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FY 2015-2016 Administrator’s Recommended Budget Workshop.

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1 FY 2015-2016 Administrator’s Recommended Budget Workshop

2 County Mil Value Estimated Growth in Mil Value Fiscal Year2%3%7% 2015 267,853 2016 273,210 275,889 286,603 2017 278,674 284,165 306,665 2018 284,248 292,690 328,131 2019 289,933 301,471 351,101 2020 295,731 310,515 375,678 2021 301,646 319,830 401,975 2022 307,679 329,425 430,113 Fiscal YearMil Value 2015267,853 2016283,053

3 Revenue Summary (Gen. Fund) Revenue Source FY2015 Adopted FY2015 Forecasted FY2016 Recommended Property Tax$26,171,355$26,252,257$28,154,517 Other Local Taxes2,100,0002,045,9552,100,000 Licenses and Permits4,289,5754,997,0974,346,300 Intergovernmental3,637,6334,061,7134,344,921 Charges for Services2,798,4502,619,2612,902,750 Fines & Forfeitures857,250846,283933,750 Interest Income20,50036,58225,500 Other Revenues78,500265,621165,712 Other Financing Sources20,000465,00025,000 Sale of Capital Assets-20,000- Fund Balance1,084,000-512,032 Total$41,057,263$41,609,769$43,510,482

4 Fund Balance (Gen. Fund) Fund Balance (Total) Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014$20,407,023 Forecasted Increase (Decrease) (1,005,000) Estimated June 30, 2015$19,402,023 Unassigned Fund Balance June 30, 2014$16,940,776 Estimated June 30, 2015$15,935,776 Recommended Fund Balance Assigned for FY16 (465,000) Estimated FB fiscal year ended 6/30/2015 $15,470,776 Percentage of FY2015 Original Budget 38%

5 Personnel Adjustments County-Wide Salary ChangesAmount Bringing employees with 10 years to market$182,495*.5% Cost of Living Adjustment$82,254* *cost excludes fringe benefits impact Dept.PositionSalary/Fringe Cost 144 FIREFIGHTERS8 SAFER GRANT $400,853.03 110 SHERIFF2 DUI GRANT $123,727.78 Total Cost $524,580.81 Previously Grant Funded Dept.PositionSalary/Fringe Cost 023 FINANCEBUDGET ANALYST $66,680.26 110 SHERIFFLASO $71,893.41 026 ITIT ASSISTANT $60,002.17 Total Cost $198,575.84 Positions added in FY15

6 Personnel Adjustments (Ctnd.) Dept.PositionSalary/Fringe Cost 041 ASSESSORMAPPING CLERK $44,713.66 110 SHERIFFCHEMIST 74,059.54 120 DETENTION CENTERPREA COORDINATOR 57,761.57 130 COMMUNICATIONSTCO 44,182.62 130 COMMUNICATIONSTCO 44,182.62 130 COMMUNICATIONS50% IT 26,524.16 210 FLEETFLEET EQUIPMENT TECH I 41,280.34 312 SOLID WASTEDRIVER 43,337.36 Total Cost $376,041.88 FY16 New Personnel

7 Changes to Department Funding 005 Non-Departmental ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Retiree Insurance $195,000 $225,000 $30,000Several new retirees Medical Indigent Fund 186,342 145,950 (40,392) Controlled externally Insurance-General 751,671 826,839 75,16810% Increase Total Change $64,776 011 County Council ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Travel, Training, Dues $45,000 $40,000 $(5,000) Trend Contractual Services380,000506,650 126,650 Springs Hospital increase Special Projects 30,000 18,000 (12,000) Grants Match 225,000300,000 75,000 Upcoming grants Total Change $184,650

8 Changes to Department Funding 012 Council Transfers ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Recreation $1,000,557 $1,048,027 $47,470 Increased participation Airport50,000 63,783 13,783 Transferred PT employee Total Change $61,253 014 Direct Assistance ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Public Defender $189,500 $195,000 $5,50012 month salary for new hire Soil & Water 56,000 70,67114,671 Salary adjustment and dam maintenance Delegation 20,000 Mandated Council on Aging 20,000 30,500 10,500Match funds for 1 bus Sixth Judicial Court 251,500 257,000 5,50012 month salary for new hire USCL39,904(39,904) Total Change $16,267

