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Disclaimer Median Real Income, Sub- Saharan Africa.

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2 Disclaimer

3 Median Real Income, Sub- Saharan Africa

4 Growth in GDP per capita,1996 - 2008 Emerging Countries Other Countries Oil Exporters Botswana4.1 Burundi-0.8 Angola7.6 Burkina Faso2.8 Central African Republic-0.5 Cameroon1.7 Cape Verde4.0 Comoros-0.3 Chad3.4 Ethiopia4.1 Congo, Dem. Rep.-1.1 Congo, Rep.1.3 Ghana2.6 Cote d'Ivoire-0.9 Eq. Guinea23.6 Lesotho2.3 Djibouti-0.4 Gabon-0.7 Mali2.5 Eritrea-1.7 Mauritania1.1 Mauritius3.7 Gambia, The1.5 Nigeria2.3 Mozambique5.4 Guinea1.7 Sudan4.7 Namibia2.4 Guinea-Bissau-2.3 Rwanda3.7Niger0.6 Sao Tome and Principe5.0 Madagascar0.9 Seychelles2.6 Somalian.a. South Africa2.0 Swaziland1.9 Tanzania3.0 Togo0.2 Uganda3.8 Zimbabwe-2.9 Zambia1.8 Threshold Countries Benin1.3 Kenya 2003-082.4 Liberia 2005-083.1 Malawi1.2 Senegal1.4 Sierra Leone 2003-083.7


6 Average Per Capita Income

7 Growth in Per Capita Income

8 Gross Capital Formation (Investment)

9 Total Trade

10 Productivity Growth Total Factor Productivity Growth in SSA (3 year rolling average)

11 Agricultural Production

12 Infant Mortality

13 Primary School Enrollment

14 Population Growth Rate

15 Poverty Rates in the Emerging African Countries Share of population with incomes less than $1.25/day

16 Changes in Commodity Prices

17 Five Fundamental Changes 1. The Rise of Democracy and Improved Governance 2. Stronger Economic Policies 3. The End of the Debt Crisis and Improved Donor Relations 4. The Rise of New Technologies 5. The Emergence of a New Generation

18 Major Changes in the Emerging Countries: Economic Policy Reform, Political Change, and Per Capita Income

19 African Democracies

20 Freedom House Scores Average of Political Rights and Civil Liberties Scores

21 Freedom House and Polity IV Scores

22 Incidence of Domestic Conflict Average number of incidents per year per country group

23 African Leaders Departure From Power Source: Daniel N. Posner and Daniel J. Young, 2007, “The Institutionalization of Political Power in Africa,” Journal of Democracy 18-3 (July), pp. 128.

24 Governance Indicators Source: World Bank Institute Rule of LawRegulatory Quality YearEmergingNon-emergingEmergingNon-emerging 1996-0.47-0.77-0.49-0.64 2008-0.24-0.99-0.25-1.01 Government EffectivenessPolitical Stability EmergingNon-emergingEmergingNon-emerging 1996-0.46-0.71-0.39-0.40 2008-0.29-1.100.01-0.84 Control of CorruptionVoice & Accountability EmergingNon-emergingEmergingNon-emerging 1996-0.49-0.55-0.10-0.69 2008-0.15-0.800.03-1.19

25 2. Stronger Economic Policies Prevalence of “Anti-Growth Syndromes”

26 Currency Overvaluation: The Real Exchange Rate

27 Average Import Tariff Rates

28 Changes in Agricultural Policies: The Nominal Rate of Assistance

29 Costs of Starting a Business

30 3. The End of the Debt Crisis and Change in Donor Relationships

31 Official Financing for the Emerging African Countries

32 4. The rise of new Technologies: Mobile Subscriptions (per 100 people)

33 Internet Subscriptions (per 100 people)

34 5. The Emergence of a New Generation

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