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Carew Academy 6 th Form Programme overview 29 th January 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Carew Academy 6 th Form Programme overview 29 th January 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carew Academy 6 th Form Programme overview 29 th January 2015

2 Key Facts Page 2 Opens in September 2015 Located at the current site with a view to moving to new premises over time subject to funding approval When full, estimated 50 places for boys and girls in Year 12 and 13 In 2015, there would be approximately 10 places for pupils in Year 12 There are no fees Placement of a pupil at the Academy is the decision of the Local Authority in consultation with the Academy With support from the Academy’s sponsor, the Orchard Hill College Academy Trust, students will be offered guidance to ensure a clear progression into ongoing destinations

3 Key features of Post 16 offer Page 3 All learners access all core learning areas to prepare them for life after 6 th Form Focused on reaching outcomes and aspirations within the local and wider community Personalised study programmes tailored to key needs Partnership learning to match skills and stretch aspirations Accrediting learning and progress in the right way Developing skills in different environments Independence, wellbeing and skills for daily living Supporting behaviour, autonomy Specialist support where it has most impact - therapy, personalised supported Related to EHCP plan

4 Three core themes Page 4 Health and wellbeing Work related learning Developing independence

5 Five key strands – not in order Page 5 1.Home and Supported living 2.Being part of the community 3.Developing relationships and wellbeing 4.Skills for work and further study 5.Skills for enterprise

6 Home and daily living skills Page 6 Management of health and wellbeing Money skills and financial management Managing space in and around the home Personal care and skills for daily living Keeping safe Relationships in the home Enabling technology in the home environment

7 Community living and wellbeing Page 7 Accessing the wider community – orientation, mobility, travel training Extending circles of support – social networking and developing friendships Advocacy and community groups Social enterprise ICT in the community Keeping safe in the community Short breaks and residential trips

8 Pathways to work Page 8 Work and supported employment: Developing skills to access a local work scheme Skills for enterprise Towards supported traineeships Accessing supported employment Towards voluntary employment Accessing a local FE college to vocational skills Transition to external schemes Work placement ready Developing transferable work skills Initial engagment with work envrionments What level do your learners need to access work related environments or work placement ?

9 Work tasters Page 9 Access to accredited national vocational awards at Entry – Level 1 Taster Work Programmes – for example: Catering Working in a care environment Working in Motor Vehicle Services Retail Skills for Administration Skills for IT employment Horticulture Animal Care Working within Hairdressing Working in Sport and Leisure Supporting environmental projects Employability skills Health and safety at work / following instructions/ working as a team/ Customer service/ Food Hygiene / Presentation and interviewingUse of technology Specialist Work programmes

10 Core functional skills Page 10 Nationally accredited post 16 English, maths and communication programmes embedded to all learning Communication Social communication and key communication skills for living, learning and work Speaking, listening and expressive language Technology to support with communication English Reading and writing Use of language in home, community and work Use of Information Technology to support language skills in work and community Maths Number skills Problem solving using data Awareness of space Maths for working, community and home living

11 Specialist therapy, wellbeing and nursing support To support a students’ additional needs we will work closely with an excellent team of: Nurses Therapists, including: -Speech and language -Physiotherapy -Occupational therapy -Music Therapy -Drama Therapy -Job Coaches -Behaviour support and ELSA team

12 Therapy/ Nursing Links Developing moving on plans Supporting Extended curriculum Supporting learning within study programmes Liaison and visits to other colleges Liaison with community teams Keeping well and developing well being

13 Highly effective partnerships developed within curriculum supporting learners to progress Working with Surrey and Sutton travel scheme

14 How to apply  Complete application form  Assessment jointly by school and LA  Priority will be given to students already on roll at Carew.  Typically, students will be working at levels of literacy and numeracy that are lower than average when compared with the rest of the Year 11 Carew cohort.  Students will be judged to require a longer period within a specialised setting before making the transition to FE College or other provision.  Students will have a statement of educational needs or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that defines their primary additional needs as related to learning; some students may have more complex needs that cannot be supported in a mainstream FE college. An FE college will have assessed the student and supported this.  Linked to Annual Review and Statement/EHCP  Soon, though we are still within a reasonable timeframe

15 Any questions or comments ? Page 15

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