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My healthy life and Getting It Right update Helen Mycock and Scott Watkin.

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Presentation on theme: "My healthy life and Getting It Right update Helen Mycock and Scott Watkin."— Presentation transcript:

1 My healthy life and Getting It Right update Helen Mycock and Scott Watkin

2 What we’ve already achieved Building on successful campaigning to change practice and outcomes

3 3 BIG ISSUES Primary care General hospital care Specialist healthcare

4 Healthy lives outcomes  People with learning disabilities know what their health needs are and they are being met with the right support from the right services  People who shape policy and practice know about and act to improve the quality of healthcare received by people with learning disabilities across health settings  People in society have any expectation that the health needs of all people with learning disabilities, however complex, are supported to the highest standard.

5 My experiences of health care My eye operation – what they got right good communication using an easy to understand eye chart option to use symbols rather than letters for eye test Easy to understand leaflet about having an ECG Personal plan for 2 year follow up care What could have been better x a longer time slot with the Doctor before my operation x an option to use a hospital with on site accommodation so my family could support me

6 Christian’s experience  Christian is a young man with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities  He has complex health needs.  Christian lives in Cambridge with support tailored to his every day living needs.  Reasonable adjustments are important to Christian to help him get the right health support  Being allocated a double appointment time is a reasonable adjustment  That helps make important GP and hospital appointments easier for Christian to attend.

7 Some other Reasonable adjustments that have helped people with learning disabilities  Aids to communication – hospital passports, Health Action Plans and easy read health leaflets  Personal hospital discharge plan for individual needs  Training for all health staff including ambulance staff  Easy to understand appointment letters including photos and clocks

8 Getting It Right – update  200 organisations signed up to charter  193 in England, 6 in Wales and 1 in Northern Ireland  In England this broke down into: 78 out of the 175 NHS General Hospital Trusts ( 44.5%) 62 out of the 146 Primary Care NHS Trusts ( 42.5%) 21 out of 56 Mental Health / Learning Disabilities NHS Trusts (37.5%) 7 out 10 SHA’s ( 70%) 6 out of the 12 Ambulance Trusts (50%) 5 Medical colleges 10 non-NHS organisations

9 Primary healthcare priorities Continue to improve access to and the quality of primary health care by:  Implementing DH Health and Social Care Volunteer Fund ‘Getting It Right……from the start’ 3 year project in 4 regions within England.  Review of GIR charter for GPs / Clinical commissioning groups - primary care focussed with local accountability  Partnership working to support / contribute to research  Develop Health pages on the website to share good practice/ outcomes

10 Secondary Healthcare priorities Continue to improve care and safety in general hospitals by:  Implementing simply health programme of hospital road shows  Agree and promote a standard hospital passport  Further promotion and sign up to GIR charter, providing guidance for local accountability  Support / contribute to research  Sharing with partners as members of the health and human rights project  Share good practice on health web pages and potentially hosting A2A national network website

11 Improve access to and the care and safety within specialist healthcare services by:  Supporting implementation of recommendations of the Winterbourne inquiry  Influencing specialist and local commissioning  Decrease in out of area placements  Increase in personalised local commissioning and specialist community support  Support / contribute to research  Improve access to mental health services ( in primary and secondary care) Specialist Healthcare priorities

12 Any questions contact details: telephone 07960563530 telephone 07983816565

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