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Using Dreamweaver getting started 1)Start in your “My Documents” folder 2)Create a new folder called “website” 3)Create a sub folder called “images” 4)Start.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Dreamweaver getting started 1)Start in your “My Documents” folder 2)Create a new folder called “website” 3)Create a sub folder called “images” 4)Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Dreamweaver getting started 1)Start in your “My Documents” folder 2)Create a new folder called “website” 3)Create a sub folder called “images” 4)Start Dreamweaver (Desktools/Math and Business/ Adobe CS4)

2 Setting up Dreamweaver 1)From the top menu choose … Site.. New site 2)Name the site “Mysite” 3)Browse to the location of your site (U:\Documents\website)

3 Copy your logo to your images folder It should appear inside your images folder

4 We’re ready to go! 1)Choose File New (Ctrl-N) 2)Choose Insert … table 3)Size the table according to how many top menu items you would like (1 row … 4 columns) 4)Highlight the entire table 5)Choose the CSS tab (bottom left) and then the centre icon 6)Name it mycentre Making a menu

5 Adding a title 1)Insert a new table (4 X 4).. Set the width to 100% 2)Highlight all the “cells” in the top row 3)Find the Merge icon in the bottom left 4)Place your company name in the top row, centre, bold, and BIG!

6 Adding your logo 1)Drag your logo into one of the cells 2)Resize it 3)Adjust the size of the table cells accordingly

7 Viewing your site Save it Call it “index” Hit F12

8 Add your motto Insert your motto into a cell (or merged cells) Change the color of the text by: Highlighting the text Choosing the color from the CSS menu

9 More stuff Right click on the page and choose “Page Properties” to change the background color Turn off the borders by clicking on the tab and setting Border to 0

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