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Quantitative Research Project Clarenceville High School Sociology. A. Salciccioli, Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantitative Research Project Clarenceville High School Sociology. A. Salciccioli, Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantitative Research Project Clarenceville High School Sociology. A. Salciccioli, Instructor

2 STEP I I. Identify the Problem: State what the focus of your study is. Explain the merits and needs to study your issue.

3 STEP II Review the Literature: All subjects require investigation before you make a hypothesis. State the finding along with the source. Use the footnote citations that you learn in your English classes. 3 DISTINCT SOURCES MINIMUM!!!!!

4 Step iii Hypothesis: This is your theory of what your study will yield. It must be testable using data. You can have several or one depending on the nature of your study.

5 Step IV Devise your plan of action: You need to have n=40 respondents and maintain a representative sample 3 demographic questions: i.e. race, grade, gender, age.

6 Step IV cont. 7 research questions. i.e. Questions that you would not know without investigation. Such as people’s feelings, opinions and unknown data.

7 Step IV cont. Close-ended questions. Here are some examples: 1. Multiple Choice: Question: You do this: A. 0-25%B. 26-50% C. 51-75%D. 76-100%

8 Step IV cont. 2. Numerical opinions: On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate: –1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---10 NeverSometimesOften Daily

9 Step IV cont. Circle items that apply: Q: Which of these 3 items best describe you? PRETTY* UGLY* FUNNY TALL* STINKY* SMART SILLY* BLOATED

10 Step IV Cont. Choose correct sample that is representative and appropriate. Maintain ethics in your dealings by maintaining anonymity and decorum. Make surveys and questionnaires clear and simple to understand.

11 Step V Collect data by using surveys or questionnaires. Organization is imperative. Collect data as efficiently as possible. Maintain ethics and give people time to properly complete the questions. This is called, “going out in the field

12 Step VI- Analyze the data Make charts with the demographics on the x-axis and the research questions on the y-axis. Make tally marks to create charts that give you a visual to evaluate.

13 EXAMPLE Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 A. B. C. D.

14 Step VI Cont. Establish mean, median and mode where appropriate. Mean- average of all numbers 3, 7, 10, 5, 6, 3, 1, 9, 7, 2 /10= Mean of 5.3

15 Step VI Cont. Median- Number that is in the middle. Arrange all of your numbers in order from lowest to highest to determine. 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 10, 10- Median of 5.

16 Step VI cont. Mode- Number that occurs the most frequently. Arrange numbers like you did for median. 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 10, 10- Mode of 10 because it was answered the highest number of times.

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