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Health Education Curriculum Overview Adapted from the CDC 2010 Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)

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Presentation on theme: "Health Education Curriculum Overview Adapted from the CDC 2010 Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Education Curriculum Overview Adapted from the CDC 2010 Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)

2 Analyze the short and long term physical benefits of moderate and vigorous physical activity including reducing the risks for chronic diseases Analyze how an inactive lifestyle contributes to chronic diseases Assess personal physical activity level  Set a goal to increase physical activity  Establish an appropriate goal to manage weight  Design a personal plan for increasing or maintaining physical activity at the recommended level and improving physical fitness  Summarize barriers that might be encountered in implementing a personal activity plan  Implement a plan for improving physical activity  Monitor progress in achieving personal physical activity plans  Demonstrate a variety of activities for cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility.  Locate and analyze opportunities for physical activity 2

3  Describe the importance of eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet daily nutrient and caloric needs.  Analyze how personal values and feelings influence food choices and behavior  Evaluate family and cultural influences on food choices  Analyze how advertizing and marketing influences food choices  Analyze how personal economics influences food choices  Differentiate between accurate and inaccurate nutrition information  Evaluate nutrition information on food labels to compare products  Set a goal to improve one’s personal food choices that lead to a healthier diet  Establish an appropriate goal to manage weight  Identify how a healthy or unhealthy diet can affect plans for the future 3

4  Choose healthy foods in appropriate portion sizes  Plan and prepare a variety of healthy snacks  Plan and prepare nutritious breakfasts  Describe strategies for eating for eating more fruits and vegetables  Describe strategies for drinking an appropriate amount of water and nutritious beverages  Describe strategies for reducing the amount of sugar consumed  Describe strategies a person can use to keep from overeating  Demonstrate ways to take responsibility for healthy eating 4

5  Explain the dangers of alcohol and experimenting with other drugs  Differentiate between proper use and abuse of over-the-counter medicines  Summarize the negative consequences of using alcohol and other drugs  Describe the relationship between using alcohol and other drugs and other health risks, such as unintentional injuries, violence, suicide, sexual risk behaviors, and tobacco use  Explain why using alcohol is an unhealthy way to manage stress  Explain the risks associated with using alcohol or other drugs and driving a motor vehicle  Determine the benefits of being alcohol free Describe the relationship of alcohol and other drug use to the major causes of death and disease in the United States Describe how personal and family values influence decisions about alcohol or other drug use Analyze marketing techniques to influence use of alcohol and other drugs Analyze the societal norms conveyed in the media related to alcohol and other drugs Explain how peers can influence choices to use alcohol and other drugs Explain that most adolescents do not use illicit drugs Demonstrate effective refusal skills when pressured to use alcohol or other drugs Demonstrate effective negotiating skills to avoid riding in a car with someone who has been using alcohol or other drugs Communicate personal responsibility for not riding with impaired drivers and not drinking and driving Design a plan for choosing positive alternatives to using alcohol and other drugs Discuss how personal goals can be affected by alcohol and other drug use Demonstrate ways to support friends and family members who choose not to drink Support individuals and families experiencing addiction to alcohol or other drugs who are trying to quit  5

6  Analyze the short and long term physical effects of tobacco use  Summarize long-term health benefits of abstaining from or discontinuing tobacco use  Summarize why individuals choose to use or not to use tobacco  Summarize why tobacco is an unhealthy way to manage weight or stress  Analyze how the addiction to tobacco use can be treated  Summarize how smoking cessation programs can be successful  Analyze the influence of peers on tobacco use  Evaluate various strategies the media use, including advertisements, to encourage or discourage tobacco use  Discuss how using alcohol or other drugs can influence tobacco use  Identify individual, family, school, peer, and community protective factors that decrease the likelihood of tobacco use  Summarize that most young people and adults do not use tobacco  Evaluate information from the warning labels on tobacco products  Analyze the accuracy and inaccuracy of information conveyed in the media, including advertisements, about tobacco use  Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal ways to refuse tobacco use  Express intentions to remain tobacco free and avoid second-hand smoke 6

