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Greg B. Wray, Chair DOE Joint Meeting NNSA Nevada Site Office February 8, 2012.

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1 Greg B. Wray, Chair DOE Joint Meeting NNSA Nevada Site Office February 8, 2012

2  The Contractor Supply Chain Council (CSCC), formerly known as the CPC, will leverage the supply chain functions to more efficiently support the DOE Program Mission. The CSCC will accomplish this goal by developing an overarching strategic direction on a Department-wide basis.

3  Chair - Greg B. Wray, INL  Vice Chair - Doug McCrary, LANL  Voting Members –Joseph Collins, FNAL –John Robinson, RL –Joe Ingraffia, ANL –Helena Tirone, SRS –Bill Thornton III, Y12  Sponsors −Jack Surash – EM −Joe McBrearty - SC −Barbara Stearrett - NNSA Non-Voting Support Group Members − PERT Designee − ICPT Designee − SCMC Designe e

4  Objective 1: Collaborate to recommend Department-wide, cross-functional acquisition strategies for commodities and services.  Objective 2: Collaborate to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership for acquired goods and services.  Objective 3: Collaborate to improve fulfillment of socio- economic acquisition goals.  Objective 4: Collaborate to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of acquisition business processes and systems.  Objective 5: Collaborate to improve the skills of the contractor acquisition community.

5  Former CPC Meeting February 2012, CSCC conceptualized (contractor led), initial membership identified, Charter developed  CSCC Charter approved by sponsors at OPAM Director’s request - May 2011  CSCC Meeting Cincinnati, OH July 26-27, 2011 –Membership Refinement – Roles, Vacancies, Nomination Protocol, Constituency Listing −Greg Wray (INL) elected Chair, Doug McCrary (LANL) elected Vice Chair, Joe Ingraffia (ANL) elected member, Helena Tirone (SRS) elected member

6 CSCC Meeting Cincinnati, OH July 26-27, 2011 (con’t)  Additional voting member position established – nomination call – William Thornton III selected 10/12/11  3 non-voting membership positions established for representatives from each of the support groups – PERT, ICPT, SCMC  Membership rules established –Minimum 2 years –Balanced across DOE Programs –Members shall work for an Operating Prime Contract

7  CSCC Year 1 Focus and Initiatives: −Develop a Common Definition for “Strategic Sourcing” DOE Complex-Wide (Complete and posted on the CSCC Website @ −Develop a Standardized Cost Savings Definitions and Reporting Template (Complete) −Develop and Propose an Amendment to the Procurement Balanced Scorecard to Incorporate the Above (PERT Tasking – Complete See Policy Flash 2012-11, dated November 1, 2011)

8  Establish a Strategic Sourcing goal as a percentage of total spend for 2012 ◦ CSCC Recommends (2.5% based on $10B anticipated spend)  Normalize the Cost Savings Methods Using a Single Corporate Approach - Establish Order of preference for application  Define the reporting and collection process for cost savings (who, how)  Review the Organizational structure of the PERT  Review the charters of the ICPT and PERT, re-focus where necessary  Review and develop 2013 Goals


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