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Authentic Writing in the Classroom Using the index cards at your table, complete a two minute “Brain Drain” on all you know about authentic writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Authentic Writing in the Classroom Using the index cards at your table, complete a two minute “Brain Drain” on all you know about authentic writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authentic Writing in the Classroom Using the index cards at your table, complete a two minute “Brain Drain” on all you know about authentic writing.

2 Discover…. Visit these sites to get more ideas on authentic writing (10 min) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. writing/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 writing/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 7. 8.

3 What is authentic writing? Why is it important? Authentic writing is a way for students to apply writing to a real world concept. Authentic writing enables students to communicate with a variety of audiences for many purposes in a variety of ways. Authentic writing is probably one of the best forms of writing because students feel as though it “ counts in the real world.” It helps prepare students for writing they will encounter in their future within their professions.

4 Forms of authentic writing There are many forms of authentic writing for students: ~Personal narratives ~Reviews ~Speeches ~Letters to the editor ~Memoirs There is a list in your packet. Take a few minutes to look over the list. Reflect on your experiences with authentic writing in your own classroom. Share an instance when you or your peers have used these or similar examples of authentic writing. Do you think this is an effective mode of writing?

5 Teacher’s role What is your role in helping the student create a successful piece of authentic writing? ~Provide models/examples of authentic writing ~Provide rubric ~Provide focus R-Role A-Audience F-Format T-Topic

6 Teacher’s role continued Questioning allows you to help the student focus. You might ask… ~Who is your audience? ~Does the audience have prior knowledge? ~What do you want the audience to know when they’ve finished reading? Students should be familiar with the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publication)

7 How could we create authentic writing assignments in these settings? h-school-engineering-lesson rging-industry-and-classroom-ced

8 Authentic Reading & Writing Video 1. Why is the writing in the video considered authentic writing? 2. What are the benefits of using this strategy?

9 How Do I Assess? The Big ? Assessing authentic writing is very flexible; use your own discretion!! Rubrics work great!!!

10 Home Journals: An Authentic Writing Opportunity that Involves Parents =HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=34397C6FD3D1A42F387534397C6FD3 D1A42F3875 1. How was this authentic writing task organized/structured? 2. What was the teacher’s role? 3. How will the activity be assessed?

11 Publication Ideas Create a class anthology Design a classroom magazine for the articles Share personal narratives Send letters to the editor Prepare book reviews/letters for the author Submit writings in a contest Forward work to a publishing company (with parental consent of course!!!)

12 Now You Try! Think of a text or novel that you plan to read this year. What are some themes, motifs, or concepts you want students to learn? Chose a form of authentic writing from the list provided and create a prompt/scenario that your students would enjoy. Write the assignment on an index card. Discuss the examples that you created with your table members.

13 Share It Once you’ve shared with your table, choose one to present to everyone else. Write the prompt/scenario on the chart paper provided. One person at the table collects each teacher created example from index cards and types the authentic writing examples that were created. Email these to: OR After these are compiled we will post the master list onto the literacy site. eID=1 eID=1

14 Work Cited Dick, Elizabeth. Literacy Across the Curriculum: Setting and Implementing Goals for Grades Six through 12. SREB, 2003. Print. Authentic Writing Samples from 0Samples%20v001%20%28Full%29.pdf 0Samples%20v001%20%28Full%29.pdf

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