track student activity and achievement Allow tutors to set up a course with materials and activities to direct, guide and monitor learner progress

8 Side 8 A VLE: Support online learning, –include access to learning resources, assessment and guidance Communication (between learner, tutor and other) provide –support/ feedback for learners, –peer-group communications that build a sense of group identity and community of interest Links to other resources, both in-house and externally

9 Side 9 Within a VLE (cont): Often two views of the system, one for the tutors and one for the student (= shared workplace) Browser based and use web technologies, –But: do not require knowledge of HTML in order to use/contribute content ”Anytime, anywhere”,(”7/24/365”) access due to the use of web technology –The students dream; the teachers nightmare, beware of that

10 Side 10 MLE Managed Learning Environment –refers to the whole range of information systems and processes of a college –(including its VLE if it has one) –that contribute directly, or indirectly –to learning and the management of that learning

11 Side 11 A MLE: Focus on college processes and standards, not software products A framework for choices about –software –training –support for learners and tutors Link together VLE (which deliver and track online-learning) with the Student Records System (SRS)

12 Side 12 How can VLE help us fulfil our goal?

13 Side 13 Different view on ICT in learning CAI: Computer Assisted Instruction ITS: Intelligent Tutoring Systems CSCL: –knowledge constructed in a social process

14 Side 14 Learning with ICT: Emphasize the socio-cognitive impact of teachers and learners working in partnership with technology: From studying the effects of the computer to focus on learning with the computer (and: through the computer)

15 Side 15 Achieve the political goals of Life Long Learning and Lisboa agenda: (From the call for proposals/ other EU-learning documents, and from our application)

16 Side 16 Instructional design that integrate the potential of eLearing, linked to the objectives of the course Strengthen the link between research and education Share and reuse the learning content. Stimulate development of high quality service, group tutoring/coaching, CSCL, assessment, digital portfolio, virtual learning communities….

17 Side 17 ICT has a potential to connect people across borders for collaboration and to make knowledge more accessible and sharable for advanced teaching and learning.- Common curricula, multilateral teaching offers, resource saving collaboration, common system of acknowledging degrees are important

18 Side 18 Networks that deliver joint courses, programmes and services to the students in a Lifelong open and a flexible learning context Promote virtual mobility, (virtual learning communities, mobility in the framework of joint courses and curricula)….

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