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Student Success Plans, Small Learning Communities, Online Learning Pilot.

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1 Student Success Plans, Small Learning Communities, Online Learning Pilot

2  The BOE has directed administration to look at ways to “transform” current practices and structures with existing (or minimal) resources  This directive was supported by ◦ Inability of the district to open an alternative school program in the Fall of 2011 ◦ Continuing concerns about the unacceptably high drop-out rate ◦ Continuing concerns about the failure and retention rate

3  Governor Malloy has publically announced that his administration will have an “education reform agenda” signaled by the hiring of Stephan Pryor as Commissioner  Commissioner Pryor’s first public comments were about the “unacceptable achievement gaps” in CT schools and his priority will be to “make real progress” in closing these gaps  CAPSS (CT Assoc. of Public School Superintendents) has released the blueprint for “Next Ed: Transforming CT’s Educational System”  The CT Secondary School Reform Initiative appears to continue to have momentum at CSDE and in the CT General Assembly

4  Student Success Plans (SSPs)  Small Learning Communities (SLCs)  Online Learning Pilot

5  Mandated by P.A. 11-135  To begin 2012-13 school year and each school year thereafter  For ALL students, Grades 6-12  Must include career and academic choices  Must be in an electronic format  Should be updated at least annually  Should travel with the student if school changes

6  Academic Development ◦ Selection of rigorous courses linked to interests, skills, and possibly career pathway ◦ Completion of a portfolio or capstone project  Career Development ◦ Interest and career exploration opportunities  Social, Emotional, and Physical Development ◦ Decision-making ◦ Healthy and safe life skills/choices ◦ Possible community service

7  Regular contact with adult mentor/advisor  Electronic plan that is regularly revisited, updated as needed, and travels with student  Creation of a portfolio of “best work” and some form of capstone or culminating experience  Opportunities to connect with larger community in appropriate ways through internships and other workplace development, career exploration, and community service

8  Investigate appropriate electronic tools for interest inventories, career exploration, and long term planning  Discuss possible formats for the capstone experience in TPS: what will the product/process be?  Investigate structures for being able to provide mentoring, portfolio building, and capstone completion including possible changes in graduation requirements (required by 2018) and scheduling

9  Student centered: a core group of teachers knows a small group of students well  Success oriented: academic and other supports to meet the needs of the whole child  Typically, teachers work in teams  Curriculum is revised to show connections between content standards and student interests or goals  May offer some choice/specialization in academic program (theme or magnet)

10  Reduce alienation by creating connections and community common in large schools  Reduce boredom by creating relevance (interest-driven and authentic work)  Connections with teachers and other students  Connections between subjects and between school and “outside” world

11  Consider expanding/refining the 9 th Grade Team concept being piloted this year to assist students in the academic and social transition to high school.  Consider expanding the online learning pilot (if successful this Spring) to serve a greater number and variety of students interested in credit recovery or self-paced learning.  Discussions about whether THS should add a theme-based small learning community in the 2013-14 school year

12  Pilot geared towards offering a non-traditional option for credit recovery  Will utilize the Odysseyware online learning platform for curriculum content  Will include a program manager and tutors to provide support and coordination between students, families, administration, and counselors  Provides a very different paradigm for learning: ◦ Based on mastery of course content ◦ Time is a variable, not based on seat time ◦ Different social dynamic, technology is the main interface for learning

13  Current program positives will be preserved as these are working well for many students (traditional model, AP/ECE, etc.)  Something else has to be available for students who are not successful as evidenced by failure and drop-out rate  Educational research converges around the importance of Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships in schools today  Schools are expected to play a larger role than in the past in educating and supporting the whole child

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