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Update on blended and digital Learning Dr Neil Morris Academic Lead, Blended and Digital Learning Jane O’Neill Staff and Departmental Development Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on blended and digital Learning Dr Neil Morris Academic Lead, Blended and Digital Learning Jane O’Neill Staff and Departmental Development Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on blended and digital Learning Dr Neil Morris Academic Lead, Blended and Digital Learning Jane O’Neill Staff and Departmental Development Unit

2 BLLTIG and BLSG BLLTIG – Horizon scanning advisory group, composed of Faculty representatives and central services, reports to….. BLSG – Chaired by PVC for Student Education, group of Taught Student Education Board RECENT OUTPUTS: Digital Strategy for Student Experience, FutureLearn Strategy, OER policy

3 Digital Strategy for Student Education ContentInteractionCollaboration Learning spaces SupportServices Students Teachers Support services Students Teachers Support services In consultation; May FTSECs

4 Blended learning strategy Face to face classes Learning resources Event capture Interaction collaboration Social media channels Mobile devices e assessment Research- based activities

5 Digital Learning priorities

6 Externally available Structured Courses FutureLearn ( MOOCs ) iTunes U (courses) Distance Learning Courses Externally available Learning Objects iTunes UYouTubeOER repositoriesMultimedia portal*Web content Internal Learning Objects and Structured Courses Event capture / Multimedia portal* VLEIntranet External and Internal Digital Learning Channels * Note not agreed functionality (business case to be presented to VCEG in May 2013)

7 Open Educational Resources OER steering group, AVOG, BLLTIG, BLSG, TSEB, VCEG, iTunes group, YouTube group © (cc) IPR DP

8 FutureLearn for MOOCs VCEG, BLLSG, FL steering group Mini- MOOC What: Discovering knowledge; exploring subjects; online learning community Who: New/returning to learning; LifeLong learners; prospective students Why: General interest; certificate of achievement; stepping-stone MOOC What: Immersive HE level learning experience; online learning community Who: New/returning to learning; Lifelong learners; professionals; students Why: Certification / accreditation; MOOC2degree; professional development; career On-campus programme What: Blended learning; tutoring; resources; hands-on; f2f learning community Who: Students; New/returning/Lifelong learners Why: HE qualification; personal/professional development; career CPD MOOC What: Continuing professional development; professional body/employer requirement Who: Professionals; Postgraduate Why: Career progression; registration; professional requirement

9 Strategic principles Our engagement with FutureLearn will: provide an opportunity for the University to showcase the quality and breadth of the education it offers; offer learners at all levels across the world the opportunity to experience a taster of Higher Education, as offered by the University; serve as an example of the University’s commitment to ‘openness’ and Open Educational Practice; offer additional learning opportunities for students enrolled on degree programmes and courses at the University.

10 Awareness… Applications… Commitment... Conversions... On-course satisfaction A high quality MOOC portfolio from the University of Leeds could lead to increased… from the following types of learners: Home / EU International Undergraduate Taught Postgraduate Research postgraduate Part-Time Lifelong ……..…. i.e. all potential students of the University

11 Lecture capture / multimedia storage Lecture capture working group, multimedia group, BLLTIG, BLSG, ISS


13 Blackboard Mobile Learn VLE team, ISS, VLE Board, BLLTIG, BLSG

14 eAssessment and feedback eAssessment eSubmission eMarkingeFeedbackeStorage eAssessment Group, BLLTIG, BLSG, Broadening Strands, SES Cross Institutional Assessment strand

15 Social media BLLTIG, Social Media Group, BLSG, Communications, VCEG

16 Mobile devices and apps BLLTIG, Digital Strategy Working Group, BLSG

17 Talk to us about any plans or projects in the pipeline; Let us know about any digital artefacts that you have; Share your enthusiasm about digital technology and learning with your colleagues.

18 Supporting digital learning What are the barriers to adoption in your School? What support do your staff need to encourage engagement with blended learning?

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