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BDPA-Information Technology Thought Leaders Bridging the Gap Between Professionals and Students “Boardroom to Classroom concept”

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Presentation on theme: "BDPA-Information Technology Thought Leaders Bridging the Gap Between Professionals and Students “Boardroom to Classroom concept”"— Presentation transcript:

1 BDPA-Information Technology Thought Leaders Bridging the Gap Between Professionals and Students “Boardroom to Classroom concept”

2 About BDPA Black Data Processing Associates(BDPA) is a non-profit organization of professionals working in or having an interest in the Information Technological fields. BDPA is a diverse representation of information technology professionals. Membership consist of programmers, analysts, engineers, managers, instructors and entrepreneurs, to name a few.

3 Mission/Vision Our mission: BDPA is a global member-focused technology organization that delivers programs and services for the professional well being of its stakeholders. Our vision: Is to Be a powerful advocate for our stakeholders' interests with the global technology industry.

4 BDPA History zDecember 1989 yLocal Chapter Chartered zOctober 2004 y National organization with 50+ Active Chapters y Cincinnati Chapter * Current ‘Chapter of the Year’! x220 financially current members [as of 10/31/2004] x2nd Largest Chapter in the Nation!

5 Recent Accomplishments b Chapter of the Year! b Successful HS Computer Camp (over 150 students in 4years) b Successful HS Computer Competition Team b Youth Technology Seminars b Adult Education Seminars b Monthly Newsletter b Education Banquet (September 2004) b Awards Luncheon (March 2004) b 15 Corporate Sponsors b 220 members (#2 in nation) b Corporate Advisory Council b Advisory Boards of Cinstate & Xavier University b Miami University (Ohio) Student Chapter b Cincinnati State Student Chapter b Awarded Professional Development Award b College Internship Program

6 6 Basic Programs for Chapter Success b Monthly Program Meetings b Website b Chapter Newsletter b High School Computer Competition Team b Seminars & Workshops b Technology Center (NEW) b Student Intern Program b Black Family Technology Awareness Week

7 7 How Do We Maintain the BDPA mission! mission! By focusing in three areas: Business, Education & Technology

8 8 …Products & Services… AREAS OF FOCUS

9 9 BDPA Products  Developmental Opportunities: Technology presentations at Program Meetings Professional Development Seminars & Workshops Training Programs for Middle school students Training Programs for High School Students High School Computer Club/Camp High School Computer Competition (HSCC) Youth Conference

10 10  Developmental Opportunities (cont.): Partnerships with Learning Institutions Student Internship Program (Resume Database) Leadership Training (Board of Director) Chapter Building Workshops Mentoring (Corporate Advisory Council & the Information Technology Senior Management Forum) Management Development (volunteering within the organization) BDPA Products

11 11  Access to Employment Candidates: High School Students trained in Programming & Web page development College Students (Student Internship Program) Entrepreneurs Highly skilled members People looking to enter the IT field BDPA Products

12 12  Publications: National Monthly Newsletter Local Chapter Monthly Newsletter  Contact Database: Resumes E-mail distribution list BDPA Products

13 13  Forums: Web site Seminars and Workshops Program Meeting Entrepreneurs Forum (ESIG – Entrepreneurs Special Interest Group) Public communications (press releases/media appearances/ media advisory) BDPA Products

14 14  Fund Raising Training (BDPA Education & Technology Foundation) Provide services to obtain grants  Notices and announcements for IT events  Resource pool for technical advice  Volunteer Opportunities (give back to the community)  Help qualified candidates find employment opportunities  Promote IT literacy in the minority community BDPA Services

15 15  Introduction to latest technology  Exposure in the African American Community  Exposure in the IT Community  Media Exposure  Advertising in Newsletters  Web Presence (BDPA banner ads on other websites)  Member discounts/benefits  Sponsorship opportunities for corporations, organizations and foundations BDPA Services

16 16  National Conference: Workshops and Seminars Youth Conference High School Computer Competition IT Senior Management Forum Career Fair Technology Expo Networking Activities Town Hall Meeting BDPA Services

17 How Can BDPA Benefit You? b b Networking b b Internships b b Scholarships b b Job Opportunities b b Community Service b b World Class Training b Professional Recognition b Discounted registration at all BDPA functions b Discount airfare b NETWORKING (did I mention that already?)

18 Challenge: What Will You Do TO Change The Future?

19 19 Getting Involved What are our NEXT STEPS?

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