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Steve Jobs.  Steve Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955  He lived in San Francisco, California.  In 1977 Steve Job’s friend, Stephen Wozniak created.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Jobs.  Steve Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955  He lived in San Francisco, California.  In 1977 Steve Job’s friend, Stephen Wozniak created."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Jobs

2  Steve Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955  He lived in San Francisco, California.  In 1977 Steve Job’s friend, Stephen Wozniak created a computer, The Apple II  Steve Jobs soon got Mike Markkula, a former Intel manager to invest a quarter of a million dollars in Wozniak and Job’s business.  In 1980, when Jobs was 25 years old, his net worth was more than $200 million

3 Steve Job’s life  In 1996, Steve Jobs became the CEO of Apple  In 1998, the iMac was introduced  In 2001, the first iPod was introduced o The first iPhone was introduced in 2007 2010 introduced the iPad

4 Since 2001, there has been more than 30 different models of iPods.

5 What’s New Now: The latest technology!  21 st Century technology

6 Why Steve Jobs?  Steve Jobs has had such a large effect on everyone lives and even the lives of future generations.  With advancing technology that Apple has created, everyone’s life is a lot easier.  With Steve Job’s creative ideas, Apple gives people independence, the chance to stay connected with other people, and it allows people to express themselves.

7 How does Steve Jobs relate to Art, Design and Graphic Arts?  Steve Jobs can be related to Art, Design and Graphic Arts because he had such a creative mind  His ideas were always fresh, which is why he kept the company successful  Steve Jobs strived for success and did not stop until he got there, he had a lot of determination which paid off in the end. The commercial that introduced Apple Macintosh computers (Watch the video from this PowerPoint by clicking the image)

8 Why are his accomplishments so appealing to Art, Design and Graphic Arts?  Steve Jobs accomplishments are so interesting to Art, Design and Graphic Arts because Apple’s software are known for it’s programs in animation and design

9  “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me… Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.”

10 The Next i Volkswagen and Apple discuss possible "iCar" project The next iProduct might be an iCar It would have Apple created features

11 How it could be used to better technology  The iCar can be used to better technology because it would combine Apple’s features and apps inside of a car.  People would have everything in their car.

12  When invest in Steve Jobs products, a person’s possibilities are endless.  Jobs has created products that let people express themselves in so many ways.

13 Steve Jobs February 24,1955 --- October 5, 2011

14 References    jobs_1_jobs-and-wozniak-iphone-apple- founder?_s=PM:US jobs_1_jobs-and-wozniak-iphone-apple- founder?_s=PM:US ,8599,209625 1,00.html,8599,209625 1,00.html  1 1

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