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Jonathan Schisler Advanced DBMS 2/10/2005 An Overview of Grid Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "Jonathan Schisler Advanced DBMS 2/10/2005 An Overview of Grid Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jonathan Schisler Advanced DBMS 2/10/2005 An Overview of Grid Computing

2 Topics Grid Computing Example Grids Grid History Grid Services GT3 Example Challenges in Grid Computing The UofA and Grid

3 What is “Grid Computing” Grid computing is way of organizing computing resources So that they can be flexibly and dynamically allocated and accessed –Processors, storage, network bandwidth, databases, applications, sensors and so on

4 The objective of grid computing is to share information and processing capacity so that it can be more efficiently exploited –Offer QOS guarantees (security, workflow and resource management, fail-over, problem determination, … ) What is Grid (cont)

5 Elements of Grid Computing Resource sharing –Computers, storage, sensors, networks, … –Sharing always conditional: issues of trust, policy, negotiation, payment, … Coordinated problem solving –Beyond client-server: distributed data analysis, computation, collaboration, … Dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations –Community overlays on classic org structures –Large or small, static or dynamic

6 Types of Grids Computational grids – reducing execution time Data grids – large scale data management problems

7 Oversimplified Comparison of SMP, MPP SC04: HLRS

8 Commodity Parts - Cheap Custom Supercomputer - Expensive Reduce Application run-time Increased Availability Dynamic Allocation of Resources For Large Datasets Why Use Grid




12 DOE X-ray grand challenge: ANL, USC/ISI, NIST, U.Chicago Wide-Area Dissemination desktop clients with shared controls Advanced Photon Source Online Access to Scientific Instruments archival storage Real-Time Collection Archival Storage

13 NEESgrid: Argonne, Michigan, NCSA, UIUC, USC Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation NEESgrid: national infrastructure to couple earthquake engineers with experimental facilities, databases, computers, & each other On-demand access to experiments, data streams, computing, archives, collaboration

14 U.Nevada Reno, Collaborative Engineering: NEESgrid

15 Grid Computing, B. Wilkinson USA TeraGrid

16 Broader Context “Grid Computing” has much in common with major industrial thrusts –Business-to-business, Peer-to-peer, Application Service Providers, Storage Service Providers, Distributed Computing, Internet Computing, Web Services, … Sharing issues not adequately addressed by existing technologies –Complicated requirements: “run program X at site Y subject to community policy P, providing access to data at Z according to policy Q” –High performance: unique demands of advanced & high- performance systems

17 Grid Evolution First Generation (mid 80’s to 1990’s) - “Grid” coined in 1989 -Objective: provide computational resources to a range of high performance apps -Ex) FAFNER (Factoring via Network- Enabled Recursion) -Basic Services such as distributed file systems, site-wide single sign on -Gigabit test beds extended Grid distance

18 Grid Evolution Second Generation (late 1990’s to now) -Condor, I-WAY (origin of Globus) and Legion -Heterogeneity -Scalability -Adaptability -Use of middleware to integrate applications -Few standards, no interoperability -Deployment requires significant customization

19 Grid Evolution (cont) Third Generation (recent past and the present) -Global Grid Forum standards (1999) -OGSA published (June, 2002) -OGSI, Version 1.0, published (July, 2003) -Globus Toolkit 3 (GT3) available (June, 2003)

20 Grid Evolution (cont) –Administrative Hierarchy –Communication and Information Services –Naming Services –Distributed File Systems –Security and Authorization –System Status and Fault Tolerance –Resource Management and Scheduling

21 Popular Systems Condor –Specialized workload management –Job queuing mechanism –Scheduling policy, priority scheme –Resource monitoring and management –Transparent job migration –Checkpointing

22 Popular Systems (cont) Globus (GT3) –Uses a service-oriented approach –GridFTP –GRAM –GSI –Provides Services to execute code on authorized machines

23 Grid Computing, B. Wilkinson GGF developed standard interfaces, behaviors, core semantics, etc. for grid applications based upon web services. GGF introduced the term Grid Service as an extended web service that conforms to the GGF OGSI standard. The Global Grid Forum

24 Grid Services Common interface specification supports the interoperability of discrete, independently developed services Concept similar to Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Remote Method Invocation (RMI), only applied over HTTP Based on extensions of Web Services

25 Web Services Architecture The Web Services Architecture is specified and standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the same organization responsible for XML, HTML, CSS, etc.

26 Web Services


28 Grid Computing, B. Wilkinson Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) – Defines standard mechanisms for creating, naming, and discovering Grid service instances. – Addresses architectural issues relating to interoperable Grid services. Open Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI) – Based upon Grid Service specification and specifies way clients interact with a grid service (service invocation, management data interface, security interface,...). GGF Standards

29 Grid and Web Services Convergence The definition of WSRF means that the Grid and Web services communities can move forward on a common base. SC04:

30 Differences between Web Services and Grid Service Grid services can be: –Stateful or Stateless –Transient or Non-Transient. Web services are usually thought of as non-transient and stateless.

