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 There are about 900 tests available for discovering genetic abnormalities.  Reasons for such testing include: › Finding possible genetic diseases in.

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2  There are about 900 tests available for discovering genetic abnormalities.  Reasons for such testing include: › Finding possible genetic diseases in unborn embryos. › Finding out if people carry a certain gene and are at risk for passing it along to offspring. › Screening embryos for genetic diseases. › Testing for genetic diseases in adults before they surface and cause symptoms. › Confirming a diagnosis in a person who has certain disease symptoms.

3  Gene Tests › Look for disorders in DNA or RNA taken from a persons blood, bodily fluids (saliva), or other tissues. › Two different types.  Probes: short string of DNA with base sequence complementary to the sequence of the altered gene.  DNA or RNA sequencing: compares base-by-base DNA/RNA sample from a patient to a normal sample.  Chromosomal Tests › Look at features of a person’s chromosomes.  Structure, number, and arrangement. › Types:  Karyotype: Picture of the chromosomes.  FISH analysis: identifies certain regions on chromosomes using fluorescent DNA probes  Biochemical Tests › Look at the activities/amounts of key proteins.

4  Provided for people who are suffering from or may be at risk for genetic disorders.  Reasons some seek genetic counseling: › Have/at risk for a genetic disorder. › Get pregnant after age of 35. › Already have a child with a genetic disorder/birth defect. › Two or more miscarriages, or have had a baby to die. › Ultrasounds/screening tests that suggest possible concerns.

5  The initial reason for “Designer Babies” is to make sure that a couples baby is the sex they want, check for genetic disorders, and in some cases make a second child that can save the life of the first.  Some people want to abuse it. Like picking a shirt out of a catalog, people want to choose what their child looks like, even down to their weight. At this time, however, it remains illegal.  In order to determine the sex and test for genetic disorders to take place, you have to go through a procedures called Pre- implantation Genetic Diagnosis(PDG), which determines the sex of the baby, and InVitro Fertilization or IVF to fertilize eggs with sperm in 'test-tubes' outside the mother's body in a laboratory.

6  Finding genetic diseases before they are passed along to offspring.  Alerting parents to possible problems their children may experience.  Treating genetic diseases, after locating them, so they have no effect on the individual.

7  People may try to abuse technology by “designing” their own children.  Children who aren’t “designer” may feel inferior to the beautiful, athletic, and intelligent children who have been designed.

8  We both agree with genetic testing on embryo’s. We feel that this is a very useful science that can benefit all of humanity and take out devastating genetic diseases that have effected so many lives in the past.  While we are both in agreement with genetic testing, we do not agree with the complete designing of your own child. We feel that genetic testing should be used strictly for medical purposes, and not perverted into a science that people use to pick and choose their child’s features out of a catalogue.


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