9 Changes to Department Funding 021 ADMINISTRATOR-No major changes 022 ATTORNEY-New department 023 FINANCE ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $339,520 $435,457 $95,937 Library transfer and Budget Analyst 024 HUMAN RESOURCES-No major changes 025 RISK MANAGEMENT-No major changes

10 Changes to Department Funding 026 MIS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $40,000 $126,954 $86,954 Library transfer and IT Assistant funded in FY15 Contractual Services 145,000 160,000 15,000Increase for antispam Software Maintenance 245,000 294,000 49,000Antivirus and antimalware Total Change $150,954 027 GIS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $107,375 $71,925 $(35,450) Transferred employee to Assessor Contractual Services 25,000 15,000 (10,000) Total Change $(45,450) 029 ZONING ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Demolition $50,000 $80,000 $30,000Restore FY15 cut

11 Changes to Department Funding 031 BUILDING-No major changes ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services $71,600 $98,000 $26,400UDO Rewrite, COG, RFATS Advertising 10,000 22,050 12,050Zoning map advertising Total Change $38,450 032 PLANNING 035 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $444,713 $515,227 $70,514 GIS Transfer and Mapping clerk Wages & Salaries PT21,000 31,000 10,000Reassessment Total Change $80,514 041 ASSESSOR ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Transfer $432,351 $392,351 $(40,000)Deducted Alliance

12 Changes to Department Funding 061 CIRCUIT COURT-No major changes 044 TREASURER ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $(5,000) 045 DELINQUENT TAX-No major changes ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries PT $63,000 $80,000 $17,000Primaries, additional polls 051 REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS 060 REGISTER OF DEEDS-No major changes 043 AUDIT-No major changes

13 Changes to Department Funding 068 CORONER-No major changes 064 FAMILY COURT ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change DSS Incentive $75,000 $47,032 $(27,968)Trend 069 PROBATE COURT ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services $4,000 $13,525 $9,525State mandated 070 MAGISTRATE ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change PDC Jurors $15,000 $10,000$(5,000)Trend 063 CLERK OF COURT-No major changes

14 Changes to Department Funding 110 SHERIFF ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Travel, Training, Dues $54,500 $60,000 $5,500New staff training Utilities-Telephone 84,000 89,000 5,000Indian Land substation Maintenance-Vehicles127,000140,00013,000Cover additional vehicles Gasoline367,000354,000(13,000)Trend PS Legal55,000Transfer from salaries Lease-Copiers30,00035,0005,000Installation at IL substation Total Change $15,500 117 SHERIFF-KERSHAW-No major changes (Reimbursed) 120 DETENTION CENTER 121 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS-No major changes (Reimbursed) ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Overtime$40,000$50,000$10,000Trend

15 Changes to Department Funding 130 COMMUNICATIONS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Overtime$70,000$105,000$35,000Call volume Maintenance Service61,00051,000(10,000) Total Change$25,000 140 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT-No major changes 141 FIRE SERVICE ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Travel, Training, Dues$33,000$49,500$16,500Transfer Equipment-Capitalized42,000 Transfer Utilities-General145,000160,00015,000Trend Special Projects116,325136,32520,000Transfer DS-Lease Purchase300,000221,500(78,500)Transfer Total Change$15,000

16 Changes to Department Funding 142 KERSHAW FIRE (Reimbursed) ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries PT$29,000$15,000$(14,000) 144 LANCASTER FIREFIGHTERS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Overtime$56,000$70,000$14,000Call volume Wages & Salaries PT25,00030,0005,000Call volume Total Change$19,000

