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Personalised Travel Planning a switch from private motor vehicle use towards cycling Steven Windey.

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Presentation on theme: "Personalised Travel Planning a switch from private motor vehicle use towards cycling Steven Windey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalised Travel Planning a switch from private motor vehicle use towards cycling
Steven Windey

2 Masterplan 2020 Ambition: 50/50 modal shift for wider region Plan
Set of infrastructural works for different modes Point of interest We need people to make use of this infrastructure

3 Masterplan 2020 Until 2020 (and even later)
Enlarging of the Albert Canal Oosterweel connection Noorderlijn Until 2020 (and even later) Huge road infrastructure works ahead

4 Challenge Underlying road network ‘Noorderlijn’
Summer Lack of capacity for (users of) cars 3,300 cars per rush hour 10,000 cars per rush Main road works ‘Oosterweel’ Extra lack of capacity 6,000 cars per rush hour 18,000 cars per rush De doorrekening van de verschillende verkeersmodellen en expert judgements duiden voor de binnenstad op een geschat tekort aan capaciteit op het onderliggend wegennet van voertuigen per uur, oftewel voertuigen per gemiddelde spits van 3 uur vanaf de zomer van 2016. Bovendien zullen de hoofdwerken aan de Oosterweelverbinding, die van start zullen gaan in 2017, op het niveau van het hoofdnet een bijkomend groot tekort aan capaciteit, tot circa voertuigen extra per spitsuur oftewel  voertuigen per gemiddelde spits van 3 uur, met zich meebrengen.

5 Challenge But we need more!

6 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg Target groups Selection (back-office) by:
Workplaces: employers and employees Universities: employees and students Schools: employees, pupils (and their parents) Selection (back-office) by: Impact of road infrastructure works Size of the workplace/organisation Modal split: based on Federal Diagnostic Segmentation: MaxSem

7 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg Approach Service 1: Mobiscan
On company level: general overview modal split On individual level: who comes from where by which mode Service 2: Tailored communication products On company level: mobility guide On the individual level: Personal conversation (face to face) Marketing package: info, leaflets, flyers, gadgets Service 3: Post measurement (after service 1) On individual level: personal changes (cf. segmentation) Cultural differences between partner cities e.g. in the UK: knocking door-to-door (is not implemented in Antwerp)

8 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg Communication traject: cooperation and cocreation 1 2 3 1 year (more or less) Information session (in plenum) Information about roadworks and about PTP Announcement of baseline measurement Recruiting champions Champions will be picked up in the mobility guide Champions are willing and prepared to give PTP’s, too

9 Information session

10 1 2 3 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg 1 year (more or less) PTP - conversations
PTP-conversations at info booth based on a tailored mobility guide Champions are part of the targeted workplace/educational institution/organisation, such as: employers, employees, students, (parents of) pupils,… Champions will be picked up in the mobility guide. Champions are willing and prepared to deliver PTP’s, too (during or after the project Wijs op weg is implemented in the own workplace/educational institution/organisation). Some of them are prepared to guide/coach someone from the homeplace to the workplace (although we do not expect this coaching in traffic from champions).

11 PTP conversation

12 Mobility guide (examples here)

13 1 2 3 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg 1 year (more or less) post measurement
short term: after some weeks long term: after some months Comparison with baseline measurement More sustainable modal split? Change in MaxSem phases?

14 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg First results (Eandis)
Champions will be picked up in the mobility guide Champions are willing and prepared to give PTP’s, too

15 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg First results (Eandis)
Meer werknemers vlotte, actieve, geschakelde verplaatsingswijzen overwegen Minder werknemers zich aan het voorbereiden zijn, (mede) omdat… … meer werknemers zich op een vlotte, actieve, geschakelde manier (proberen) verplaatsen en meer werknemers overtuigd zijn van de voordelen van vlotte, actieve, geschakelde verplaatsingswijzen en zich zo in een stedelijke context dus ook (bijna) dagelijks verplaatsen

16 Lessons learned Behaviour = M A T (behaviour model of Behaviour Model of B.J. Fogg, Stanford University) Motivation Ability Trigger Strategies: AVOID / SHIFT / (IMPROVE)

17 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg Strategies New target groups
Focus on big potential win Motivators: External motivators: road works Internal motivators: mobility policy, engagement Other inducements: Workplaces: move of company New inhabitants, inhabitants who move within the city Stimulating active mobility by stakeholders in the health sector (medical men, health insurances,…)

18 PTP-Cycle/Wijs op weg Strategies

19 Wijs op weg in Europe PTP-Cycle
Wijs op weg (‘Smart on the road’) is sponsored by European projects PTP-Cycle Switch

20 Thank you for your attention
Contact us for more information Steven Windey – Project leader Wijs op weg (PTP-Cycle and Switch) Rafael Myncke – Deputy head of the Mobility Department Antwerp cycle team

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