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SINPHONIE Project kick-off meeting 10-12 November, REC Conference Center, Szentendre Hungary Gabriela Ventura Silva, IDMEC-FEUP WP3.1 Characterization.

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Presentation on theme: "SINPHONIE Project kick-off meeting 10-12 November, REC Conference Center, Szentendre Hungary Gabriela Ventura Silva, IDMEC-FEUP WP3.1 Characterization."— Presentation transcript:

1 SINPHONIE Project kick-off meeting 10-12 November, REC Conference Center, Szentendre Hungary Gabriela Ventura Silva, IDMEC-FEUP WP3.1 Characterization of the school buildings

2 Overview of the presentation Objectives Partners involved Actions and deadlines Proposals on content of check-lists Selection of the schools – suggestion of criteria

3 Objectives Collect data on aspects that potentially contribute to poor IAQ in the selected 120 schools (general building characteristics, maintenance, HVAC systems, cleaning, water damaged/dampness, etc). The information will provide highly relevant background to understand the results of the field tests and to assess IAQ problems in European schools; Organize and provide data to WP3.2, WP3.3 and WP3.4; WP4.1 and WP4.2; and also WP5 and WP6.


5 Description of the work Task 1: Development of school and classroom checklists for characterization of the school buildings and classrooms (building materials, ventilation systems, furnishings and fittings, cleaning products, outdoor sources, etc.) to provide sufficient descriptors to compare and characterise the buildings; Task 2: Inspection and characterization of the school buildings and selected classrooms. Some parts of the checklist can be completed by the research team in advance (either from documentation obtained about the building or by site visit), and some need to be completed with the help of a building manager or equivalent.

6 Deliverables to be produced D 3.1.1. School and classroom checklists (Month 9) D 3.1.2. Data on school and classroom characterization (Month 18) According to the initial plan on master task 1: month 4 – month 9 We propose to start on month 3 (December) and finish at month 6 (final March)

7 Actions and deadlines ActionWhenWho First version of school and classroom checklists 03-01-2011IDMEC and NIEH Contributions31-01-2011All partners Inclusion of contributions and edition of the second version 28-02-2011IDMEC and NIEH Last comments15-03-2011All partners Final version of school and classroom checklists 31-03-2011IDMEC and NIEH

8 Content of the school checklists Localization (orientation, outdoor sources, ….) Historic of the building (year of construction, year of refurbishing, important modifications (painting, new floor, etc..)) Physical characterization of the building (area, height of ceiling, number of storeys, number of occupants….) Construction techniques (double or single wall, insulation thickness, double glass, type of ceiling…) and construction materials (brick or concrete, type of windows frame,…) Indoor Building materials (floor covering, wall covering,…)


10 Content of the school checklists Status of conservation of the Building (leaks, condensation, molds,…) Heating Systems (kind of heating, kind of fuel used for space heating production,….) Ventilation Systems (natural or mechanical ventilation, type of mechanical ventilation, duct material, duct insulation, position of ventilation system intake …) Activities in Building (cleaning activities, disinfection activities, use of photocopiers, printers, handcraft products used,…)

11 Should a limitation exist on the building factors that influence IAQ? For example define a limit on: −Year of construction, year of last re-construction (happened at more than 1-2 years?) −Existence of particular indoor sources in the school: kitchen, garage, … Or should the schools selected cover the maximum of factors influencing IAQ? Selection of the schools – suggestion of criteria

12 Should the selected schools be public or private? −In our opinion should be public! At least one of the selected schools per country should have mechanical ventilation in order to accomplish with the defined in WP4.2 (page 52 of the master) : −“These will include at least 8 schools with mechanical ventilation, to compare the effects of different environmental conditions on the irritative responses of schoolchildren;” Selection of the schools – suggestion of criteria

13 Should the criteria of selection within each country cover the topics suggested in the call? For example define for each country schools on: –Rural zone/Urban zone –Urban zone with very heavy traffic/Urban zone green/ Urban zone industrialized –Interior zone/Maritime zone Or should the criteria of selection be applied to the climatic zones? Selection of the schools – suggestion of criteria

14 We need answers from all the partners, but in particular from the partners and leaders of WP3.4 and WP5: WP3.4 Environment context and modelling – Task 1: Impact of traffic on IAQ WP5 Data management, cross analysis & database – Task 4. Source Analysis, that includes the objective: Assess the influence of building characteristics and ventilation systems in exposure data obtained in WP3.2 and WP.3.3 Selection of the schools – suggestion of criteria

15 Thank you!

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