31 Web Services missing features At the time the OGSI V1.0 spec was published there was a gap between the need to define stateful Web Services and what was provided by the latest version of Web Services in WSDL 1.1 – Web Services were stateless and non-transient The result was the definition in OGSI of Service Data – a common mechanism to expose a service instance’s state data for query, update, and change notification Also, Grid Services uses a Factory to manage instances – to allow transient and private instances

32 Grid Services Factory

33 Grid Services The declared state of a service is accessed only though service operations that are defined as a part of the service interface (For those who know JavaBeans, Service Data is similar to JavaBean properties) I will show an example using GT3. Since GT3 uses Java, the whole example is in Java.

34 Grid Services Example Using GT3 Step 1: Define the Service interface using Java public interface Math { public void add(int a); public void subtract(int a); public int getValue(); } In this example there is a value and it can be modified via add or subtract, and can be accessed via getValue. GT3 provides tools for converting the Java to WSDL

35 Step 2: Implement the Service public class MathImpl extends GridServiceImpl implements MathPortType { private int value = 0; public MathImpl() { super(“Math Factory Service”); } public void add(int a) throws RemoteException { value = value + a; } public void subtract(int a) throws RemoteException { value = value - a; } public int getValue() throws RemoteException { return value; }

36 Step 3: Write the Deployment Descriptor using Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD) format

37 (Continued)

38 Step 4: Compile and deploy the Service using ant [aapon@kite tutorial]$./ gt3tutorial/core/factory/impl/ You can see gar and jar files that ant creates from the source files. [aapon@kite] newgrp globus [aapon@kite] cd $GLOBUS_LOCATION [aapon@kite] ant deploy

39 Step 5: Write and compile the client public class MathClient { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Get command-line arguments URL GSH = new[0]); int a = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // Get a reference to the MathService instance MathServiceGridLocator myServiceLocator = new MathServiceGridLocator(); MathPortType myprog = myServiceLocator.getMathService(GSH); // Call remote method 'add' myprog.add(a); System.out.println("Added " + a); // Get current value through remote method 'getValue' int value = myprog.getValue(); System.out.println("Current value: " + value); }catch(Exception e) … }

40 Step 6: Start the Service and execute the client Start the Service: [aapon@kite] globus-start-container -p 8081 Create the service instance: This client does not create a new instance when it runs; thus, the instance needs to be created the first time. [aapon@kite] ogsi-create-service http://localhost:8081/ogsa/services/tutorial/core/factory/MathFactoryService myprog This ogsi-create-service has two arguments: the service handle GSH and the name of the instance we want to create. Execute the client: [aapon@kite tutorial] java gt3tutorial.core.factory.client.MathClient http://localhost:8081/ogsa/services/tutorial/core/factory/MathFactoryService/myprog 4 You will see the following result: Added 4 Current value: 4

41 Problems with GT3 and OGSI I didn’t tell you the whole story – there are a lot of environmental variables, a lot of setup is required! You have to be very proficient at Java to use GT3. Not only that, it is quite slow. Oops, OGSI is not completely interoperable with Web Services!

42 Changes to Grid Standards Introduction of Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF), January, 2004 –Web services vendors recognized the importance of OGSI concept but would not adopt OGSI as it was defined (Summer 2003) –Globus Alliance teamed up with Web services architects and came up with WSRF –Add the ability to create, address, inspect, discover, and manage stateful resources

43 WSRF changes the terms slightly WS-Resource (instead of Grid services) The concepts are the same: Grid service has an identity, service data, and a lifetime management mechanism WS-Resource has a name, resource properties, and a lifetime management mechanism So, the GT3 tutorial is still relevant!

44 WS-Resource Guaranteed to have these four characteristics (the ACID properties): Atomicity - Stateful resource updates within a transactional unit are made in an all-or-nothing fashion. Consistency - Stateful resources should always be in a consistent state even after failures. Isolation - Updates to stateful resources should be isolated within a given transactional work unit. Durability - Provides for the permanence of stateful resource updates made under the transactional unit of work.

45 Planned Components in GT 4.0 SC04:

46 Distributed computing is complex There are many advantages to working within a standard framework –Single sign-on –Remote deployment of executables –Computation management, data movement –Benefits of working with an international community of developers and users –A framework enables the definition of higher-level services

47 UofA Grid Computing Possibilities Acxiom work: Self-Regulation of the Acxiom Grid Environment Computational chemistry: exploit 10,000 computers to screen 100,000 compounds in an hour DNA computational scientists visualize, annotate, & analyze terabyte simulation datasets Environmental scientists share volcanic activity sensing data that has been collected from a widely dispersed sensor grid

48 UofA “Grid” for Sharing Digital Map Data GeoStor digital map data delivery system Contains all publicly available geographic data for the state of Arkansas Oracle database is used for access to metadata and some maps

49 GeoSurf A Java based product User queries and downloads data from GeoStor User specifies geographic clip boundaries, projection, data format UofA “Grid” for Sharing Digital Map Data Could be a Grid service

50 Red Diamond 128-node (256 CPUs) Cluster Funded by NSF Major Research Initiative (MRI) 3.2GHz Xeon 64 processors, each with 4GB memory, 72GB hard drives High-performance InfiniBand system area network 10 Terabytes of external storage 1 Teraflop/s (more than 1 trillion floating point operations every second) Justification included research with Acxiom

51 Research Areas: Initial Partitioning Dynamic Re-partitioning Scalability Load Balancing High Throughput and Overall Performance Failover

52 Questions

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