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The “original”.  English scientist  Theory proposed in 1803  Billiard Ball ◦ 0312949.aspx

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1 The “original”

2  English scientist  Theory proposed in 1803  Billiard Ball ◦ 0312949.aspx 0312949.aspx

3  Matter is composed of small indivisible particles called atoms.  Atoms of an element are identical to each other and different from atoms of other elements. Twins!!!! Different Twins!!!!

4  Atoms of different elements can combine in simple whole number ratios. It is possible to have more than one compound from the same 2 elements.  Chemical reactions occur when atoms are joined, separated, or rearranged. But, atoms of one element cannot be changed into atoms of a different element.


6  Atoms are divisible!!!!  Atoms of the same element are not identical. Isotopes, with different masses exist.

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