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HHAC Annual Symposium June 10, 2011 Environmental Health Watch Kim Foreman Community Engagement for Healthy Neighborhoods.

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Presentation on theme: "HHAC Annual Symposium June 10, 2011 Environmental Health Watch Kim Foreman Community Engagement for Healthy Neighborhoods."— Presentation transcript:

1 HHAC Annual Symposium June 10, 2011 Environmental Health Watch Kim Foreman Community Engagement for Healthy Neighborhoods

2 Healthy Homes Pioneer Blueprint for a Healthy House Conferences (1985-90) Healthy House Catalog (1990)t Lead + Asthma Project (1998-99)

3 Address multiple housing hazards using a holistic approach: ◦Lead hazards ◦Excess moisture ◦Pest infestation ◦Faulty combustion appliances ◦Contaminated surfaces and reservoirs ◦Poorly done weatherization ◦Unsafe repairs Healthy Homes Strategy

4 Collaboration and Grassroots methods achieve positive results EHW Healthy Homes Projects: Cleveland Lead Hazard Control (1995-present) Lead + Asthma (1998-2000) Roach Allergen Reduction (1999-2002) Urban mold & moisture (1999-2003) Community Environmental Resource Center (2002-04) Tenants for Healthy Housing (2004-10)

5 Environmental Health Watch Cleveland Tenants Organization Community Environmental Health Resource Center(CEHRC) Tenants for Healthy Housing(THH)

6 6 Community Environmental Health Resource Center (CEHRC) Educating tenants about housing hazards that impact their health and the health of their children. Documenting hazards by observing, testing and photographing. Educating tenants to use their power to improve their housing.

7 7 CEHRC Home Hazards Investigators Investigators help people find hazards in their homes. Investigators give people information on what they can do to reduce hazards. Investigators help people put pressure on landlords to eliminate hazards.

8 CEHRC Project Successes CEHRC Project Successes Passage of the lead ordinance Housing court added lead hazard disclosure to education for landlords Water department included information on lead disclosure to building owners Health Department provided housing inspectors with lead-safe renovator training

9 Tenants for Healthy Housing CTO organizes in HUD-subsidized buildings Tenant leaders met monthly with residents EHW educated residents about: ◦ lead poisoning ◦ asthma triggers in the home ◦ pest and pesticides ◦ mold and moisture ◦ indoor air quality CTO followed- up with tenants, building managers, and owners to make corrections

10 Tenants for Healthy Housing Healthy Homes education for tenants in HUD subsidized buildings CTO and EHW host IPM education meeting for building managers/owners Address health hazards through tenant organizing, advocacy and enforcement

11 THH Project Successes 13 Buildings changed policies 4 Rent strikes resulted in managerial policy shifts EHW & CTO hosted pest control workshops for managers and building owners of multifamily dwellings EHW worked with Housing Choice Voucher Program to educate staff, inspectors and landlords


13 USEPA CARE Grant Partners Neighborhoods Environmental Justice

14 Our goals are to… listen to and learn about community environmental concerns help community participants decide on a plan to begin to address environmental problems seize environmental opportunities

15 NLEH Group Meetings Phase I: 1. Environmental education sessions 2. Tell us about your environment 3. Environmental hazards in your area Phase II: 1. List your concerns 2. Pick issues to work on 3. Neighbors create an action plan

16 Phase I Meetings What is Environmental Justice/Injustice ? What is your environment? How does environment impact your health? Why does place matter?

17 17 Neighborhood focused data, maps

18 Phase I Meetings Air, Water, Food, Housing videos/ education sessions Lead/Asthma Programs applications/ fact sheets Local program panels Water pollution/rain barrel workshop

19 Community photo project 19

20 Phase II Meetings Categorize Concerns Rank and Prioritize Create an Action Plan- in process Submit Plan to EPA March 2012

21 NLEH Accomplishments Monthly meetings: attendance maintained 25-30 active core community members 8 emerging neighborhood leaders Website Energy Savers Contest Members attend community events – Bioneers, Dr. Bullard, Will Allen, hearings Environmental issues and youth videos produced Additional funding obtained – Mt. Sinai and COAD ◦UBF pending ◦EPA pending Partnership with COAD: ◦ 17 community members have received EPA Firm Certifications as renovators ◦20 more registered for June 14th

22 Thank You For Listening WWW.NLEH.ORG WWW.EHW.ORG 216-961-4646

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