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Responses to the pre-project and post-project questionnaires Both (last time) Post (last time) Pre (last time) 24 (9) 32 (12) 41 (19) Visionair Visitors.

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Presentation on theme: "Responses to the pre-project and post-project questionnaires Both (last time) Post (last time) Pre (last time) 24 (9) 32 (12) 41 (19) Visionair Visitors."— Presentation transcript:


2 Responses to the pre-project and post-project questionnaires Both (last time) Post (last time) Pre (last time) 24 (9) 32 (12) 41 (19) Visionair Visitors 9 (4) 14 (5) 13 (11) Visionair Host Lab

3 Motivation component Includes the following reasons for participating in the VISIONAIR project: 1.Promote my professional development 2.Be part of world-wide professional collaboration 3.Learn about innovative visualization technologies 4.Learn about the technical content 5.Learn about the academic and practical research 6.Interest in sharing knowledge 7.Interest in enhancing company product portfolio

4 Expectations: pre-project questionnaire Includes the following reasons for participating in the VISIONAIR project: 1.Study and practice the technology or the system 2.Learn about the organization university and/or management of the laboratory 3.Initiate professional collaboration at the academic level 4.Initiate professional collaboration at the industrial level 5.Initiate professional collaboration at the technological level 6.Collaborate in writing proposals and future publications

5 Motivation & Expectation Pre-Post Paired t-test Paired Samples Test tdfSig. (2-tailed) motivation Pre-Post 1.15230.26 expectation Pre-Post 1.31230.20 *N=24 pairs


7 Preliminary Qualitative Analysis Examine the effect of the TNA visits on and contribution to the participants

8 Preliminary Qualitative Comparison Preliminary Qualitative Comparison Pre:Pre: Why did you choose to apply? Post: Strongly agreePost: Did the training met your requirements and needs? Strongly agree Explain: improving (5) Because I'm interested in improving my international research background advanced in the knowledge found limits learned also increased our knowledge about (5) We have advanced in the knowledge of the different graphics engines used in CAVE facilities. We have found limits both in UNITY-middleVR and XVR (graphic engines). We have learned also different cluster organizations for CAVE rendering. We have increased our knowledge about eye-tracking devices.

9 Preliminary Qualitative Comparison Preliminary Qualitative Comparison Pre:Pre: Why did you choose to apply? Post: Strongly agreePost: Did the training meet your requirements and needs? Strongly agree Explain: opportunity to do interdisciplinary and international research (18) I found it a great opportunity to do interdisciplinary and international research interdisciplinary approach (18) Good field for interdisciplinary approach.

10 Preliminary Qualitative Comparison Preliminary Qualitative Comparison Pre:Pre: Why did you choose to apply? Post: Strongly agreePost: Did the training met your requirements and needs? Strongly agree Explain: (15) My research work on visualization expressions which students use in virtual science fair projects just started and I am very thankful for any kind of help and support of colleagues in that field. (15) I was trained to use the OPM methodology. We had great and deep project discussions, I got very useful informations and critical suggestions - very helpful.

11 Contribution to Participants

12 Response Examples VISIONAIR host Pre (date)Post (date) ITIA-CNR Interested in learning about the technical content discussed in the specific laboratory. I want to learn more and apply VR, AR facilities in early stages of design (5/12/2013). I have to implement VR/AR facilities to make my environments immersive, and unfortunately we do not have any of them in TU Delft…it was so hard for me to have all the necessary facilities in one room (EEG recording facilities with VR/AR facilities). In the lab of ITIA-CNR with help of Visionair it finally happened (31/12/2013). Salford ThinkLab Learning about the academic and practical research conducted in the specific laboratory is the most important, because I can enhance my technical knowledge in many other ways, but getting to know the people and the work at a specific laboratory is a singular opportunity that is unique to this project(30/6/2013). I was able to see how work is done in a leading research laboratory on visualization and interaction technologies, and discuss ideas with researchers working there (25/10/2013). ESML Be part of world-wide professional development effort There is a very successful network/collaboration that most likely will lead to share publications, funding and research(12/06/2013).

13 Response Examples VISIONAI R host Pre (date)Post (date) ITIA-CNR Interested in learning about the technical content discussed in the specific laboratory. I want to learn more and apply VR, AR facilities in early stages of design (5/12/2013). I have to implement VR/AR facilities to make my environments immersive, and unfortunately we do not have any of them in TU Delft…it was so hard for me to have all the necessary facilities in one room (EEG recording facilities with VR/AR facilities). In the lab of ITIA-CNR with help of Visionair it finally happened (31/12/2013). Salford ThinkLab Learning about the academic and practical research conducted in the specific laboratory is the most important, because I can enhance my technical knowledge in many other ways, but getting to know the people and the work at a specific laboratory is a singular opportunity that is unique to this project(30/6/2013). I was able to see how work is done in a leading research laboratory on visualization and interaction technologies, and discuss ideas with researchers working there (25/10/2013). ESML Be part of world-wide professional development effort There is a very successful network/collaboration that most likely will lead to share publications, funding and research(12/06/2013).

