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Prepared by:Nahed AlSalah Data Security 2 Unit 19.

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1 Prepared by:Nahed AlSalah Data Security 2 Unit 19

2 Prepared by Nahed ALsalah Page 1 Goal  Scanning a table for specific details.  Exchaning information orally.  Writing a technical description.

3 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 3 Introducation  There are a variety of security measures that can be used to protect the hardware (the physical components of a computer system) and software (programs and data ) including : 1. Controlling physical access to hardware and software 2. Backuping up data and programs (storing a copy of files on a storage device to keep them safe).

4 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 4 Introducation 4. Implementing network controls such as a)Using passwords ( a secret code used to control access to a network system). b)Installing a firewall ( a combination of a hardware and software used to control the data going into and out of a network. It is used to prevent unauthorized access to the network by hackers). c)Encrypting data ( protecting data by putting It in a form only authorized users can understand).

5 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 5 Introducation d)Installing a callback system ( a system that automatically disconnects a telephone line after receiving a call and then dial the telephone number of the system that made the call, to reconnect the line. It is used in remote access system to make sure that connections can only be made from permitted telephone numbers). e)Using signature verification of biometric security devices ( security devices that measures some aspects of living being e.g. a fingerprint reader of an eye scanner).

6 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 6 Introducation 4. Separating and rotating the computing functions carried out by employees and carrying out periodic audits of the system i.e. observing and recording events on the network systematically. 5. Protecting against natural disasters by installing uninterruptible power supplies ( battery backup systems that automatically provided power to a computer when the normal electricity source fails) and surge protectors (electronic devices that protect equipments from damage due to a sudden surge in a power supply).

7 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 7 Introducation 6. Protecting against viruses by using antivirus programs (computer programs used to detect, identify and remove viruses from a computer system) and ensuring that all software is free of viruses before it is installed. Particular care must be taken when using public domain software (free software) and shareware (software that is free to try out but must be paid for it is used after the trial period).  An anti-virus program is a program that checks files for virus coding instructions inside another program and can be used for removing any virus coding instructions detected.

8 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 8 Introducation

9 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 9 Language Work: Cause & Effect links Cause & Effect (2) links using allow and prevent What is the relationship between them 1- The scanner finds a match for your fingerprint. 2- the keyboard is unlocked. 3- You can use the PC. 1. The way to link these sentences by : ( Cause to - make - when clause - an if-sentences - therefore - with the result that )

10 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 10 Language Work: Cause & Effect links 1. The scanner finds a match for your fingerprint which causes the keyboard to be unlocked. 2. The scanner finds a match for your fingerprint which makes the keyboard to be unlocked. 3. If the scanner finds a match for your fingerprint, the keyboard is unlocked. 4. When the scanner finds a match for your fingerprint,the keyboard to be unlocked. 5. The scanner finds a match for your fingerprint which causes the keyboard to be unlocked. 6. The scanner finds a match for your fingerprint, therefore/with the result that the keyboard to be unlocked.

11 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 11 Language Work: Cause & Effect links 2. The way to link these sentences by : (permits – allows)  The keyboard is unlocked,which allows /permits you to use the PC. OR  The keyboard is unlocked, allowing /permitting you to use the PC.

12 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 12 Language Work: Cause & Effect links 3. The way to link these sentences by : (prevent – stop )  The keyboard remains locked, preventing you ( from) using the PC. OR  The keyboard remains locked, stopping you ( from) using the PC.

13 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 13 The Answers:Key(5) page 135 1- when a user runs anti-virus software, the software checks files for virus coding. If coding is matched to aknown virus in a virus database, a message is displayed to the user that a virus has been found. If the user removes the virus is prevented from spreading or causing further damage. 2- when you approach a high-security network, key features of your face are scanned. If the system matched your features to a database record of authorized staff, your identity is verified allowing you to log on. If your identity is verified, you are stiopped from using the system. 3- Voice-activated computers without keyboards will become more common, when the user wants to log on, she speaks to the computer which matches her voice to a database of voice patterns. If the user has cold or sore throat, she is allowed to use the system because stress and intonation patterns remain the same.

14 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 14 The Answers:Key(5) page 135 1- when a user runs anti-virus software, the software checks files for virus coding. If coding is matched to aknown virus in a virus database, a message is displayed to the user that a virus has been found. If the user removes the virus is prevented from spreading or causing further damage. 2- when you approach a high-security network, key features of your face are scanned. If the system matched your features to a database record of authorized staff, your identity is verified allowing you to log on. If your identity is verified, you are stiopped from using the system. 3- Voice-activated computers without keyboards will become more common, when the user wants to log on, she speaks to the computer which matches her voice to a database of voice patterns. If the user has cold or sore throat, she is allowed to use the system because stress and intonation patterns remain the same.

15 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 15 The Answers:Key(8) page 137 Writing : The LAN is protected by firewall gateway that hides the internal IP addresses of the computers in the LAN and filters network traffic going in and out of the LAN. An internal firewall further protects the database server and intranet by filtering the network traffic and changing the network protocol used on the internal part of the LAN. The firewall modules are managed by a management server which is positioned between the internal firewall and the firewall gateway, as is the Web server.

16 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 16 Unit 19

17 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 17 Summary  The variety measures could be used to protect the hardware and software.  The storage devices used in networks to store data.  Know the terms associated with data security ( such as callback, incremental backup, full backups, biometric security devices, encrypt/ion, firewalls, password protected, surge protectors, uninterruptible power supplies, anti-virus, virus protection.  Should understand and be able to use: allow and permit, prevent and stop links.

18 Prepared by Nahed AlSalah Page 18 Unit 19

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