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Welcome to Reading for College Success Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood. ~Daniel Burnham.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reading for College Success Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood. ~Daniel Burnham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reading for College Success Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood. ~Daniel Burnham

2 Help for 1.02 Include the name of the college/accredited intuition/military. Cite your source-include who you spoke to and/or the web address(es) where you got your information. Provide your personal reaction to the information you discover. Call the college if you aren’t sure of the answer or can’t find it on the website. (This is less trouble than you think. It only takes a few minutes and they usually have all the answers!) Avoid answering – “It depends on the major” – You need to pick a major and give some examples. If you are not sure about your post high school/secondary plans, research Broward College. Answer in complete sentences.

3 Go DEEP in your paragraphs
When writing you must GO DEEPer by including: Details Explanations Examples Personal Experiences

4 Show vs. Tell Learn how to write a better paragraph
Watch the instructional video on how to SHOW your reader what you mean rather than tell at:

5 Help for 1.03 Sign up for a Google account and/or
a Gmail address. They are both free and easy to create. 2. Log on to Click “new blog” on the left hand side. 3. Give your blog a title. 4. Create your web address. It may take a few tries to find an available one. Most students use their name followed by numbers. 5. Save your URL. It will have “blogspot” as part of web address. For example: 6. Select a background. 7. You are now ready to create a post! Click the orange pencil icon to open up a new document. Title it: 1.03 and click publish. 8. Submit 1.03 through “assessments” with your blog URL.

6 Mandatory Blog Posts Must Do List
1.03 – State your result from the “What kind of reader are you?” quiz located on slide 9 in lesson Tell whether you think it is correct or not and why. Then, in one paragraph answer these questions: “What is the last thing you read and enjoyed and why?” (Total – 2 paragraphs) 2.07 – Post a summary of the chapter you read. Then provide your personal reaction. Include what style of notes (lists, outlines, thought bubbles, webs, etc.) would be best if you were to take notes on this selection. 3.07, 4.08, and 5.08 – Post a summary of the entire chapter that you read. Also provide your personal reaction. Include the author’s intent was and the pattern(s) of organization you observed. There is a 250 word minimum for each post starting in module 2!

7 Mandatory Collaboration Information
Only one time* during the course. Choose from: assignment 2.02*, 4.03*, OR 5.05* Send collaborative work as an attachment with a note in the student comments box stating who you worked with. Finally, submit the “segment collaboration extension” assignment; it is the very last assignment listed under the “assessments” tab. Since you are submitting 2 assignments for this one, it counts as 2 grades.

8 Help for 2.02 Create an imaginary product.
Use “helpful hints” in advertising. Lists, Bold, Italics, Key Words, Phrases, Headings, Footnotes, Disclaimers This is one of your three chances to collaborate with another student. Make use of different sized fonts and colors in order to capture the buyer’s attention to what is important or away from the things a company may NOT want to emphasize.

9 Help for 2.03 Read the article "Chants, curses can’t stop Red Sox" by Steve Wilstein. It is located under “instructions” in 2.03 Create a 40 – 50 word summary in your own words. Then, reduce the summary to 15 – 20 words. Do a word count. Find a sentence or sentences within the article that state the main idea of the article. You can include a piece of the article with the highlighted sentence – you do not have to include the whole article. Turn in your 15 – 20 word summary AND highlighted main idea sentences. *Key to this assignment – use the facts, but put them in your own words!

10 Help for 2.05 You will be taking notes on a short story. Be sure to choose the correct HALL based on your score for Choose a note taking style from the list below and take notes according to that style. Short Story ROLLER COASTER map ( ed to you, not In the course) Web/Thought Bubbles Three-Column Note Taking Double-Entry Journal You only have to choose ONE style of notes. Make sure you include notes on the entire section given in 2.05 Also state what style notes you selected.

11 The Short Story. It’s One Roller Coaster of a Ride!
Authors’ of short stories aim to grab the reader by the throat, push him/her against the wall and hold them there until the ending.

12 Help for 3.05 Choose CARNER HALL, “The Bet” by Anton Chekhov.
Submit both graphic organizers: 1. Cause & Effect must include: 3 detailed similarities and 3 detailed differences 2. Compare & Contrast must include: 3 causes and 3 effects

13 Help for 4.03 Choose Carner HALL.
Reread “The Bet” and write, label and then submit: One positive and one negative review on “The Bet.” Set the tone with graphic word choice. Show don’t tell! A positive review encourages a reader to read the passage. A negative review encourages the read to avoid reading the passage. Avoid SUMMARIZING! You are the judge and jury. Here’s where you reveal your opinion. What parts did you connect with the most? Do you agree or disagree with how a certain character behaved? Do you agree or disagree with the outcome?

14 Help for 4.04 Bias is a leaning toward one view or one side of an issue. Bias is everywhere! Find a strong example of bias TV show, commercial, radio, newspaper, movie, a text message or . Look for EMOTIONAL words since they show opinion rather than fact. Separate fact from opinion of fact. Paragraph #1: explain the bias and give a direct QUOTE from the source! Paragraph #2 explain how the bias could have been avoided by the author or speaker. Cite your source, that is, include where you found the example of bias!

15 Help for 4.05 Find 2 different articles that deal with the same topic.
Determine the bias (one sided opinion of fact) in both articles. Submit the graphic organizer found in the instructions. Expand on your examples of bias and be thorough. Popular Searches: Bias in the news Bias in the classroom Bias in the workplace Bias in the media Types of Media Bias:

16 Help for 5.02 Read “The Lady or the Tiger” and answer questions based on inference. Submit your answers to the 4 questions. Go DEEP in your writing.

17 Help for 5.03 Practice identifying and understanding inference within the passage in Carner Hall. Complete graphic organizer with at least 5 examples from the text, your thoughts & questions, and your predictions. Avoid asking general questions such as “ What happens next? Make sure your questions come from the text example. Predictions cannot be wrong! Go DEEP in your writing. Submit graphic organizer with 5 text details and specific questions and predictions based on the passage.

18 Help for 5.05 Practice identifying connotations and allusions.
Find song lyrics of your choice: must be appropriate for school Submit a graphic organizer, the lyrics and at least 5 phrases from the song to analyze Your song must have: at least one allusion words with positive and/or negative connotation. a prediction about the overall meaning of the song

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