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Fire Service Prince’s Trust Association Nottinghamshire FRS Thursday 29 th September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Service Prince’s Trust Association Nottinghamshire FRS Thursday 29 th September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Service Prince’s Trust Association Nottinghamshire FRS Thursday 29 th September 2011

2 The Team programme Everything a new FRS Delivery Partner needs to know

3 The Team programme - aim  Team aims to increase confidence, motivation and skills and as a result enable unemployed Team members to move into employment, education or training

4 Team – Positive Outcomes  Employment  Education  Training  Continue to volunteer in the community

5 The Team programme  The Team programme is the vehicle to deliver educational qualifications to young people but also a brilliant method for the Fire & Rescue Service to engage with and deliver safety messages to young people and the wider community

6 Target groups – young people who are;  Unemployed  In or leaving care  Young offenders/ex-offenders  Educational underachievers

7 Target groups - continued  Young people from black & ethnic minorities  Those with disabilities  Refugees and asylum seekers  Lone parents

8 Qualifications  England, Wales & Northern Ireland  Certificate & Awards at EL, L1, 2 &3  Certificate/Award in Employment, Teamwork & Community Skills  Scotland – Customised PT Personal Development Award

9 Funding  England – SFA & YPLA - EFA from 2012)  Wales – WAG  Scotland – Mixture LA’s, Scottish Executive & ESF  Northern Ireland - ESF (Dept of Education & Learning)

10 Funding  Who pays the piper plays the tune?  Discuss!

11 Programme staff  Deliver Partner Manager  Team Leader  Deputy Team Leader  Assistant Team Leader  Skills for Life Support Workers  Student Social Workers Placements – ‘Wellbeing  Secondees  Other support roles - e.g. Mentor  Staffing levels?  Qualifications?

12  Safety Management System  Risk Assessments  Accident/Incident Reporting  Health & Safety Training Requirements  Health & Safety Help notes  Procedure for Emergency Situations Health & Safety

13 The Team mix – the secret of success?  A key feature of Team is that it is for a broad mix of 16-25 year olds. Ideally this will include a majority of unemployed and one or two employed Team members along with a 50/50 mix of gender; full spread of ages; ability levels; and social, ethnic and cultural mix reflecting the demographics of the local community

14 Recruiting - marketing  The networks created are the secret of recruiting and retention success  Is there a recruitment ‘phase’?  Identify target groups to best contact young people Job Centres, women’s centres, young people’s services, Connexions, social workers Local media – newspapers, radio and TV Taster days Marketing materials Other ideas include...................................?

15  Referred young people – voluntary?  What assessments has the young person already been through?  Why was Team thought appropriate  If there are concerns about the risk of accepting a particular young person – discuss the risks and issues – note special measures  Referral agencies role vital  Individual Risk Assessment  Team Leaders decision final? Receiving referrals

16 Safeguarding  Staff  Young people?  Employed Team members?

17  Funding – performance related  Week 1 - Good attendance and time- keeping essential. A requirement to attend the residential – minimum 3 days?  Dragged to end of the programme kicking & screaming? Retention – how to keep ‘em!

18 Week 1 Induction, Planning & Target- setting  To start the process of team-building  To complete initial self assessments & skills for Life assessments  To set targets and begin action planning  To prepare for the residential week

19  To understand & put into practice the principles of team-work  To build confidence and a sense of responsibility to others  To establish mutual trust and respect between individual Team members and between them and the Team Leader and other staff Week 2 Team-building Residential

20  To develop project planning skills, defiine targets and agree actions  To develop skills including time management, decision-making, organisation and team-working (and where appropriate leadership)  To build a sense of achievement  To develop a sense of responsibility within the local community Weeks 3 to 5/6 – Community Project

21  To apply the skills being acquired on the Team & understand how those skills relate to the world of work  To develop awareness of caring for and tolerance of others  To develop work place skills such as time-keeping and attendance skills  To increase understanding of what sort of work might suit them  To gain current experience to add to CV’s  To gain an understanding of the ‘work ethic’ and prepare for employment Weeks 6/7 and 8 – Individual Work Placements

22  To focus on individual plans beyond the programme  To review, discuss and decide upon future options  To improve job search skills  To review skills development Week 9 – Next Steps

23  To take collective responsibility for the Team Challenge  To demonstrate project planning, problem solving and communication skills  To demonstrate team-work skills  To demonstrate understanding and awareness of needs of others outside their Team  To demonstrate care and tolerance for others Weeks 10 & 11 – Team Challenge

24  To review Team experiences  To review and re-assess Skills for Life needs and action plans  To provide an opportunity for each Team member to demonstrate their confidence and presentation skills  To persuade others of the value of their experience  To focus on what the Team members have learned  To say a public ‘thank you and well done’ to those who deserve this  To provide a PR and marketing exercise for the programme and the Delivery Partner  End of Team report Week 12 – Programme Review and Presentation

25 Evaluation & Outcome Monitoring  End of Team leaver questionnaire  Soft Outcome Evaluation My Journey Evaluation  Hard Outcomes

26  Day 1 of week 13  Positive outcomes  Role of referral agencies Week 13!

27 Questions?

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