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Bell Work: Grab books and folders Read a Day in the life pg. 205.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: Grab books and folders Read a Day in the life pg. 205."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: Grab books and folders Read a Day in the life pg. 205

2  PQ4R Section 1  What is intelligence?  What are the theories of intelligence?  6 total ?s  Task #2: Leave a line or two after this!!  Pretend your job is to select the worlds most intelligent person ▪ The profile of this person should include traits, abilities, and accomplishments associated w/ highly intelligent people ▪ This is not a person but a profile for their selection

3  Intelligence vs. Achievement  Achievement ▪ Knowledge and skills gained form experience  Intelligence ▪ Ability to learn from experience, to think rationally, and deal effectively w/ their environment ▪ Number of differing theories regarding intelligence

4  Get w/ 12 o’clock partners and wait for your assigned Theory  Read/summarize the main points of your assigned theory  You will give these to the rest of the class soon!  While you listen make sure these are going in your notes

5  Spearman’s 2 Factor Theory  G-factor- general intelligence ▪ Ability to reason and solve problems  S-Factor-Specific Intelligence ▪ People are better @ “some” things more than others ▪ Music over math, muscle memory over facts, etc.  Thurston’s Theory of Primary Mental Abilities  Believed 9 separate factors make up intelligence ▪ Visual/spacial, perceptual speed, numerical ability, verbal meaning, memory, word fluency, deductive/inductive reasoning ▪ Believed people could be high/low in one or another

6  Gardner’s Theory of Mult. Intelligences  Believed 7 different kinds of intelligence ▪ Linguistic, logical-mathmatical, visual-spatial, body- kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal/intrapersonal intelligence  Believed these to be independent of each other  Stenberg’s Triarchic Theory (pg.208 figure)  Believed three levels make up intelligence together  Analytic (problem solving), Creative (deal w/new situations), and Practical (accomplish everyday tasks)  Read example at end of his theory

7  Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence  Consists of five factors (read descriptions to class) ▪ Self-Awareness, mood management, Self-motivation, Impulse control, People skills  Links bt the different types of Intelligences  “Popcorn” read section on pg. 210  Research suggests that not all types of intelligence may be independent but actually linked

8  Closing Activity  Fill out multiple intelligences packet  This is based on Gardner’s Theory

9  Grab Netbook, log-in  Finish any of Mult. Intelligences packet  Task #3  Complete Thinking bout Psych pg. 210  Look back to task #2  How would your profile change now?

10  PQ4R Section 2  What are the Various Ways to measure Intelligence? ▪ 2 ?s about this  2 More ?s

11  Stanford-Binet (“popcorn” read)  Yield a score called a mental age ▪ Intellectual level at which a child is functioning  Became revised by Stanford ▪ What we know as IQ ▪ MA / CA (Chronological Age) X 100 = IQ  Intelligent Quotient ▪ Number that reflects the relationship bt. A child’s mental ages and actual age

12  Wechsler Scales  Consists of several subtests ▪ Each measures a different intellectual skill ▪ Verbal, non-verbal, combined scores ▪ Different than S-B b/c they use more than verbal  Look and go through pg. 213

13  Before psych’s accept intelligence tests must be proved reliable and valid  Reliability refers to its consistency of results  Can’t take on different occasions and score completely different  Test-retest reliability: comparing scores by same person taken @ different times  Validity  Has to measure what it is supposed to measure

14  Many factors can play into the outcomes of intelligence testing  Socio-economic background  Test-taking abliity  Motivation  Might have cultural bias

15  Go to website   Complete IQ test if you would like  You can send them to my Email, or your personal email ▪ This is an optional activity just to get experience with them  Task #5 Thinking about Psychology (pg.214)

16  Get books/folders  Finish Task #5  Thinking bout Psych. Pg. 215

17  What are the differences in Intelligence?  3 more Questions  Reading Activity  Get with 12 o’clock partners  Wait for assigned reading  You will read your part and then present it verbally to the class

18  IQ Tests do help identify people whose intelligence is out of ordinary (either end)  Look at 9.4 pg. 215 (Bell Curve)

19  Mental Retardation  IQ Score @ or below 70  Also associated with problems in communication, self-care, social skills, use of leisure time, travel, hygiene, and vocational training Subtypes of Mental Retardation  Mild Retardation  80% of people classified  IQ range from 50-70  Completely functioning just “may” need a little guidance in certain areas and take longer to learn certain things

20 Subtypes of Mental Retardation  Moderate Retardation  IQ between 35-49; often down syndrome in this area  Can learn to speak, feed/dress themselves, take care of own hygiene, and to work under supportive conditions  May not learn to read/solve math problems  Profound Retardation  IQ below 20, barely communicate, may show basic emotions  Cannot feed/dress selves; dependent upon others whole life  Causes of Retardation  Several Factors; Accidents, abnormalities, genetic disorders, use of alcohol/drugs, malnourishment, or other health problems during pregnancy

21  Giftedness  IQ @/above 130  “To possess outstanding talent or to show potential for performing @ high levels compared to age”  Research suggests identifying early can help develop their potential  Creativity  Often linked w/creativity  “Ability to invent new solutions to problems or create original materials”  “Savants” are an example of the exception  High intelligence and Creativity not necessarily always together

22  Watch video on Intelligence  Task #7  Answer Case Study pg.217

23  Task #8  Answer Thinking bout Psych. pg. 218

24  PQ4R Section 4  What influences intelligence?  3 more ?s

25  Psych’s believe that both heredity and environment influence intelligence  See Rothman Study  Pg. 219

26  Genetic Influences  Determined by kinship/adoptee studies  Kinship ▪ Study whether or not closely related people should be more alike in IQ scores ▪ Showed moderate similarities in IQ’s from twins, siblings and parents/children ▪ Weak Similarities between foster parents/children ▪ Shows there are at least some links ▪ Hereditability: extent which variations in a trait from person to person can be explained by genetics

27  Adoptee Studies  Most studies have found that IQ scores most like those of the biological parents over adoptive  Mostly have shown that both genetic/environment can play a role

28  Certain research has shown that IQ scores are also similar among those reared together.  Home/Parenting  Studies have shown that both these factor in intelligence  Following are apparent factors for high intelligence ▪ Emotional/responsive parents, enjoyable/educational toys, parental involvement, varied/daily experiences, organized/safe environment, parents encourage independence

29  Preschool Programs  Head Start is one example  Interaction with teachers in a school like setting  Shown to increase IQ scores, achievement scores and academic skills ▪ Also shown to decrease likelihood of repeating a grade, being a “slow-learner”, and juvenile delinquency

30  Also a concern about what may cause a drop- off in intelligence w/age  40 year study linked elder intelligence to several environmental factors  Income, education, stimulating job, family life, attendance @ events, marriage to high intelligence spouse, flexible personality  Genetic Factors give each person a range of possibilities, environment influences what part of that range they may meet!

31  Finish Video  8:30  Lesson Closing and Review Tasks  Task #10 (This is mostly for Monday)  Complete Review ▪ T/C 1-10 ▪ C/T 1,3-5  Complete Both worksheets as well!

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