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Vocabulary CLIPS V3L15V4L11. clip 0 a word that has been shortened, or clipped.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary CLIPS V3L15V4L11. clip 0 a word that has been shortened, or clipped."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary CLIPS V3L15V4L11

2 clip 0 a word that has been shortened, or clipped

3 Bike (bicycle, motorcycle) 0 a 2-wheeled vehicle that a person rides by pushing on foot pedals 0 a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by a motor and that can carry one or two people

4 Hippo (hippopotamus) 0 a large African animal that has an extremely large head and mouth and short legs and that spends most of its time in water

5 Exam (examination) 0 the act of looking at something closely and carefully 0 a test to show a person's progress, knowledge, or ability

6 Mitt (mitten ) 0 mitten 0 a special type of heavy glove worn by a baseball player 0 hand

7 Bus (auto bus) 0 a large vehicle that is used for carrying passengers especially along a particular route at particular times

8 lab (laboratory) 0 laboratory 0 a class period for laboratory work

9 zoo 0 a place where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can see them 0 a place, situation, or group that is crowded, loud, and uncontrolled

10 Sub (substitute, submarine) 0 someone who does the job of another person when that person is not able to do it 0 A watercraft that travel on or under the water

11 Auto (automobile) 0 a vehicle used for carrying passengers on streets and roads

12 math (mathematics) 0 the science of numbers, quantities, and shapes and the relations between them

13 Deli (delicatessen) 0 a store where you can buy foods (such as meats, cheese, salads, and sandwiches) that are already cooked or prepared

14 Condo (condominium) 0 room or set of rooms that is owned by the people who live there and that is part of a larger building containing other similar sets of rooms

15 Disco (disco tech) 0 a nightclub where people dance to recorded popular music 0 a type of popular dance music

16 Mayo (mayonnaise) a thick, white sauce used especially in salads and on sandwiches and made chiefly of eggs, vegetable oil, and vinegar or lemon juice

17 Vet (veterinarian, veteran) a person who is trained to give medical care and treatment to animals, an animal doctor someone who fought in a war as a soldier, sailor, etc someone who has a lot of experience in a particular activity, job, etc

18 Gas (gasoline) 0 a substance (such as oxygen or hydrogen) that is like air and has no fixed shape 0 a gas or mixture of gases that is burned as a fuel 0 the accelerator pedal of a vehicle

19 Gym (gymnasium) 0 physical education 0 a place for sports and exercise

20 Flu (influenza) 0 a common disease that is caused by a virus and that causes fever, weakness, body aches, and breathing problems

21 Dorm (dormitory) a building on a school campus that has rooms where students can live a large room with many beds where people can sleep

22 Drape (drapery) 0 to loosely place or hang (something) 0 to cover (someone or something) with a cloth

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