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Por T. A. C.. 1911 - 2002 Chile Graduated from Catholic schools & colleges Interior Designer & Architect.

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Presentation on theme: "Por T. A. C.. 1911 - 2002 Chile Graduated from Catholic schools & colleges Interior Designer & Architect."— Presentation transcript:

1 por T. A. C.

2 1911 - 2002 Chile Graduated from Catholic schools & colleges Interior Designer & Architect

3 Merchant Marine = Travel to Europe Worked in Paris as architect, traveled to Spain, meets famous poet, Federico Garcia Lorca, introduced to Dali, encourged to show work to Andre Breton

4 Surrealist Group / Movement joined in 1937 Influenced by Picasso’s “Guernica” Leaves Europe due to war goes to NYC 1938

5 First paintings Color creates energized forms and space Works related to impressions of war: Firey & Chilly Expelled from Surrealism 1947

6 Made homes in Rome, Paris, London Did not like to be known as a Latin American Artist

7 Research It! EL FIN

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