17 Changes to Department Funding 153 LANCASTER EMS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT$2,062,120$2,133,599$71,479 $3 increase for medics, county wide adjustment for rest Overtime850,0001,290,000440,000Call volume with 3 shifts Wages & Salaries PT170,000120,000(50,000)Trend-difficulty finding staff Travel, Training, Dues54,00060,0006,000Paramedic school cost increase Supplies-Clothing40,00048,0008,000Trend Maintenance-Vehicles126,200136,0009,800Suspension upgrade Maintenance-Service73,00083,00010,000Trend Total Change$495,279 202 ROADS & BRIDGES ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries PT$7,500$(7,500)Mower transferred to Airport Maintenance-Vehicles200,000220,00020,000Trend Total Change$12,500

18 Changes to Department Funding 210 FLEET OPERATIONS-No major changes 312 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Gasoline$120,000$100,000$(20,000)Trend Contractual Services465,000435,000(30,000)IL site Disposal Contract1,175,0001,300,000125,000Fees continue to increase Total Change$75,000 ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services$172,000$178,0006,000Lighting for Judicial Center 251 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 310 LANDFILL-No major changes

19 Changes to Department Funding 330 HEALTH SERVICES-No major changes 610 VETERANS AFFAIRS-No major changes 840 LIBRARY-New department 601 DEPT. OF SOCIAL SERVICES-No major changes 602 D.S.S. FAMILY INDEP.-No major changes 318 ANIMAL SHELTER-No major changes

20 Capital Improvement Fund Dept.ItemAmount 021 AdministrationVehicle$25,000 070 MagistrateVideo conferencing equipment18,845 110 SheriffFleet400,000 141 FirePickup Truck55,000 153 EMSTwo ambulances & two QRVs554,155 202 Roads & BridgesTandem dump truck175,000 251 Building MaintenanceDoors & frames- Animal Shelter25,000 312 Solid WasteRoll-off Truck175,000 801 RecreationGym floor replacement70,000 Total $1,498,000

21 Recreation Fund 801 REC. OPERATIONS ItemFY15FY16Difference Wages & Salaries PT$45,000$30,000$(15,000) Wages & Salaries PT-Other25,00035,00010,000 Supplies-Materials/Bldg.45,00050,0005,000 Utilities-General179,348194,19414,846 Building Renovations10,00015,0005,000 Maintenance-Parks12,00020,0008,000 Total Change$27,846 810 REC. PROJECTS ItemFY15FY16Difference CP-Park Development$10,000$(10,000) CP-Ballfield Lights20,000(20,000) Total Change$(30,000)

22 Recreation & Airport 815 REC. PROGRAMS ItemFY15FY16Difference Wages & Salaries PT$469,994$532,210$62,216 Program Exp. Recreation407,294474,69667,402 Total Change$129,618 Total Rec. General Fund Transfer$1,000,557$1,048,027$47,470 215 AIRPORT ItemFY15FY16Difference Wages & Salaries PT$10,500 Total Airport General Fund Transfer$50,000$63,783$13,783

23 Admin. Committee Priorities Dept.ItemRecurring CostsCapital Exp. 110 SheriffFour Deputies$237,780$178,308 014 SolicitorAttorney$75,000 014 Public DefenderAttorney$75,000 801 Parks & RecIL Program Supervisor$51,211 110 SheriffExpungement Clerk$39,406 Total $478,397 $178,308 Personnel ItemCost SMS4 Storm water $60,000 Service truck at PW$50,000 Brush truck for Fire$50,000 5 SUV/ Pickup - replace$125,000 Total$285,000 One Time ItemCost Historic Jail roof repairs EMS Station generators$86,000 Building Analysis$40,000 ETV-Lancaster History$26,000 Total$152,000

24 Staff Recommended Priorities ItemRecurring CostsOne time Four Deputies$237,780$178,308 Attorney$75,000 Attorney$75,000 SMS4 Funding$60,000 IL Program Supervisor$51,211 Expungement Clerk$39,406 Subtotal$478,397$238,308 Total$716,705 ItemCost EMS Station generators$86,000 Service truck at PW$50,000 Brush truck for FD$50,000 5 SUV/ Pickup - replace$125,000 Contingency List for December ItemCost Historic Jail roof repairs Building Analysis$40,000 ETV-Lancaster History$26,000 Total$377,000

25 ~The vision for Lancaster County is to be a great place to live, learn, work, worship, play and raise a family~

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