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The Great Gatsby Chapter 3

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Gatsby Chapter 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Gatsby Chapter 3

2 A Closer Look… First paragraph: Explain the atmosphere Fitzgerald creates through these details. Pg : “The party has begun.” * “With Jordan’s slender golden arm rested in mine, we descended the steps and sauntered about through the garden. A tray of cocktails floated at is through the twilight.”

3 The search for Gatsby… 1. Woman with the torn dress (43)
2. The stories/rumors (44) 3. Owl-Eyes (45) 4. The accidental introduction (47)

4 First details of Gatsby
Pg. 48 “He smiled understandingly – much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles…Some time before he introduced himself I’d gotten the strong impression that he was picking his words with care.” “old sport!”

5 The West Egg Behavior Pg. 51 – Remember the differences between East Egg and West Egg. What is Fitzgerald revealing at this point about the atmosphere of these parties? Pg. 52 – When Nick leaves the party, he does something hat makes him unlike most of the other guests. What does he do?

6 Emerging Motifs Sight (eyes, etc.)
Driving (reckless driving, fast driving, etc.) Drinking (and the behavior that follows) Examine the above motifs and recall how they have been introduced. What is Fitzgerald going for here?

7 The final pages of Ch. 3 What all is Nick ruminating over in these final pages?

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