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Victoria E. Aldridge, Pharm.D. JUSTIFICATION OF CLINICAL STAFFING Victoria E. Aldridge, Pharm.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Victoria E. Aldridge, Pharm.D. JUSTIFICATION OF CLINICAL STAFFING Victoria E. Aldridge, Pharm.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Victoria E. Aldridge, Pharm.D. JUSTIFICATION OF CLINICAL STAFFING Victoria E. Aldridge, Pharm.D.

2 Lecture Objectives ä At the end of the lecture the participants should be able to: ä Articulate the background information and initial skills need to develop staffing proposals ä Describe the internal and external threats and opportunities which will make proposals a success or a failure.

3 Presentation Overview ä How to make a business case for more staffing ä Review of San Diego VA Emergency Room Example

4 The Big Picture on Pharmacy ä Rapid change in Medical Profession ä Drug Information is readily available and in overwhelming volume ä Automation and technicians are quickly removing the traditional dispensing roles. ä Pharmacy Schools have adapted to clinical roles for pharmacists but positions to match skills not always readily available.

5 Business Models – what do they have to do with Pharmacy ? ä Everything – Pharmacy is a business ä In the cost sensitive environment we live in Pharmacy administrators need to justify everything they do ä With out support of every pharmacist on the team they job is nearly impossible

6 Components of a Business Plan ä Executive Summary ä Background description of the issues, problems or opportunity ä Product or Service you will be selling ä Market Analysis ä Strategies and Implementation ä Management ä Financial Analysis ä Long Term plans, goals and threat assessment

7 Executive Summary ä Generally written last as a quick synopsis of what the proposal is going to detail ä Should include objectives, mission and keys to success ä Use the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method by being clear and concise ä Needs to be strong enough to make the reader want to review the entire proposal or believe you without reading it!

8 Background description of the issues, problems or opportunity ä Should delineate the current problem by using both descriptive discussion and data. ä Should where applicable give background on how the problem arose ä Should reflect a review of the literature of how others have dealt with similar problems

9 Product or Service you will be selling ä Describe exactly what you intend to do to solve the problem ä Describe what type of evidence you will be using to demonstrate success and from who’s perspective. ä Focus on Customer (patient, provider, health care system) benefits ä What technology you will be using

10 Market Analysis ä Need to clearly examine your market to Include: ä Customer needs (patients, other caregivers, Administrators) ä Market Tends & Market Growth ä Problems that will occur if you don’t solve the issues ä Opportunities that exist if you are successful ä Competition – can it be contracted or can someone else do it better (including other services like nursing)

11 Strategies and Implementation ä Be specific and include: ä Management responsibilities ä Staff responsibilities ä What data will be collected ä Timelines - Specific milestones or outcomes that will be measured. ä Marketing and promotion ä Pricing ä Distribution ä Sales Strategies and forecasts

12 Management Team ä Organizational Structure (org chart) ä Description of who will be involved in the project, what role each person plays and what their qualifications are. ä Is the team already together or does it need to be assembled ä If already together have they been successful before? ä Team gaps or weaknesses need to be identified and a resolution (eg: contract out) needs to be provided.

13 Financial Analysis ä Important assumptions, key indicators ä Should include cost benefit analysis which should be reflected as: ä Profit and loss statements ä Breakeven analysis ä Return on Investment (ROI) analysis (short and long term) ä Cash flow

14 Long Term plans, goals and threat assessment ä Need to clearly articulate what you plan to do in the long term. ä Should develop monitors to make sure you have achieved your goals long term ä Assess what are the long term threats to your programs and adapt to them early

15 Example of Business Plan to Justify 24/7 Emergency Room Pharmacists (Handout)

16 Conclusions ä Wonderful opportunities exist for expanding the roles of Pharmacists (& technicians) in the management of patients – If you know how to justify them ä Writing a great business plan is the key to success

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