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Questions to answer What factors influence commissioners in the decisions they make? How might a commissioner decide what is best for the county as a whole.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions to answer What factors influence commissioners in the decisions they make? How might a commissioner decide what is best for the county as a whole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 4.01 Examine the structure and organization of political parties.

2 Questions to answer What factors influence commissioners in the decisions they make? How might a commissioner decide what is best for the county as a whole (“the common good”)?

3 Political Parties Organization of people with common interests who want to influence the government and elect candidates to office. How do you become a member of the ____________ party? Choose one when you register to vote. No dues to pay, no voting requirements.

4 Political Party The purpose is to win elections

5 Functions of Political Parties
Nominate and select candidates Act as watchdogs When in the minority, keep a watch on the party in power. Make sure they do not abuse their power. Inform voters Give jobs to campaign workers who helped him/her get elected Called patronage

6 The U.S. has a two-party system
All national elections have been won by either one of our two major parties- Democrats and Republicans.

7 Types of Party Systems Two Party System Democrats Republicans

8 Democratic Party Andrew Jackson

9 Democratic Party Oldest Political Party in the US
The Democratic Party is the more liberal party. Strong government involvement to solve social problems.

10 Republican Party

11 Republican Party Referred to as the Grand Old Party
Founded in 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists The Republican Party is the more conservative party Emphasize individual freedom and limiting government

12 Third Party Never won a presidential election
Rarely wins other major elections They influence the outcome of elections and influence policy.

13 Why Third Parties Form Support a single issue Prohibition Party

14 Why Third Parties Form? Support Political Beliefs
The Populists, Progressives, & the Reform Party

15 Why Third Parties Form? Support a single candidate
Ross Perot won 20% of the popular vote in the 1992 election.

16 Problems facing Third Parties
Hard to get on the ballot= must get enough signatures on a petition to appear on the ballot. Difficult to raise money Wasting their vote

17 One-Party System A single political party forms the government
No other parties are permitted to run candidates for election

18 Communist Party of China
China would be an example of a one-party system.

19 Multi-party System Most Democracies use multi-party systems.
Germany Israel Canada England Japan Australia. You get the idea, right? Use coalitions to get majorities.

20 The Platform A list of the principles which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public. This often takes the form of a list of support for, or opposition to, controversial topics. Individual topics are often called planks of the platform.

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