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ACT! 2008 (10.0) Product Tour for ACT! 2007 (9.0) Users.

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Presentation on theme: "ACT! 2008 (10.0) Product Tour for ACT! 2007 (9.0) Users."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACT! 2008 (10.0) Product Tour for ACT! 2007 (9.0) Users

2 Interactive Dashboard Get a single, comprehensive view of all your tasks and information. Take action immediately, without having to move from screen to screen. Set the ACT! Dashboard as your default startup view and begin your work day with a comprehensive snapshot of important activity and opportunity information that requires your attention. Drill down into each Dashboard component for more detail or to take further action on any activity or opportunity. Copy any Dashboard component or the entire ACT! Dashboard to Microsoft Office applications for use in e-mails, reports, presentations, and more.

3 Use Schedule At-A-Glance for a quick view of all calls, meetings, and to- dos. Interactive Dashboard View a list of activities for the day including activity type and time. Customize the component by filtering which Activity Type and Priorities are displayed. When you mouse over each activity a calendar pop-up appears providing you with more detail on that particular activity.

4 Use My Activities to see where you’re allocating your time. Interactive Dashboard Get a handle on important activities and see how your time is allocated with a complete view of all activities in a graphical pie or bar chart. The My Activities component includes all calls, meetings, to-dos, and custom activities for a given date range you specify. For a quick count of the number of activities associated with each Activity Type, simply mouse over any Activity Type.

5 Use Opportunities Pipeline by Stage for a pulse on where your sales opportunities stand. Interactive Dashboard See how your sales opportunities are tracking, whether you are using the ACT! Sales Process or one customized to suit your business, in a pie or bar chart. This component includes the total and weighted total associated with each stage for the date range and status you specify. Get a quick count of opportunities associated with each stage by mousing over any stage.

6 Use My Opportunities for a view of all your sales opportunities. Interactive Dashboard Get an at-a- glance view of your sales opportunities in a graphical pie or bar chart by total and weighted total. Customize this component to see opportunities by date range including 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days, or view by opportunities open, closed – won, closed – lost, and inactive for a deeper analysis.

7 Use Top 10 Opportunities for a quick view of your best customers. Interactive Dashboard Quickly view a list of your top sales opportunities by total and weighted total. Customize this component and view by date range or status, or sort each column in the list by name, total, company, and more. Drill down and take further action to add more detail to any opportunity, move it through the sales process, or schedule a follow-up.

8 Use Closed Sales to Date so you can gauge your success. Interactive Dashboard View all closed sales to date including the total and weighted total for all closed sales opportunities. The graphical gauge, pie, or bar chart provides a better sense of how you’re tracking towards your opportunity goals – and you can specify targets to easily see your progress. Customize this component by date range or status for deeper analysis.

9 Customize and Create New Dashboard Components to suit your exact needs.* Interactive Dashboard *In order to edit, add, or remove Dashboard components, you must have an ACT! manager or administrator security role. With the Dashboard Designer, it’s easy to customize any default Dashboard, or creation of new Dashboard components. Managers or administrators have the ability to add or remove components, change titles or legends, and utilize drag and drop functionality.

10 Usability Enhancements Quickly edit contact details without having to open the Contact Record with List Edit Mode. Easily edit records within a particular list view to quickly and easily maintain important Contact, Group, or Company information.

11 Add document shortcuts to Activity and History items, saving space in the database. Usability Enhancements Add document shortcuts to Activity and History items without having to attach the full document. Save space and allow other non-ACT! users to edit the same document, ensuring you have the most updated version in the database.

12 Check for duplicates by first and last name to ensure your database remains clean and accurate. Usability Enhancements When a duplicate record is found, a prompt will inform you that you are creating a duplicate Contact and will provide you with the option to continue or cancel the entry. Automatically check for duplicate First and Last names when entering a new Contact Record.

13 Improvements to Sales Opportunity Tracking Track multiple contacts in one opportunity for a complete view of all decision makers involved. Associate multiple contacts to a single opportunity, whether they are an influencer, decision maker, or play another role.

14 Improvements to Sales Opportunity Tracking View the complete details of an opportunity from a list view with Opportunity List Details. Mouse over the opportunity in the List view to quickly identify additional information for that opportunity in seconds.

15 Improvements to Group and Company Management Check for duplicate Group and Company Records to ensure your database remains clean and accurate. Automatically check for duplicate Groups and Companies when entering a new Group or Company Record. You also have the option to set and define duplicate record checking criteria for up to three fields so you are only prompted when required by your pre- determined conditions.

16 Improvements to Group and Company Management Label subgroups and divisions within Groups and Companies with the same name for more accurate tracking. Label Subgroup and Division names within Groups and Companies with the same name for improved organization and data accuracy. For example, you have multiple companies with the same division or department names such as “Sales” or “Marketing.” Now you can utilize “Sales” as a division name for as many Company Records as you wish.

17 Better suit your search and reporting needs by performing advanced queries for Groups and Companies. Improvements to Group and Company Management You can save the Advanced Query for later searching and easily re-define the search criterion, reducing time spent on future searches. Perform Advanced Queries on Groups and Companies to find information more easily.

18 Improvements to Group and Company Management Easily determine Group and Company hierarchy by viewing it in dialog boxes. View the entire hierarchy of all Groups and Companies, including subgroups and divisions, when an associated Group or Company dialog box is displayed for easier navigation. With this hierarchy you can easily decipher which Subgroup and Division is associated with parent Groups and Company records.

19 Improvements to Group and Company Management Keep company information more secure with Company Security.* You can control which users can access Company information including Company membership and shared Notes and History. *In order to utilize Company Security, you must add the Company Access control to your layout. When working in a networked environment, improve data security by marking any Company Record private.

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