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Presentation on theme: "THE METHODS FOR RESEARCH OF VOCATIONAL COUNSELLING FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN) Prof. Ingrida Baranauskienė Šiauliai University,"— Presentation transcript:


2 THE CONCEPTION OF VOCATIONAL COUNSELLING FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN) Vocational counselling is based on development of general abilities and gaining initial practical vocational skills, practical probation of a profession. The directions of vocational training for pupils having special educational needs: Vocational counselling is individualised (activities are organised by a special or social pedagogue – adviser on a profession).

3 2. Vocational counselling is inseparable from the notion “pre- vocational training” (in our project, these notions are used synonymously, i.e. bear the same meaning) and is started in basic school and is being implemented in the following directions: Development of general abilities (e.g. literacy, also including the ability to express thoughts orally; the ability to calculate; social, IT etc. abilities). Development of relevantly “vocational” abilities (e.g. development of hands’ motorics, development of diligence, endurance). Adjustment of wishes and real possibilities. Acquaintance of pupils having special educational needs with the world of activities. Development of work as a value. Probation of professions practically (e.g. for a year’s period, one practically probes oneself in several professions, strengthens working skills).

4 Stage 1: Ethnographic research of experience of comprehensive schools in provision of vocational orientation services for pupils having SEN in partner countries

5 Steps of ethnographic research: to set the research aim; to raise the hypothesis or issues; to study the method of ethnographic research; to work out the methods; to collect data; to process data and analyse it; to draw conclusions; to work out recommendations.

6 The form of accounting – the research report The structure of the research report: Abstract – introduction of the essence of the research. Introduction – reasoning of relevance of the problem, the object of the research, the aim, objectives of the research, introduction of the methodology and methods of the research. Structured layout of the work. Conclusions. Recommendations.

7 Additional information on the ethnographic research: The following features are peculiar to the ethnographic research: Holistic character, abundance of details Data is collected while performing natural observation of groups An observer- researcher can act as a member of the group Verbal data is analysed while logically reasoning and regarding the context

8 The most usual advantages of the ethnographic research: Suits for revelation of knowledge on group behaviour best Employment of many details A broad view of group behaviour is presented

9 The major disadvantages of the ethnographic research are related to the following: Reliability of the data Validity of conclusions Generalisation of results

10 Support mechanisms of the vocational counselling system for pupils having SEN Support mechanisms for socio-educational participation (individual and group) Active participation of pupils having SEN Acknowledgement of development of general abilities. Understanding of the conception of consolidation of own value and constant perfection. (Self-)development of motivation for working activities and societal life. Acknowledgement of responsibility for own professional career and active participation in its development. Competent and motivated support of specialists – mediation. Change of psycho-social environment. Support in consolidation of pupil’s personal value. Support in choosing a profession. Accompanying support during pre- vocational training. Support in solution of personal difficulties related to vocational counselling.

11 Support mechanisms of the vocational counselling system for pupils having SEN Socio-educational institutional support mechanisms Accessibility of the system of vocational counselling. Systemic organisation of pre-vocational counselling. Diversity of forms of pre-vocational training. Acknowledgement of the value of the process. Provision of conditions for pre-vocational “growth” in comprehensive school. Flexibility of the system of pre-vocational counselling. Constant reaction to changes on the labour market. Flexible and modern modifications of forms of curriculum, organisation and management of education. Making the conditions for education closer to the market conditions. Compatibility with systems of pre- vocational training of pupils having SEN in other countries.

12 Examples of possible questions in the research: What are the provided possibilities for a child having SEN to discover one’s abilities and develop them in comprehensive school? Is there place for a child having SEN in a contemporary school? How much do EU means and institutional responsibility provide conditions for pre-vocational training of children having SEN? How to consolidate the value of a child having SEN in school?

13 Stage 2: Provision of methodical support in vocational counselling for pupils having SEN, while carrying out the research of activities

14 According to the results anticipated in the project, every country will provide methodical support on vocational counselling, at least 10 pupils, and will carry out the research of activities at the same time.

15 In the case of our research, case study and ethnographic research can be integrated into the research of activities. In other words, the principle of triangulation can be applied when the research of activities dominates. First of all, triangulation would be applied in the multi- methodical aspect (ethnographic research of activities – a case). Such choice of researchers would not only enable drawing a clearer view of successful vocational counselling, but also to assess efficiency of applied different methods in the process of vocational counselling, e.g. what is more important – education of a pupil having SEN or systemic mediation during the overall process of vocational counselling? On the other hand, the process of vocational counselling is a complex phenomenon; that is why employment of three research methods would enable exploring the phenomenon more comprehensively.

16 Triangulation is also recommended to be applied from the point of view of time (participants are enquired in the beginning of activities, in the end, also, after activities are over, when they already are able to draw generalisations on experience gained during training).

17 THE PLAN OF VOCATIONAL COUNSELLING SERVICE 1 st meetingCollection of information about a pupil 1.On the base of support of a special pedagogue (or other specialist) to collect information on child’s having SUP level. 2.To preliminary assess child’s abilities. 2 nd meetingTo get acquainted with a pupil and to acquaint one with future activities as well as to inform pupil’s parents 1.To introduce and describe future activities to the pupil. 2.To give the notice on our collaboration to the child, one’s parents. 3.To agree about the time of meetings with the pupil.

18 3 rd meetingRevelation of pupil’s wanted profession 1.To make a closer acquaintance with the pupil. 2.To find out what is the dream profession of the child. 3.To discuss the results of the conversation with the child. 4 th meetingTo assess vocational abilities while searching for a suitable profession 1.To assess the competence of the pupil. 2.To discuss the obtained results with the pupil. 5 th meetingTo assess pupil’s vocational abilities while finding a suitable profession 1.To carry out the test or other tasks on selection of a profession. 2.To discuss the obtained results with the pupil. 3.To select the professions that will be discussed.

19 6 th meetingTo introduce the selected professions to the pupil 1.To introduce the selected professions to the pupil by presenting various information on the professions. 2.To discuss with the child about these professions, to enquire whether one would like them, how would one imagine them. 7 th -18 th meetingsTo practically introduce the selected professions to the pupil 1.To practically demonstrate activities to the child. 2.To involve the child into practical activities. 19 th meetingTo introduce the possibilities for gaining a profession to the pupil 1. To provide information. 2. To help in making a decision on where is the most purposeful place for training.

20 20 th meetingTo present useful information for continuity of activities 1.To present to the child some useful information on further development of vocational counselling. 2. To work out a plan for practical application of obtained information. 3.To summarise activities carried out together with the pupil.

21 Generalising remarks A specialist providing service of vocational counselling grounds on country’s experience (personal theory). With regard to this, changes are planned, actions are being performed, observation, analysis are being carried out. Written reflection. The data obtained from reflection can be processed by applying the methods of content analysis.


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