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Alternative forms of communication

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1 Alternative forms of communication

2 Some of the children and families you work with may use alternative forms of communication.
Can you name some?

3 Makaton Communicating with people which have learning disabilities. A form of total communication not just signs Good way of reinforcing a message Important to use the whole system not just the signs

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5 British or Irish sign language
A language with its own grammar structure. Used by people who are deaf. Signs may differ from place to place. Need to be clear as it is a visual way of communicating, so signs need to be unambiguous

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7 Picture exchange communication (PECS)
PECS used with people who have learning disabilities. They are usually pictures which can be laminated and used to show people what is going to happen next or to help people express what they want to happen. Do not usually use more than three at a time (eg shop, cook, eat) signs need to be consistent across everyone using the system with a particular child

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9 Electronic aids to communication
These are different systems that can help children and young people to communicate more effectively. They might be computers with large keyboards or speaking systems. Children can learn to use these to help them communicate more effectively. It can also mean text messaging or

10 Teacch Stands for Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children It is a system of working with children who are on the autistic spectrum to help them develop their skills. It works on a individualised assessment and creates an individual programme for each child and their family. It is highly structured. If a child is on a TEACCH programme it is important that all the people involved in their life follow this.

11 http://www. childrenmattereast. org

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