14 Response Examples VISIONAI R host Pre (date)Post (date) ITIA-CNR Interested in learning about the technical content discussed in the specific laboratory. I want to learn more and apply VR, AR facilities in early stages of design (5/12/2013). I have to implement VR/AR facilities to make my environments immersive, and unfortunately we do not have any of them in TU Delft…it was so hard for me to have all the necessary facilities in one room (EEG recording facilities with VR/AR facilities). In the lab of ITIA-CNR with help of Visionair it finally happened (31/12/2013). Salford ThinkLab Learning about the academic and practical research conducted in the specific laboratory is the most important, because I can enhance my technical knowledge in many other ways, but getting to know the people and the work at a specific laboratory is a singular opportunity that is unique to this project(30/6/2013). I was able to see how work is done in a leading research laboratory on visualization and interaction technologies, and discuss ideas with researchers working there (25/10/2013). ESML Be part of world-wide professional development effort There is a very successful network/collaboration that most likely will lead to share publications, funding and research(12/06/2013).

15 Response Examples VISIONAIR host Pre (date)Post (date) ITIA-CNR Interested in learning about the technical content discussed in the specific laboratory. I want to learn more and apply VR, AR facilities in early stages of design. (5/12/2013). I have to implement VR/AR facilities to make my environments immersive, and unfortunately we do not have any of them in TU Delft…it was so hard for me to have all the necessary facilities in one room (EEG recording facilities with VR/AR facilities). In the lab of ITIA-CNR with help of Visionair it finally happened (31/12/2013). Salford ThinkLab Learning about the academic and practical research conducted in the specific laboratory is the most important, because I can enhance my technical knowledge in many other ways, but getting to know the people and the work at a specific laboratory is a singular opportunity that is unique to this project. (30/6/2013). I was able to see how work is done in a leading research laboratory on visualization and interaction technologies, and discuss ideas with researchers working there. (25/10/2013). ESML Be part of world-wide professional development effort There is a very successful network/collaboration that most likely will lead to shared publications, funding and research(12/06/2013).

16 Initial conclusions & limitations Initial conclusions: The preliminary qualitative analysis indicates that the host labs meet the expectations of the visitors. Limitation: Not all labs and visitors filled both pre- and post-questionnaires. Some did not even do one. Proposal: TNA cannot be considered complete until both questionnaires are done. This is VISIONNAIRs’ policy but unfortunately it is not enforced strictly enough.

17 Example of a TNA Visit Proposer : Dr. Gabriela Jonas-Ahrend, faculty of physics education at the Technische Universitaet Dortmund Visited laboratory: Enterpise Systems Modeling Laboratory (ESML), Technion, Haifa, Israel Visit Dates: 11 November to 15 November, 2012 Project 74: Using Visualization Analysis for Evaluating Students' Virtual Science Fairs Outcomes

18 Example of a TNA Visit – cont. Science fair is an instance of the PBL method Students are responsible for: –choosing the topic for their projects –working on their own experiment or science project – presenting it to their peers at school A new type of science fair is the virtual science fair, where e-mentors help and support students online with their science projects (Jonas-Ahrend, 2013). Background - Science Fair

19 Example of a TNA Visit – cont. To study how to analyse visual expressions which students use in virtual science fair projects To learn how to model the e-mentoring and the virtual science fairs' processes using OPM – a conceptual modelling methodology To explore additional ways to foster students' scientific literacy and motivation Goals of the Project

20 Example of a TNA Visit – cont. An OPM model that represents the science fair project's system was constructed The visit ended with a decision to continue the joint research activities Visit Outcomes

21 Example of a TNA Visit – Cont. Example of the OPM Model

22 Example of a TNA Visit – Cont. Example of the OPM Model

23 Example of a TNA Visit – Cont. Feedback from the Visitor I learned a lot about research methods (qualitative and quantitative) and about the OPM methodology and how to apply those to my project "science fair"… The modelling process helped me to get new insights into the project management, about the different aspects in the project environment, and about the involved people and their different perspectives…most of all about valuable international collaboration in many ways.

24 Thank you! QUESTIONS ? Slide 24 / 26

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