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Principles of Progressive movement

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1 Principles of Progressive movement
What did all progressives believe? Industrialization and Urbanization had caused the problems in America Government need to be fixed before it could/would fix any problems. Technology and Science could help improve the lives of Americans Big Business would not fix the problems in America.

2 Laissez affair economics
Governments Hands-Off economic policy. Gov. did not interfere or regulate business in America. Caused Big Business to dominate and control the government and society.

3 What do all Progressives believe
Big Bus. Industrialization and poorly managed cities created most of the problems in America Government is corrupted and must be fixed before progress can be made. Science and Technology can help provide solutions

4 Define muckrakers Crusading journalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption

5 the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire
This incident exposed unsafe working conditions in factories in New York and inspired many changes in safety regulations the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire

6 Commission Plan Making government more efficient, took cities out of the hands of political machines and appointed “Experts” to run cities.

7 What was the commission plan meant to fix ?
Corrupt inefficient city governments. The commission plan put experts in charge of city departments instead of political friends of the mayor and party members. Reforms Gov.

8 Direct Primary installed a system by which the people elected those that ran for office, not the political parties. ( reformed government more representation of the people, less influence of B.B. and Political Parties)

9 Direct Election of Senators Reforms Government
17th Amendment Direct Election of Senators Reforms Government

10 Prohibition of Alcohol
Social Issue, & Political Issue 18th Amendment, Promoted by the Women’s Christian’s Temperance Movement and supported by Big Business.

11 The 19th Amendment Gave women the right to vote. Passed in Political reform. More voice in Government.

12 (this right had previously been the exclusive right of each state.)
16th Amendment Wilson. Gave the Federal Gov. the authority to create an income tax and directly tax the citizens of the U.S. (this right had previously been the exclusive right of each state.)

13 Interstate Commerce Commission
Created by Roosevelt to set railroad rates and ensure fair practices by the railroad industry. (Controlled Big Business)

14 The Children’s Bureau Taft Reform; Intended to report and publish Child Labor practices. Muckraking. (Social Issue)

15 Northern Securities J.P. Morgan’s Railroad trusts. TR sued and won. Broke up this trust to demonstrate Gov. has more power than Big Business, allowing TR to regulate Trusts

16 Gentlemen’s Agreement:
TR Reformed the power of Big Business. After successfully suing JP Morgan’s Northern Securities other trusts agree to allow the gov. to inspect their business practices. (Bureau of Corp.)

17 Upton Sinclair The Jungle
Muckraker who wrote about the Meat Packing industry: caused TR to pass Meat Inspection Act

18 labor and Big Business. He settled the Coal strike of 1902
Arbitration TR wanted to be the 3rd party in conflicts between competing interests like labor and Big Business. He settled the Coal strike of 1902

19 Split between Taft and TR
TR ran against Taft in 1912 because Taft did not uphold his policies. Taft broke up more trusts and lowered tariffs.

20 Bureau of Corp TR’s agency. Created after suing Northern Securities to inspect and regulate big business practices.

21 1914 Federal Trade Commission(FTC)
Had the authority to shut down companies that practiced “unfair trade practices” in reality it’s more like TR’s, “Gentlemen’s Agreement” Wilson’s New Freedom

22 Reduced tariffs on incoming goods from as high as 60% down to 30%
Underwood Tariff Act Reduced tariffs on incoming goods from as high as 60% down to 30% Wilson hoped foreign competition would make U.S. businesses more competitive and reduce consumer prices. Wilson’s New Freedom

23 Federal Reserve Act Set a side cash from all banks to prevent regional banks from failing. Board of Governors controls Interest rates. (control of interest rates moves from banking trusts to the government regulators.)

24 Clayton Antitrust Act eliminated price fixing deals between suppliers and sellers gave unions the legal right to exist. Wilson’s New Freedom

25 Taft’s Act continues to strengthen ICC railroad controls.
Mann- Elkins Act Taft’s Act continues to strengthen ICC railroad controls.

26 Reasons Progressives turn against Taft.
Payne-Aldridge Act did not reduce Tariffs enough He supported the sale of lands to private syndicates.

27 Failures of Progressive movement
Progressives failed to make any progress on racial segregation, violence and discrimination in America. Issues.

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