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Chapter 8.6: Nervous system

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1 Chapter 8.6: Nervous system

2 Cerebrum cont… Association Areas Interpret incoming data
Coordinate motor response Somatic sensory association area Allows you to recognize touch Somatic motor association area Coordinates learned movements Ex: Picking up a glass

3 Figure 8.19

4 Cerebrum cont… Corpus callosum Connects the two hemispheres

5 Figure 8.20

6 Cerebrum cont… Integrative Centers
Control extremely complex motor activities Performs complicated analytical functions General Interpretive Area Receives information from all sensory association areas Role in personality Complex visual and auditory memories

7 Figure 8.20

8 Cerebrum cont… Speech Center AKA: Broca’s Area Usually left hemisphere
Regulates breathing and vocalization for speech Adjusted by feedback from auditory association area

9 Cerebrum cont… Prefrontal Cortex Can predict future consequences
Causes tension, frustration and anxiety If disconnected from brain, these feelings are removed Prefrontal lobotomy—used in early 1900s “Cured” mental illness


11 Cerebrum cont… Aphasia Damage to general interpretive area
Can’t speak, read, understand or interpret speech Usually due to stroke or brain tumor


13 Cerebrum cont… Dyslexia Affects comprehension and use of words
About 15% of American kids have it Difficulty reading/writing Intellect normal Writing uneven and disorganized Letters written in wrong order Ex: Dig become Gid

14 Cerebrum cont… Hemispheric Lateralization (L/R sides) Left Hemisphere
Interpretation Speech centers Reading and Writing Hand movements for right handed people Math and logical decision making

15 Figure 8.20

16 Cerebrum cont… Right Hemisphere Senses
Identify objects by touch, smell, taste or feel Recognizes faces Analyze emotions

17 Figure 8.20

18 Cerebrum cont… Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Printed record of brain activity

19 Figure 8.21

20 Cerebrum cont… Memory Stored bits of information
Facts—specific bits of information Skill—learned motor behavior Short term memory—doesn’t last long Can be recalled immediately Long term memory—remains for life Stored in cerebral cortex Amnesia—loss of memory due to disease or trauma

21 Cerebrum cont… Basal nuclei Activities outside of conscious awareness
Ex: How to walk

22 Cerebrum cont… Seizures Temporary cerebral disorder
Abnormal involuntary movement Change in electrical activities of the brain

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