7  Identify appropriate ways to express and deal with emotions and feelings  Explain the relationship between feelings and behavior  Explain the importance of respecting the boundaries of others  Analyze characteristics of a mentally and emotionally healthy person  Summarize healthy ways to express affection, love, friendship, and concern  Summarize strategies for coping with loss and grief  Analyze the causes, symptoms, and effects of depression  Analyze the causes, symptoms, and effects of anxiety  Summarize characteristics of someone who has self-respect  Analyze models of healthy relationships  Summarize the qualities of a healthy dating relationship  Explain the body’s physical and psychological responses to stressful situations  Demonstrate the ability to access school and community resources to help with mental and emotional health concerns Demonstrate communication skills necessary to express personal needs and wants appropriately Demonstrate ways to communicate respect for diversity Demonstrate ways to ask for help with mental and emotional health problems from trusted adults or friends Demonstrate methods for responding to problems of others with empathy and support Demonstrate effective strategies for resolving conflicts with another person in non-violent ways Demonstrate how to express emotions in healthy ways Set a goal to spend more time with people who engage in positive behaviors and les time with those who engage in negative behaviors  7

8  Analyze situations that could lead to being pressured to have sex  Analyze techniques that are used to coerce or pressure someone to have sex  Acknowledge an individuals right and responsibility to refuse unwanted sexual contact  Acknowledge that it is wrong to trick, threaten, or coerce another person into having sex  Summarize the relationship between the menstrual cycle and conception  Analyze the responsibilities of parenthood  Summarize the signs and symptoms of HIV and other common STIs  Summarize the problems associated with asymptomatic STIs  Summarize which STIs can be cured and which can be treated  Summarize the importance of setting personal limits to avoid risky sexual behavior  Justify why abstinence is the safest, most effective risk avoidance method of protection from HIV, other STIs, and pregnancy  Describe the increased risks associated with having multiple sexual partners including serial monogamy  Explain the importance of using contraceptives correctly and consistently to reduce risk of pregnancy and infection of HIV and most STIs  Explain important health screenings, immunizations, and checkups. Including screenings and examinations that are necessary to maintain reproductive health such as testicular self-examinations and Pap smears  Examine internal influences, such as hormones, emotions, interests, and curiosity, on sexual feelings and behavior  Summarize external influences, such as parents, the media, culture, peers, and society, on sexual decision-making  Analyze why stereotypes exist about people with infectious diseases, such as HIV infection  Demonstrate the ability to access information about where to get counseling, testing, and other health care services related to sexual health issues  Demonstrate how to communicate clear limits on sexual behaviors  Demonstrate how to discuss HIV and STI risk and status with sexual partners if sexually active or experienced  Predict short and long term consequences of sexual behavior  Analyze the possible consequences of early sexual behavior and the emotional, social, and physical benefits for delaying sexual behavior  Describe the steps for seeking HIV and STI counseling and testing  Summarize how early sexual behavior can affect achieving long-term goals  Set a goal to reduce risk of pregnancy and transmission of HIV and other STIs  Plan strategies for maintaining sexual abstinence  Plan strategies for avoiding sexual exploitation via the internet 8

9  Analyze situations that can lead to different types of violence (e.g., bullying, verbal abuse, hazing, physical assault/fighting, dating violence, acquaintance rape, sexual assault, family violence)  Analyze the consequences of prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism, and hate crimes  Describe ways to express anger in healthful ways  Analyze how changing the environment interacts to increase or decrease the likelihood of violence  Conclude that a person who has been raped or sexual assaulted is not at fault  Analyze how media messages normalize violence Recognize that most young people do not engage in violent behaviors  Demonstrate the ability to locate reliable school and community resources to assist with problems related to violence  Demonstrate communication skills to avoid or get out of unsafe situations  Demonstrate effective strategies for resolving conflicts with another person in nonviolent ways  Analyze verbal and nonverbal communication that constitutes sexual harassment  Demonstrate ways of responding assertively to sexual harassment  Demonstrate strategies that could be used to prevent a conflict from starting or escalating  Demonstrate strategies for avoiding situations and persons with a high risk for violence  Demonstrate methods for coping with disappointment and loss 9

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